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URPP Language and Space

URPP Language and Space News

News list

  • Habilitation Carlota de Benito Moreno

  • Award project Nuevos espacios del español en Europa

  • ILANSCO24 look back

  • Kristina Eiviler JSPS research scholarship and Postdoc

    Kristina Eiviler has been awarded a research grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for a one-year stay in Japan. She will work with Prof. Gabriele Trovato at the Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT, Tokyo, Japan) to continue her research on human-robot interactions.

    After the fellowship, she will return to Zurich and spend the next four years as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Beth Singler at the URPP Digital Religions.


  • Kristina Eiviler PhD degree

  • Johannes Kabatek receives award

  • URPP Language and Space in the UZH News

  • Habilitation Elisa Pellegrino

  • Team Effort Award 2023

  • Habilitation Marie-Luis Merten

  • Johannes Kabatek receives the Gutenberg Research Award 2024

  • César Nombela Grant for Carlota de Benito Moreno

  • Best Student Paper Award

  • Christoph Hottiger successful PhD defense

    Christoph Hottiger has successfully defended his PhD thesis "Doing reading in interaction" on 24.07.2023. 

  • Kenan Hochuli receives FAN-grant

    The Fund for the Advancement of Young Academics (FAN) is funding Kenan Hochuli's project "The Co-Evolution of Language, Interaction and Architecture". Congratulations!

  • New co-leadership

    The URPP Language and Space will have a new co-leadership from 01.04.2023 on.

  • New book published

    The book Multimodal Im/politeness, edited by Andreas H. Jucker, Iris Hübscher and Lucien Brown, has recently been published.

  • PhD defense Olga Pelloni

    Olga Pelloni (Sozinova) successfully defended her PhD thesis on January 27, 2023.

  • Publication: Ansichten zur Ansichtskarte

    The collective volume on postcards Ansichten zur Ansichtskarte: Textlinguistik, Korpuspragmatik und Kulturanalyse with the participation of URPP Language and Space members has just been published.

  • PhD defense Omnia Ibrahim

    Omnia Ibrahim, former PhD student at the URPP Language and Space, has successfully defended her PhD thesis.

  • PhD defense Nour Efrat-Kowalsky

    Nour Efrat-Kowalsky has successfully defended her PhD thesis on 29.11.2022.

  • Manuel Bär: successful PhD defense

    Manuel Bär has successfully defended his dissertation "Capturing Perceived Everyday Lived Landscapes through Gamification and Active Crowdsourcing" on November 1, 2022.

  • Nico Neureiter dissertation award

    Nico Neureiter, former PhD student, whose project was funded by the URPP Language and Space, has received the distinction award of the Faculty of Science of UZH for his thesis, entitled "Travelling with speakers through time and space: Spatio-temporal modelling of language change”.

  • New publication: Handbook Pragmatics of Space

    The handbook "Pragmatics of Space", edited by URPP Language and Space members Andreas H. Jucker and Heiko Hausendorf, has been published.

  • PhD defense Nico Neureiter

    Nico Neureiter successfully defended his dissertation "Travelling with speakers through time and space: Spatio-temporal modelling of language change" on 27.06.2022.

  • Successful PhD defense Teodora Vukovic

    Former URPP Language and Space doctoral student Teodora Vukovic successfully defended her dissertation on June 2, 2022.

  • New paper SDSGroup, Language and Space Lab

    The paper "Linguistic traits as heritable units? Spatial Bayesian clustering reveals Swiss German dialect regions" by Noemi Romano, Peter Ranacher, Sandro Bachmann and Stéphane Joost has been published. 

  • Wolfgang Kesselheim new job at University of Greifswald

    VideoGroup director Wolfgang Kesselheim has a new position as "Akademischer Rat" at the University of Greifswald. The position starts on 01.05.2022. The URPP Language and Space congratulates warmly!

