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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Workshops 2021

(Herkunfts)Sprachen in der Schweiz - Über 'Jugo', 'Jugo-Deutsch' und ethnolektales Schwizertüütsch

Regional markedness in text

Date: 6.11 – 7.11.2021

Looking back and looking forward - The URPP Language and Space on the doorstep to phase three

Date: 26.01.2021, online
Key Speaker: Marie-Luis Merten
For details visit the event page here


Date: 18.01.2021, online
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Heiko Hausendorf , PD Dr. Wolfgang Kesselheim.
Description: Workshop organized as an extension to the Zurich Online School in Multimodal Interaction Analysis (ZOSMIA) 2020, due to the unexpectedly large number of participants. This workshop is intended for all participants who couldn’t attend the ZOSMIA 2020 data sessions.

