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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Looking back and looking forward - The URPP Language and Space on the doorstep to phase three

Workshop, Tuesday, 26 January 2021, online

Program outline

09.45 - 09.50 Introduction
09.50 - 10.35

Talk by Marie-Luis Merten, assistant professor for Communicating Digitalized Spaces
(affiliated to URPP Language and Space, Digital Society Initiative, and German Department)

Title of the talk: Image Macros as Practice of Political Participation in Digital Publics

10.35 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 12.15 Break-out groups
12.15 - 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 - 15.15 Plenary: reports of break-out groups
15.15 - 15.30 Wrap-up, next steps and closing
16.00 - 16.30 Plenary assembly members URPP Language and Space (participating professors and staff members)


Carlota de Benito Moreno, Kristina Eiviler, Peter Ranacher, Robert Weibel


The "Looking back" part of the program will be made available to all participants in advance as links to podcasts produced by the URPP research and lab groups.


For questions, please contact