  • New ECR representative Larissa Schmidt

    Kristina Eiviler hands over the position of ECR representative to Larissa Schmidt as of 01.04.2022. The URPP Language and Space thanks for the tireless efforts.

  • Successful PhD defense Christina Brandenberger

    Christina Brandenberger has successfully defended her PhD on 28.01.2022 on the topic Interaktive Wissenskonstruktion im Science Center: Zur Rolle interaktiver Verfahren der Vermittlung multisensorialer Erfahrungen.

  • Marie-Luis Merten Fellowship Trier University

    Marie-Luis Merten has received a fellowship at Trier University from 18 to 28 January 2022.

  • Kenan Hochuli starts Early Postdoc.Mobility in San Diego

    For Kenan Hochuli, the SNSF Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowship starts in San Diego.

  • Kristina Eiviler and colleagues win short-film award

    URPP Language and Space PhD student Kristina Eiviler, together with Monika Molnar (UZH) and Petra Sidler (FHNW & NCCR - on the move), has won the Swiss Science Film Academy award in the category "Scientists as filmmakers" for the short film "Who is (not) Swiss". Congratulations!

  • Start of the project Science Dialogue

  • Dissertation David Gerards: Awarded the Elise-Richter-Prize of the Deutscher Romanistenverband

    The dissertation of former URPP Language and Space doctoral student David Paul Gerards is awarded the Elise-Richter-Prize of the  Deutscher Romanistenverband.

  • NCCR «Evolving Language» in the UZH News

    The article with the title "Tapping into People’s Thoughts" reports on reserach within the NCR «Evolving Language».

  • New paper: Exploring correlations in genetic and cultural variation across language families in northeast Asia

    Humans have been always on the move, creating a complex history of languages and cultural traditions dispersed over the globe. An international team under UZH’s lead has now traced families of related languages over more than 10,000 years by combining data from genetics, linguistics and musicology using novel digital methods. Their findings: grammar reflects best the common prehistory of a population and therefore mirrors genetics more than any other cultural feature.

    Link to press release of the UZH from 19.08.2021

    Link to publication DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd9223

    Matsumae, H., Ranacher, P., Savage, P. E., Blasi, D., Currie, T. E., Sato, T., Koganebuchi, K., Nishida, N., Sato, T., Tanabe, H., Tajima, A., Brown, S., Stoneking, M., Shimizu, K. K., Oota, H., Bickel, B. (2021). Exploring correlations in genetic and cultural variation across language families in Northeast Asia. Science Advances. 18 August 2021.

  • New paper: Contact-tracing in cultural evolution: a Bayesian mixture model to detect geographic areas of language contact

    Contact tracing of a different kind. The latest paper in Royal Society INTERFACE by Peter Ranacher, Nico Neureiter, Rik van Gijn, Barbara Sonnenhauser, Anastasia Escher, Robert Weibel, Pieter Muysken and Balthasar Bickel introduces a novel algorithm for Bayesian clustering in the presence of confounding effects, and shows how it can be used to trace areas of possible spatial contact between different languages. 

  • Successful PhD defence of Tatyana Ruzsics

    Tatyana Ruzsics has successfully completet her PhD studies about a  Multi-level Modelling for Upstream Text Processing on April 29, 2021. The URPP Language and Space congratulates!

  • Barbara Sonnenhauser new co-director URPP Language and Space

    Barbara Sonnenhauser has been elected co-director of the URPP Language and Space on its plenary assembly 26 January 2021. From 1st of February she leads the research association together with Robert Weibel.

  • David Gerards receives annual award of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

    For his dissertation on "Bare Partitives in Old Spanish and Old Portuguese", David Gerards receives this year's annual award of the UZH Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

  • Elisabeth Stark Nominated as New Vice President Research

    The UZH Senate nominated Professor Elisabeth Stark for the position of Vice President Research at its meeting on 10 December 2020. The Board of the University will finalize her appointment on 21 January 2021.

