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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Workshops and conferences 2019

Workshop: Text, Raum und Zeit - Ansichtskarten und andere Textsorte

Date: 11.11- 12.11.2019
Location: University of Zurich
Description: This workshop was organized by the UFSP Language and Space Research Groups 'Interactional Spaces' and 'Spatial Reference'.
Download program here (PDF, 538 KB).

Workshop: Partitive Articles

Date: 04.11 - 05.11.2019
Location: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Description: This workshop was part of the SNSF-funded project, 'Distribution and Function of Partitive Articles in Romance (DiFuPaRo): A Microvariation Analysis'."
For information about the speakers and their topics, please download the program here (PDF, 107 KB).

Conference: Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Processing and Learning (X-PPL) 2019

Date: 4.11 - 5.11.2019
Location: University of Zurich

Workshop: Face and voice processing in humans and machines

Date: 25.10 - 26.10.2019
Location: University of Fribourg
Description: This workshop provided an in-depth understanding of face and voice recognition, exploring both human and automated processing. Participants learned about the cognitive and neural bases of facial and vocal identity recognition, natural differences in individual skills, and practical applications, including the identification of Super-Recognizers and forensic phonetics.

Workshop: Re-Figuration von Raum, Sprache und Interaktion

Date: 25.10. 2019
Location: Universität Zürich
Presenter: Hubert Knoblauch, Technische Universität Berlin

Conference: The Many Facets of Agreement

Date: 3.10 - 5.10.2019
Location: University of Zurich
Description: The conference was part of the SNFS-funded research project  The Zurich database of agreement in Italo-Romance  and featurer presentations by its international consultants, Prof. Greville Corbett and Prof. Jürg Fleischer with further contributions by Diego Pescarini, Giuseppina Silvestri, Serena Romagnoli, Tania Paciaroni, Mario Wild, Alice Idone, Chiara Zanini, Balthasar Bickel, Sebastian Feddden, Elisabeth Stark, Paul Widmer, Elvira Glaser.

Workshop: Gesprächsanalyse Interdisziplinär - Wie analysiert man Gespräche?

Date: 27. 09 2019
Location: Universität Zürich
Description: The workshop was prepared by student working groups as part of the course "Linguistic Conversation Research" and was organized by Heiko Hausendorf, David Koch, and Alexandra Zoller.

Workshop: Eye-Tracking Research

Date: 19.09.2019
Location: Faculty of Science, University of Neuchâtel
Description: Presentation of eye-tracking research and workshop on data collection and qualitative analysis using eye-tracking in natural settings.
Presenters: Wolfgang Kesselheim and Christina Brandenberger, URPP Language and Space

Workshop: Vocal Accommodation in Human-Computer Interaction

Date: 15.09 -19.09.2019
Location: Graz, Austria
Details: This Special Session is promoted by the Research Group Accommodation and Social Categorization within the Zurich University Research Priority Program Language and Space
Follow the link for details. 


Workshop: Partitive cases, pronouns and determiners

Date: 02.09 - 03.09 2019
Location: University of Pavia
Description: The second partitivity workshop was organized in Pavia by PARTE member Silvia Luraghi. Keynote speakers included Michael Daniel (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow) and Riho Grünthal (University of Helsinki). The workshop was sponsored by NWO and the University of Pavia.

Conference: Revisiting Research Training in Linguistics - Theory, Logic, Method

Date: 1.07-13.07.2019
Location: Online & Petnicia Science Centre, Serbia
Follow the link for details about the programme and the Summer School organized in ccoperation with the TextGroup from URPP Language and Space Lab.

Poster- Session Site Visit

Date: 28.05. 2019
Location: University of Zurich
Description: The postersession took place in the context of the Site Visit by the External Advisory Board. It provided the opportunity to present the different areas of research of the URPP as well as the current research projects to the External Advisory Board and the interested public.
Follow the link to to view  the presented posters.

Workshop: PARTE Network

Date: 25.01 - 26.01.2019
Location: University of Zurich 
Organizers: Elvira Glaser, Tabea Ihsane and Elisabeth Stark from the URPP research group SyNoDe.

Workshop: Spatial patterns of language evolution

Date: 24.01.2019
Location: University of Zurich
Description: Workshop as part of the URPP research group "Areal Morphology", organized by Peter Ranacher, leader SDSGroup in the Language and Space Lab.
Details can be found here.
