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URPP Language and Space

Courses held by staff members of the URPP relating to Language and Space

Courses in spring semester 2016


Titel Dozierende Kategorie  Termin

Discourses in Place: Zu Schrift und Gesprochenem im öffentlichen Raum

Klaus Wolfgang Kesselheim


Do 14:00-15:45

Konvergenz und Divergenz

Agnes Kolmer SE

Mi 14:00-15:45

Fonética y fonología del español (grupo 1)

Hanna Ruch SE

Di 12:15-13:45

Structure Course: Aramaic

Eleanor Coghill UE

Di 16:15-18:00, 3.5.: 18:00-19:00

CL AV / WV: Cross-linguistic transfer of lexical semantic reprensentations

Tanja Samardzic


Do 12:15-13:45

Advanced Spatial Analysis II

Curdin Derungs VU

Do 08:00-09:45

Introduction to Linguistics, Part II (Seminar Group 4)

Nathalie Meyer SE

Mi 08:00-09:45