  • Konrad-Duden award for Christa Dürscheid

    URPP Language and Space member Christa Dürscheid receives the Konrad-Duden award 2020.

  • Ximena Gutierrez PostDoc in the Language and Space Lab

    Since 01.10.2020, Ximena Gutierrez is employed as a PostDoc in the SNSF project "Non-randomness in Morphological Diversity: A Computational Approach Based on Multilingual Corpora". She already collaborated as a Swiss Government Excellence Scholar for one year. We are looking forward to further collaboration!

  • Movetia grant for UPSKILLS project

    The project "UPgrading the SKIlls of Linguistics and Language Students - UPSKILLS" receives a grant of CHF 92'310 by Movetia.

  • Carlota de Benito new SNSF project

    Carlota de Benito receives an SNSF grant of CHF 994'490 for the project Rural sociolinguistics in the Canary Islands: linguistic innovation and diffusion (RurICan) starting from 1 October 2020.

  • Kenan Hochuli on SRF Wissenschafts-Magazin

    Kenan Hochuli talks about digital distance learning on the SRF Wissenschafts-Magazin.

  • Christa Dürscheid at SRF Kultur Kompakt

    Christa Dürscheid talks about challenges of digitization at SRF Kultur Kompakt.

  • Successful PhD defense of David Gerards

    David Gerards successfully completed his PhD project "Bare Partitives in Old Spanish and Old Portuguese" on August 21, 2020. Congratulations!

  • Innosuisse third-party funded project VideoGroup and Technorama

    Innosuisse has awarded a contribution to the preliminary study "Visitor Empowerment: Besucher aktivieren durch sprachwissenschaftlich optimierte Texte", which is being carried out by the Language and Space Lab's VideoGroup and the Technorama.

  • Successful PhD defense of Alice Idone

    Alice Idone has successfully defended her PhD thesis "Morfologia e sintassi dell’accordo in calabrese meridionale: il dialetto di Villa San Giovanni (RC)" on 21 July 2020.

  • Podcast lecture series UZH, Covid-19 with URPP members

    The podcast lecture series of the UZH Interdisciplinary Commission deals with the topic Covid-19: The Responsibility of Universities in Times of Global Turmoil. URPP Language and Space members Elisabeth Stark, Johannes Kabatek, Noah Bubenhofer and Heiko Hausendorf contribute.

  • IntAkt in the UZH News

    The project "Architecture-for-interaction", led by Heiko Hausendorf, is mentioned in the UZH News.

  • SNSF-Fellowship for Kenan Hochuli

    Kenan Hochuli, who completed his PhD at the URPP Language and Space last year, receives an Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship for San Diego from the SNSF.

  • Research project Architecture-for-interaction in the Zürcher Studierendenzeitung

    The Zürcher Studierendenzeitung informs about Heiko Hausendorf's project "Architecture-for-interaction".

  • New SNSF Project Michele Loporcaro

    URPP Language and Space member Michele Loporcaro receives an SNSF grant for the project AIS, the digital turn.

  • Balthasar Bickel in the UZH News

    URPP Language and Space member Balthasar Bickel was interviewed for the UZH News.

  • Balthasar Bickel and Hanna Ruch in the new UZH magazine

    URPP Language and Space member Balthasar Bickel and associate Hanna Ruch are in the latest issue of the UZH magazine.

  • Johannes Kabatek on

    Johannes Kabatek's project "Mapa del español en Suiza" is presented on

  • Volker Dellwo in the UZH News

    An article about URPP Language and Space member Volker Dellwo was published in the UZH News.

  • Volker Dellwo project approved

    The SNSF Spark project "Multi-modal speech sensing based on 2D and 3D optical and acoustic signals for identity recognition and authentication" starts on 1 February 2020.

  • Joint workshop between UZH and NII Tokyo

    Volker Dellwo, Thayabaran Kathiresan and Sascha Frueholz participated at the first joint workshop between University of Zurich and National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo.

