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URPP Language and Space

Talks and presentations of members of the URPP with relation to the topic "Language and Space" in 2019

Iris Hübscher

Annotating and analyzing spoken language with video data (2019)

11 December 2019

Guest lecture in MA class on Phonetic Transcription. University of Zurich

Heiko Hausendorf

(K)eine Zauberei: Wie man Dinge mit Worten tut.

27. November 2019

UZH Kinderuniversität, Program

Martin Volk et al.

An Empirical Analysis of Linguistic, Typographic, and Structural Features in Simplified German Texts

13 November 2019

CLiC-it 2019 (Conferenza italiana sulla linguistica computazionale), Bari, Program

Jan Davatz, Elisabeth Stark

Unexpected partitives in Francoprovençal

4./5. November 2019

Workshop "Around Partitive Articles", Universität Frankfurt, Program (PDF, 107 KB)

Barbara Sonnenhauser

Aktuelle Projekte und Forschungsinteressen

1. November 2019

UZH Tag der Slavistik, Program

Tanja Samardzic, Maja Milicevic

Get ready for research while studying language and linguistics

30 October 2019

UZH Tag der Lehre, Program

Tatyana Ruzsics

Multilevel Text Normalization with Sequence-to-Sequence Networks and Multisource Learning

29 October 2019

Colloquium Institute of Computational Linguistics, Program

Balthasar Bickel

Evolutionary perspectives on language: critical discussion of a rapidly evolving field

15 October 2019

Brown Bag Lunch, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution, Program

Ximena Gutierrez-Vasques

Measuring Language Complexity

15 October 2019

Colloquium Institute of Computational Linguistics, Program

LiRI members

Linguistic Research Infrastructure (LiRI) - Information Event

11 October 2019

More information about this event can be found on the LiRI website:

Balthasar Bickel, Elvira Glaser, Elisabeth Stark, Paul Widmer

Individual keynote talks

3.-5. October 2019

Conference "The many facets of Agreement" , More information

Barbara Sonnenhauser, Paul Widmer

Argumentkodierung im Balkanareal

26 September 2019

Deutscher Slavistentag, Universität Trier, Program

Sabine Stoll

What role do universals play in language development? Human ontogeny and beyond

24 September 2019

Brown Bag Lunch, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution, Program

Omnia Ibrahim, Gabriel Skantze, Sabine Stoll, Volker Dellwo

Fundamental frequency accommodation in multi-party human-robot game interactions: The effect of winning or losing

19 September 2019

INTERSPEECH 2019, Graz, Program

Heiko Hausendorf, Ralph Kunz

Organisation: Kirchenraum im Wandel: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven

19 September to 9 December 2019

Lecture Series, Program

Johannes Kabatek, Rico Valär

Organisation: Regionalsprachen in Europa: Realitäten, Identitäten, Hintergründe

18. September to 11. December 2019

Lecture Series Institute of Romance Studies, Program

Christina Brandenberger, Wolfgang Kesselheim et al.

Using eye-tracking to study gaze behavior during social interaction in experimental and natural environments

18./19. September 2019

Workshop University of Neuchâtel, more information

Carlota de Benito Moreno

Dormí una siesta maso de 5 horas y cero sueno: grammaticalization phenomena in colloquial Spanish

16. September 2019

UZH, Antrittsvorlesung

Teodora Vukovic, Anastasia Makarova

Possessive dativ clitics and congruent possessive pronouns in Timok dialect

13 September 2019

Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS) conference, University of Potsdam, Program

Olga Sozinova, Tanja Samardžić, Christian Bentz

Measuring inflectional and derivational complexity

12. September 2019

Interactive Workshop on Measuring Language Complexity (IWMLC), Program

Barbara Sonnenhauser

Comparing morphology across space and time. The case of case

11 September 2019

Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS) conference, University of Potsdam, Program

Barbara Sonnenhauser

Pathways to modality in Slovene: grammaticalisation in a philological context

11 September 2019

Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS) conference, University of Potsdam, Program

John Mansfield, Sabine Stoll, Balthasar Bickel

Category clustering: A probabilistic universal in the morphology of verbal agreement

6 September 2019

13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia, Program

Paul Widmer, Barbara Sonnenhauser

Comparing the multi-faceted morphosyntax of argument selection in an areal context

6 September 2019

13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia, Program

Peter Ranacher, Nico Neureiter et al.

Detecting areas of shared history: the Upper Amazon

6 September 2019

13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia, Program

Nico Neureiter, Peter Ranacher et al.

On the evolution of so-called hierarchical person-marking systems in Tupian and Sino-Tibetan

5 September 2019

13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia, Program

Chundra Cathcart, Andreas Hölzl, Paul Widmer, Balthasar Bickel

Numeral classifiers and plural marking in Indo-Iranian: an evolutionary study

4 September 2019

13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia, Program

Balthasar Bickel, John Mansfield, Sabine Stoll

Category clustering: a probabilistic universal in the morphology of argument marking

24 August 2019

52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig University, Program

Marianne Hundt et al.

Comparing annotation schemes across time: The problem of syntactic mapping

23 August 2019

52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig University, Program

Sabine Stoll, Jekaterina Mazara

Development of Verb Morphology in Russian: From ItemSpecificity to Proficient Use

22 August 2019

52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig University, Program

Johannes Kabatek

New speakers and language change: The case of contemporary Galician

21 August 2019

52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig University, Program

Tania Paciaroni

‘External’ agreement in Ripano. A corpus-based account

21 August 2019

52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig University, Program

Iris Hübscher et al.

A new tool to assess pragmatic prosody in children: evidence from 3- to 4-year-olds

5-9 August 2019

International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019, Program

Andreas Jucker

The rise (and fall) of non-imposition politeness in English

22 July 2019

 International Association of University Professors of English, IAUPE, 2019, Poznań, Poland, Program

Iris Hübscher et al.

