- Systems of Nominal Determination in Europe and Beyond (06.06 -07.06.2024)
- VI Wedisyn Meeting - Westmost Europe Dialect Syntax (02.06-03.06.2023)
- Workshop Partitivity (06.02.2020) description
- 2nd PARTE Meeting in Zurich (25.01 -26.01.2019)
- Workshop of the PARTE network
- PARTE Workshop 2 - Partitive cases, pronouns and determiners (02.09 - 03.09 2019)description
- Workshop: Around Partitive Articles (04.11 - 05.11.2019) description
- Workshop What's up, Switzerland (18.10 - 20. 10.2018)
- PARTE Workshop 1 – Partitive Determiners and Partitive Case (13 - 14.11.2017)description
- Workshop – Eine semantische Theorie referentieller Ausdrücke (15.04.2016) description
- Workshop Partitivity and Language Contact (25. 11.- 26.11.2016)
- Workshop Partitivity in Romance and Beyond (11.12–13.12.2014)
- Workshop Maps and Grammar (21.03.2014)
- Workshop – Mass and Count in Romance and Germanic Languages (6.12–17.12.2013)description