  • PhD thesis defense Kenan Hochuli

    Kenan Hochuli, Doktorand im Sprache-Raum-Laboratorium, hat am 19. Dezember 2019 seine Dissertation mit dem Titel "Interactive Processes and Configurations at Market Stalls in Istanbul and Zurich" verteidigt. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

  • PhD thesis defense Sandra Winiger

    URPP Language and Space PhD student Sandra Winiger has defended her PhD thesis entitled "Multimodale Ausstellungsrezeption von Installationskunst. Eine raum- und interaktionslinguistische Studie zur Ausstellung 'Cloud Cities' von Tomás Saraceno im Hamburger Bahnhof" on 28 November 2019.

  • Iris Hübscher receives Peter Jusczyk Best Paper Award of the Journal Language Learning and Development

  • Wolfgang Behr receives SNSF grant

    URPP Language and Space member Wolfgang Behr receives an SNSF grant for his project Sino-Indo-Iranica rediviva: Early Eurasian migratory terms in Chinese and their cultural implications.

  • Heiko Hausendorf: new SNSF project

    URPP Language and Space member Heiko Hausendorf receives an SNSF grant for his project "Interaktion und Architektur: Vergleichende Fallstudien zur Re-Figuration institutioneller Kommunikation".

  • Fall Semester 19: Two topical lecture series with URPP members

    In fall semester 2019 there are two topical lecture series at the University of Zurich to which URPP Language and Space members contribute.

  • News article Tania Paciaroni: Fieldwork Pyrenees

    URPP Language and Space Postdoc Tania Paciaroni was at the Pyrenees for her fieldwork trip. The Frensch newspaper La Dépêche reports about her research stay (only accessible for subscribers).

  • Christa Dürscheid at Bayrischer Rundfunk

    URPP Language and Space member Christa Dürscheid talks about the online reference work "Variantengrammatik des Standarddeutschen" at Bayrischer Rundfunk.

  • Nico Neureiter research stay in Auckland

    URPP Language and Space Doctoral Student Nico Neureiter received an UZH Graduate Campus grant.

  • Angelika Linke at SRF Echo der Zeit

    Angelika Linke, member of the URPP Language and Space, was interviewed at SRF Echo der Zeit regarding the issue of gender-appropriate language.

  • URPP Language and Space Site Visit

    The URPP Language and Space Site Visit took place from 27 to 28 May 2019. The photos show a few impressions of the event, which included talks, discussions and a poster session.

  • Volker Dellwo receives SNSF grant

    The SNSF awarded Volker Dellwo 900k CHF for a four year project to  study the Dynamics of Indexical Information in Speech and its Role in  Speech Communication and Speaker Recognition.

  • Naomi Baron and Lonneke van der Plas will be guests of the URPP Language and Space in 2019 with DSI fellowships

    The Digital Society Initiative will fund the fellowships of Naomi Baron, professor at American University, Washington, and of Lonneke van der Plas, Senior Lecturer at the University of Malta, in the course of 2019.

  • Volker Dellwo: Article in the Tages-Anzeiger

    The Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reports about Volker Dellwo's work as a voice forensic scientist.

  • Scientific Advisory Board of the URPP with new members

    Starting 2019, five internationally renowned experts in linguistics are members of the newly composed Scientific Advisory Board of the URPP Language and Space.

  • Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI) project entered Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2021-2024

    The big infrastructure project "Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI)", lead by Elisabeth Stark, is now, at the end of a three level evaluation process by the institutions UZH, swissuniversities, SNSF and SERI, recorded in the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures State Secretary of Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

  • Rik van Gijn receives ERC consolidator grant for investigating South American population history

    Congratulations to Rik van Gijn, member and co-coordinator of the URPP Language and Space research group "Areal Morphology", for this great success! The project "South American population history revisited: multidisciplinary perspectives on the Upper Amazon" (SAPPHIRE) is hosted by Leiden University.