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URPP Language and Space

Talks and presentations of members of the URPP with relation to the topic "Language and Space" in 2018

Volker Dellwo, Thayabaran Kathiresan, Elisa Pellegrino, Hanna Ruch

Corpus, Methods and Measures of Accommodation at Zurich URPP Language and Space

13. December 2018

Workshop on Accommodation in Speech Communication, University of Zurich, Program

Volker Dellwo, Omnia Ibrahim, Sabine Stoll

Developmental aspects of accommodation in Chintang

13. December 2018

Workshop on Accommodation in Speech Communication, University of Zurich, Program

Elisa Pellegrino, Valeria Caruso

Accommodation strategies used by hearing speakers in spoken interactions with deaf people. A preliminary investigation

13. December 2018

Workshop on Accommodation in Speech Communication, University of Zurich, Program

Carlota de Benito

El COSER: lecciones aprendidas y retos futuros

12. December 2018

Jornada de estudios: aspectos técnicos de la elaboración de corpus electrónicos en español, Universidad de Valencia, Program

Volker Dellwo, Thayabaran Kathiresan

Dynamics of indexical information in speech

7. December 2018

Workshop “What is Language?”, University of Zurich, Program

Balthasar Bickel, Marianne Hundt, Johannes Kabatek, Frederick Newmeyer

What is Language - from without? Round Table

7. December 2018

Workshop “What is Language?”, University of Zurich, Program

Carlota de Benito

Estudiar la variación en la era de la comunicación digital

6. December 2018

Seminar, Università di Bologna

Sabine Stoll

The extraction of parts-of-speech from child-surrounding speech

6. December 2018

Workshop “What is Language?”, University of Zurich, Program

Johannes Kabatek

Die Renaissance des römischen Rechts und die Verschriftlichung romanischer Sprachen

4. December 2018

Interdisciplinary lecture series of the Competence Center «Zürcher Mediävistik» about «Recht und Gesellschaft im Mittelalter», University of Zurich, Program

Martin Volk et al.

Credit Suisse Bulletin Corpus: The world’s oldest banking magazine as gold mine for
applications in Digital Humanities

29./30. November 2018

DARIAH-CH Workshop, Neuchâtel

Elvira Glaser

Bekommen-Periphrasen. Deutsche Syntax im Lichte des Niederländischen

28. November 2018

Lecture "Go Dutch!", University of Zurich

Peter Ranacher

Overview and training on methods of geo-linguistic data

27. November 2018

Workshop First step towards an interactive map of Balkan linguistic features, University of Zurich

Barbara Sonnenhauser

Approaching the Balkans. Zurich perspectives

26. November 2018

Workshop First step towards an interactive map of Balkan linguistic features, University of Zurich

Christina Brandenberger

Multimodal techniques of making sensorial experiences available in interaction: a video and eye-tracking based study of visitor interaction in the Science Centre

22. November 2018

Doktorierendenkolloquium Linguistik, University of Zurich

Elvira Glaser

Schweizerdeutsche Morphosyntax im Kontakt mit Dialekt und Standard

20. November 2018

Forum Language and Society, University of Bern

Antonia Steger

Sich fremd bleiben? Interaktionsanalysen von flüchtigen urbanen Begegnungen

20. November 2018

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, symposium “Gelebte Stadträume – öffentliche Räume und Nachbarschaften

Iris Hübscher

Catalan children's multimodal development: experimental evidence

15. November 2018

Universitat Rovira i Virgili: Tarragona

Christian Bentz et al.

The Evolution of Language Families is shaped by the Environment beyond Neutral Drift

15. November 2018

University of York, Workshop on Phylogenetic Linguistics and Linguistic Theory

Manuel Bär

Mapathon – Polygons Against Poverty

13. November 2018

University of Zurich, Program

Johannes Kabatek

The Diachrony of DOM in Spanish: towards a multi-dimensional approach

10. November 2018

Workshop “Differential Object Marking in Romance – towards microvariation”. INALCO Paris, Program

Larissa Binder, Elisabeth Stark

Differential object marking in French: myth or reality?

9. November 2018

Workshop “Differential Object Marking in Romance – towards microvariation”. INALCO Paris, Program

Sabine Stoll

Does order matter for ontogeny?

