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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Workshops and conferences 2016

Workshop: Partitivity and Language Contact

Date: 25. 11.- 26.11.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Organizers: members of the Research Group SyNoDe.

Workshop: Corpus-Based Dialectometry

Modelling Aggregate Data
Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (KU Leuven)
Curdin Derungs
Conditional Inference Trees
and Random Forests
Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (KU Leuven)
Tanja Samardžić 


Workshop: Relativisation strategies in a Central European perspective - Slavic and beyond

Date: 28.10 - 29.10.2016
Location: University of Zurich


Workshop: Syntaktische Analysen im weltweit grössten Parallelkorpus: Methoden und Probleme bei Neuauswertungen des Wenker-Materials

Date:  21.09.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Presenter: Jürg Fleischer (University of  Marburg).

Workshop: MiMoGa - Atelier international de (micro)variation morphosyntaxique galloromane

Date: 15.09.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Organizers: Mathieu Avanzi, Benjamin Massot, and Elisabeth Stark

Conference: DIA-IV - Rethinking linguistic variation

Date: 12.09 - 14.09.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Organizers: Martin Glessgen, Johannes Kabatek, Elisabeth Stark, Harald Völker

Conference: International URPP Summer School "Language and Space"

Date: 4.09 – 9.09.2016
Location: Kloster Kappel, Kappel am Albis

Workshop: From Animal communication to Zurich German

Date: 04.07. 2016
Location: University of Zurich
Description: The workshop was planned around three thematic blocks, all related to Anderson's research topics: animal communication, clitics, and flexivity in morphology. In brief presentations, each contributor introduced the research context, relevant data, and open questions related to their project.
Organizers: members of the Iinterest group Morphologie.

Workshop: Thank you and goodbye! - Closings at the Counter

Date: 28.06.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Presenters: Christian Heath (King's College London)  & Lorenza Mondada (University of Basel).
Description: This workshop examined how service encounters at Zurich’s main station ticket counters concluded, focusing on customer and employee interactions with the card reader and revolving tray. Video data collected by teams led by Prof. Dr. Hausendorf and Prof. Dr. Mondada formed the basis for discussion, analyzed by Adriano Sabini in his dissertation, "Good Journey! A Spatial Linguistic Study of Service Encounters at Zurich Main Station."

Workshop: Analyzing social media data in research on varieties of English

Date: 22.06.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Presenter: Lars Hinrichs (University of Texas)
  1. Why we are doing this, Overview: goals and schedule , R , What R is , Who Hadley Wickham is , Setting up a working environment , RStudio: script, console, data file(s), viewing options
  2. Collecting Twitter and Facebook data, using R and the streamR package , using Nvivo , using FireAnt 
  3. Data mining , Statistics , Descriptive , Making plots , Multivariate analysis , Making dotcharts , Reporting stats 
  4.  Making maps , Better plots with ggplot2 

Workshop: Embodied and spatial organization of transitions in a dance class

Date: 12.05.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Presenter: Leelo Keevallik (Linköping University)
This event took place as part of a short-term fellowship (funded by the URPP Language and Space). The activities were organized by Angelika Linke and Heiko Hausendorf.

Workshop: Interpersonal coordination in self-defense trainings

Date: 10.05.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Presenter: Anja Stukenbrock (Universität Lausanne)
Organizers: Angelika Linke and Heiko Hausendorf.

Workshop: Virtuelle Friedhöfe im Spannungsfeld zwischen Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit

Date: 21.04.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Presenter: Susanne Tienken (University of Stockholm)
Organizers: Karina Frick and Christa Dürscheid

Workshop: Eine semantische Theorie referentieller Ausdrücke

Date: 15.04.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Presenter: Klaus von Heusinger (University of Cologne)
Description: The workshop covered fundamentals of a semantic theory of referential expressions.
Organizers: Johannes Kabatek, David Gerards, Marianne Hundt, and Elisabeth Stark

Workshop: Mental Maps

Date: 07.04.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Presenter: Eva-Christina Edinger
Description: The workshop introduced the concept of Mental Maps. In the context of cultural studies and spatial research, it presented and discussed forms of creating and interpreting these visualized mental maps. 
Organizers: Interest Group for Spatial Theories of the URPP Language and Space

Workshop: Variation in space and time: clausal complementation in South Slavic

Date: 17.03 – 19.03.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Convenors: Barbara Sonnenhauser and Björn Wiemer (University of Mainz)

Workshop: Frontiers of early human expansion in Asia: linguistic and genetic perspectives on Ainu, Japan and the North Pacific Rim

Date: 13.03 – 14.03.2016
Location: University of Zurich
Organizers: Hiromi Matsumae, Kentaro Shimizu, Balthasar Bickel.
This workshop was co-financed by the URPPs Evolution in Action and Language and Space.

