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Title | Instructors | Category | Date |
La Variación Lingüística en el Nivel Individual: Actitudes, Conta
Carlota de Benito Moreno | Seminar | Tue 14:00-15:45 |
Johannes Kabatek, Carlota de Benito Moreno |
Colloquium |
Mon 16:15-18:00 | |
Perspektiven der Höflichkeit | Iris Hübscher, Andreas Jucker und weitere | Lecture | Tue 18:15-20:00 |
Linguistik des Stereotyps | Wolfgang Kesselheim | Seminar | Mon 08:00-09:45 |
Marie-Luis Merten | Seminar | Thu 10:15-12:00 |
GIScience Project | Peter Ranacher | Lecture with Practical Exercises | Mon 10:15-12:00, 14:00-15:45 |
Tanja Samardzic | Lecture with Practical Exercises | Tue 16:15-18:00 |