9. November 2018

Workshop Perspectives on Word Order Evolution: Reconstruction, Typology, and Processing, University of Zurich, Program

David Gerards, Elisabeth Stark

Why partitive articles in Romance languages? A comparative morphological account

8. November 2018

NEREUS IX, University of Wuppertal, Program

Balthasar Bickel

Word order and population history

8. November 2018

Workshop Perspectives on Word Order Evolution: Reconstruction, Typology, and Processing, University of Zurich, Program

Christoph Hottiger

Doing Reading in Interaction - A Conversation Analytical Investigation of the Interactive Use of Exhibit Texts in a Science Centre

8. November 2018

Doktorierendenkolloquium Linguistik, University of Zurich

Heiko Hausendorf


8. November 2018

Cooperation Workshop with SFB 1265 „Re-Figuration von Räumen“, Technische Universität Berlin, Program

Angelika Linke

Der Esstisch – Eine historische Skizze (14. - 21. Jh.)

8. November 2018

Cooperation Workshop with SFB 1265 „Re-Figuration von Räumen“, Technische Universität Berlin, Program

Antonia Steger

Flüchtige urbane Begegnungen

8. November 2018

Cooperation Workshop with SFB 1265 „Re-Figuration von Räumen“, Technische Universität Berlin, Program

Kenan Hochuli

Interaktion auf dem Wochenmarkt

8. November 2018

Cooperation Workshop with SFB 1265 „Re-Figuration von Räumen“, Technische Universität Berlin, Program

Wolfgang Kesselheim

Interaktion im Science-Center Winterthur

8. November 2018

Cooperation Workshop with SFB 1265 „Re-Figuration von Räumen“, Technische Universität Berlin, Program

Nico Neureiter

Travelling with speakers through time and space: spatio-temporal modelling of language change

6. November 2018

GIScience Colloquium, University of Zurich

Volker Dellwo, Andrea Büchler, Marc Thommen

Meine Stimme − meine Identität? Technisches und Rechtliches zur phonetischen Analyse und Manipulation

6. November 2018

Center for Information Technology, Society, and Law, University of Zurich, Program

Wolfgang Behr

‘Classical Chinese’ and its Discontents: What, if anything, was yăyán 雅言 ('refined language')?

2. November 2018

Columbia University

Christina Brandenberger and Nathalie Meyer

Stadt als Spielfeld denken

31. October 2018

Workshop in the context of the science festival "100 Ways of Thinking. Universität in der Kunsthalle", Zurich, Program

Christa Dürscheid

"Unser Schreibzeug arbeitet mit an unseren Gedanken" - Schreiben in digitalen Zeiten

28. October 2018

TalkWochenende Über Schrift in the context of "100 Ways of Thinking. Universität Zürich in der Kunsthalle", Zürich, Program

Wolfgang Behr

Knochenorakel und die Geburt der chinesischen Schrift

28. October 2018

TalkWochenende Über Schrift in the context of "100 Ways of Thinking. Universität Zürich in der Kunsthalle", Zürich, Program

Carlota de Benito

'Éramos pequeños, pero se escondíamos como las ratas’: pronombres reflexivos que no se conforman

27. October 2018

Bcnspiracy, Cosmocaixa Barcelona, Program

Elisabeth Stark

Pourquoi des 'articles partitifs' dans les langues romanes? Approche morphologique comparative

26. October 2018

Colloque de recherche en linguistique, University of Lille

Elvira Glaser and Marianne Hundt

Aus dem "Feld" auf den Server: Dialektforschung und Digitalisierung

25. October 2018

Swiss Digital Day 2018, Zurich, Program

Daniel Schreier

Contact linguistics, restructuring and morphosyntactic variation: Past be regularization on St Helena

19. October 2018

NWAV 47, New York University

Sabine Stoll et al.

Acquisition processes in maximally diverse languages: min(d)ing the ambient language

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Volker Dellwo, Elisa Pellegrino, Hanna Ruch

Rhythmic Accommodation in a Dialect Contact Situation. Acoustic and Perception Studies in Grison and Zurich German

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Balthasar Bickel, Florian Sommer, Paul Widmer et al.

Next-generation databases for linguistics: capturing complex patterns in grammar

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Balthasar Bickel, Paul Widmer et al.