Teaching children to enact mental states and emotions improves their pragmatic skills

10-12 July 2019

Child Language Symposium 2019, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, Program

Paul Widmer, Eugen Hill

Towards a typology of diachronic trends in inflection

5 July 2019

International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL) 24, The Australian National University, Canberra, Program

Christina Brandenberger

Referential practices in the Science Centre: Constructing natural phenomena through multimodal actions

3 July 2019

 IIEMCA19 Practices, Mannheim, Program

Tanja Samardzic

Presentation of Research

20./21. June 2019

2nd International Workshop for Women in Big Data, Renaissance Tower, Zurich, Program

Iris Hübscher et al.

Assessing pragmatic prosody in 3- to 4-year-old children

19 June 2019

3rd Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference, Lecce, Italy, Program

Tatyana Ruzsics, Massimo Lusetti, Anne Göhring, Tanja Samardzic, Elisabeth Stark

Neural Text Normalization with Adapted Decoding and POS Features

18 June 2019

SwissText 2019, program

Elisa Pellegrino, Hanna Ruch, Thayabaran Kathiresan and Volker Dellwo

Rhythmic Convergence and Divergence in two Swiss German dialects

18 June 2019

3rd Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference, Lecce, Italy, Program

Iris Hübscher et al.

Assessing pragmatic prosody in 3- to 4-year-old children

17-19 June 2019

3rdPhonetics and Phonology in Europe. Università del Salento: Lecce, Program

Iris Hübscher, Laura Vincze, Pilar Prieto

Epistemic stance production in children and adults: an experimental approach

9-14 June 2019

16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA). The Hong Kong Polytecnic University: Hong Kong, Program

Elvira Glaser, Angelika Linke

Der Blick zurück und zu den Nachbarn / Sprache - Körper - Raum

16. Mai 2019

Abschiedsvorlesungen von Elvira Glaser und Angelika Linke

Elisa Pellegrino

After pronunciation training L2 learners converge prosodically to the native speaker

3. May 2019

UZH-UNIGE Workshop on Computers in L2 Learning and Assessment, Program

Volker Dellwo, Jean-Philippe Goldman, Sandra Schwab

MIAPARLE: Online training for discrimination and production of stress contrasts in L2 Spanish and L2 English

3. May 2019

UZH-UNIGE Workshop on Computers in L2 Learning and Assessment, Program

Olga Sozinova

Measuring Inflectional and Derivational Complexity on the Universal Dependencies Dataset

30. April 2019

Colloquium Computational Linguistics UZH , Program

Sabine Stoll

Erstspracherwerb in maximal verschiedenen Sprachen

12. April 2019

UZH, creation of a professorship ad personam for psycholinguistics

Balthasar Bickel and others

How can we bridge the gap?

9. April 2019

4th session, Symposium "Crossing the boundaries: language in interaction", Program

Wolfgang Kesselheim, Christoph Hottiger

Besucherexperimente im Science Center: Welche Einsichten in die Herstellung von Wissen in Interaktion werden erst durch die Zusammenschau von Audio-, Video- und Eye-Tracking-Daten möglich?

28. March 2019

6. Jahrestagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Program

Sergey Mukhametov, Wolfgang Kesselheim, Christina Brandenberger

Interaktion im öffentlichen Raum: Von der qualitativen Rekonstruktion ihrer multimodalen Gestalt zur automatischen Detektion mit Hilfe von 3-D-Sensoren

28. March 2019

6. Jahrestagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Program

Heiko Hausendorf

Der Hauptbahnhof als Kommunikationsraum

27. March 2019

ZHAW Winterthur, "Universitäre Vorlesungen Winterthur"

Tanja Samardzic

Spatial Prominence and Text Frequency

19. March 2019

Colloquium Computational Linguistics UZH, Program

Christa Dürscheid

Schreiben in Sozialen Medien. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven

13. March 2019

55. IDS Jahrestagung: "Deutsch in Sozialen Medien: Interaktiv - multimodal - vielfältig", Program

Balthasar Bickel and others

Language-gene mismatches in global human history

5. March 2019

ISLE Inaugural Workshop: "The Evolution of Language: Bridging the natural and cognitive sciences", Program

Christian Bentz and others

The evolution of language families is shaped by the environment beyond neutral drift

5. March 2019

ISLE Inaugural Workshop: "The Evolution of Language: Bridging the natural and cognitive sciences", Program

Balthasar Bickel and Sebastian Sauppe

Probing the evolutionary origins of the agent preference in human language

4. March 2019

ISLE Inaugural Workshop: "The Evolution of Language: Bridging the natural and cognitive sciences", Program

Petra Sleeman and Tabea Ihsane

The acquisition of the quantitative pronoun and the role of L1

22. February 2019

Poster presentation at IGG45, 45° Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Università degli studi di Padova, Program

Christa Dürscheid

Digitaler Wandel und jugendliche Lebenswelt

6. February 2019

Keynote, conference "Multimodale Kommunikation in den Hypermedien – Herausforderungen für die Deutschdidaktik", Program

Elvira Glaser, Tabea Ihsane and others

Features and contexts of Partitive pronouns: a cross-linguistic comparison

26. January 2019

PARTE Network Meeting, Program

Peter Ranacher

PARTE Network Meeting practical session

25. January 2019

PARTE Network Meeting, Program

Peter Ranacher

Finding zones of shared evolution in space

24. January 2019

Workshop "Spatial Patterns of Language Evolution", Program

Nico Neureiter

Migration Beyond Diffusion: Drift in Human Phylogeography

24. January 2019

Workshop "Spatial Patterns of Language Evolution", Program