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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Processing and Learning (X-PPL)

Exploring the Intersection of Linguistic Diversity and Language Processing

In recent decades, growing evidence has highlighted how the distribution of linguistic features across the world’s languages is influenced by the information processing principles of the human mind and brain. Conversely, this research suggests that our cognition may be shaped by the specific linguistic experiences we encounter.

To delve into these fascinating connections, we hosted an event inviting 20-minute talks focused on the interface between linguistic diversity and language processing, spanning topics in production, comprehension, and acquisition. Contributors presented new insights on:

  • Whether and how grammars adapt to cognitive, neurobiological, and external constraints on processing and learning
  • Whether and how various grammatical properties of linguistic systems might support different strategies in processing and learning

For further details on the program, speakers, and topics discussed, please visit our event page here.

Organizers: Sebastian Sauppe, Balthasar Bickel, Sabine Stoll
Program Committee: Balthasar Bickel, Nicholas Lester, Martin Meyer, Sebastian Sauppe, Sabine Stoll