Unifying multiple perspectives on word order evolution through research on reconstruction, typology and processing

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Elisabeth Stark, Simone Ueberwasser

What’s Up Switzerland? A project and its corpus

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Wolfgang Behr, Balthasar Bickel, Peter Ranacher, Florian Sommer, Robert Weibel, Paul Widmer, et al.

Linguistic Morphology in Time and Space (LiMiTS)

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Claudia Cathomas, Michele Loporcaro, Sabine Stoll et al.

Contemporary language documentation: acquisition and use of Romansh Tuatschin

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Barbara Sonnenhauser, Paul Widmer

Albanisch im Kontakt. Horizontaler Transfer und Identitätsstiftung in der Mehrsprachigkeitspraxis

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Tabea Ihsane, Elisabeth Stark

Distribution and Function of ‘Partitive Articles’ in Romance: A microvariation analysis

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Marianne Hundt et al.

Prepositions in English Argument Structure (PEAS) across Time and Space: A Corpus-bases Evolutionary Construction Grammar Approach

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Sabine Stoll et al.

The role of causality in early verb learning: language-specific factors vs. universal strategies

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Christian Bentz, Christof Bless, Tatiana Ruzsics, Tanja Samardžić, Larissa Schmidt, Olga Sozinova, Teodora Vuković

Text-based language comparison for modern dialectology and typology

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Balthasar Bickel, Paul Widmer et al.

The Evolution of Noun Phrases in Indo-Iranian: empirical foundations and theoretical modeling

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Elvira Glaser, Sandro Bachmann, Anja Hasse

gschmöis – Eine Smartphone-App zur Erforschung des Schweizerdeutschen. Oder: Warum braucht es eigentlich noch so eine App?

12. October 2018

10th Day of Swiss Linguistics, University of Bern, Program

Carlota de Benito

Human impersonals in Spanish: the role of transitivity

11./12. October 2018

Workshop on Human Impersonal Constructions: Typological and functional perspectives to human impersonals in the outskirts of Standard Average European languages, University of Stockholm, Program

Christa Dürscheid

Mündlichkeit/Schriftlichkeit aus linguistischer Perspektive. Koch/Oesterreicher im digitalen Zeitalter

11. October 2018

Conference "Mediale Poetologien der Literatur", Program

Martin-Dietrich Glessgen

Sprachhistorische Aspekte galloromanischer Rechtstexte

9. October 2018

Interdisciplinary lecture series of the Competence Center «Zürcher Mediävistik» about «Recht und Gesellschaft im Mittelalter», University of Zurich, Program

Christa Dürscheid, Karina Frick

Öffentlich Abschied nehmen: Trauer im Internet

5. October 2018

Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Theologischen Gesellschaft (SThG), University of Zurich, Program

Antonia Steger

Affekte in Interaktionen zwischen Fremden? Eine Evaluation von Krisenexperimenten

1. October 2018

University of Siegen

Teodora Vuković, Max Wahlström

Is there a definite article? Reference annotation for a Torlak speech corpus

October 2018

Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg

Teodora Vuković et al.

Quantitative methods of analyzing Serbian Timok dialect texts

October 2018

Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg

Tanja Samardžić, Teodora Vuković

Areal Distribution of the post-posed Article in Timok Dialect of Torlak

October 2018

Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg

Christa Dürscheid

Spricht die Jugend eine andere Sprache?

27. September 2018

Seniorenuniversität, University of Zurich

Nico Neureiter

Migration Beyond Diffusion: Drift in Human Phylogeography

26. September 2018

IVS, University of Zurich

Tanja Samardžić et al.

SETimes.SR – A reference training corpus of Serbian

20. September 2018

Conference on Language Technologies & Digital Humanities 2018, Ljubljana, Program

Christina Brandenberger, Nathalie Meyer

Multimodale Interaktion beim Spielen von Pokémon Go – Orientierung in
überlagerten Räumen

19. September 2018

Workshop, IDS Mannheim, Program

Heiko Hausendorf

Sprache und Raum. Interaktions- und textlinguistische Perspektiven

14. September 2018

University of Helsinki

Hanna Ruch

Dialektkontakt und phonetische Akkommodation

13. September 2018

6. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD), Marburg, Program

Christa Dürscheid

Private, nicht öffentliche und öffentliche Kommunikation mit dem Smartphone – alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?

12. September 2018

50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, Essen, Program

Antonia Steger

Urbane Augenblicke. Konstitutive interaktive Ambivalenzen in flüchtigen Begegnungen zwischen Unbekannten

12. September 2018

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Christa Dürscheid, Christian Kiening, Philipp Theisohn

Text und Bild. Analysen zur digitalen Kommunikation

5./6. September 2018

Study presentation and lecture, UZH Studieninformationstage

Volker Dellwo and others

The Zurich Corpus of Vowel and Voice Quality, Version 1.0

4. September 2018

Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, Program

Andreas Jucker

Manners, conduct and the discourse of im/proper behaviour in Restoration and eighteenth century drama

1. September 2018

14th ESSE conference, Brno, Program

Barbara Sonnenhauser, Björn Wiemer

Clausal complements and complementizers – in search of a methodology for their comparative analysis in synchrony and diachrony

August 2018

Internationaler Slavistenkongress, Belgrad

Ramon Ferrer-I-Cancho and Christian Bentz

Language optimization in the light of standard information theory

31. August 2018

SLE 2018 - 51st Annual Meeting, Tallin University, Program

Steven Moran, Sebastian Sauppe, Nicholas Lester and Sabine Stoll 

Worldwide frequency distribution of phoneme types predicts their order of acquisition

31. August 2018

SLE 2018 - 51st Annual Meeting, Tallin University, Program

Paul Widmer and Barbara Sonnenhauser

What is actually lost? Risking yet another view at the Balkan league

29. August 2018

 SLE 2018 - 51st Annual Meeting, Tallin University, Program

Tabea Ihsane

Preverbal subjects with a partitive article: The case of Francoprovençal in the Aosta Valley

29. August 2018

SLE 2018 - 51st Annual Meeting, Tallin University, Program

Manuel Bär, Ross Purves

StarBorn: Making in-situ land cover validation fun with a location based game

29. August 2018

GIScience2018, Melbourne, Program

Ekaterina Egorova

You Know a Mountain by a Company It Keeps: A Corpus-driven Study of Landscape Terms’ Semantics

29. August 2018

GIScience2018, Melbourne, Program

Tanja Samardžić, Elisabeth Stark, Tatiana Ruzsics et al.

Encoder-decoder methods for text normalization

20. August 2018

Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018), COLING 2018, Santa Fe, Program

Tanja Samardžić et al.

Language Identification and Morphosyntactic Tagging: The Second VarDial Evaluation Campaign

20. August 2018

Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018), COLING 2018, Santa Fe, Program

Daniel Schreier

Do dialects really change or speakers simply vary? Challenges for sociolinguistic fieldwork and interpretation

7. August 2018

Invited guest lecture, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Volker Dellwo, Lei He

Between-speaker variability in first formant dynamics

31. July 2018

27th IAFPA Conference, University of Huddersfield, Program

Daniel Schreier

Remnant features in post-colonial dialect contact settings: Innovation vs. conservatism

27. July 2018

Invited guest lecture, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

Balthasar Bickel

Morphological Fitness

24. July 2018

III Colloquio internacional sobre la tipología de las lenguas amerindias, Lima

Andreas Jucker

Apologies: A corpus-variational approach

18. July 2018

5th ISLE Conference, London, Program

Marianne Hundt

(The) thing is... nobody has looked at focalisers in World Englishes, yet

18. July 2018

5th ISLE conference, London, Program

Christina Brandenberger

Vocal depiction as a technique for making multisensorial perception available in interaction

15. July 2018

5th International Conference of Conversation Analysis (ICCA), Loughborough University, Program

Christina Brandenberger, Christoph Hottiger, Kenan Hochuli, Wolfgang Kesselheim

Noticing unnoticed features in the environment: Interactive discovery work in science and technology centres

14. July 2018

5th International Conference of Conversation Analysis (ICCA, Loughborough
University, Program

Kenan Hochuli

Openings & closings at market stalls in Zurich & Istanbul

14. July 2018

5th International Conference of Conversation Analysis (ICCA), Loughborough University, Program

Nathalie Meyer

Co-presence and joint attention in Minecraft teamplayer games

4.-6. July 2018

Videogame interactions in EMCA, 3rd Conference on Screen-Based Multimodal Interaction, Lyon

Heiko Hausendorf

Die Betretbarkeit der Institution - ein vernachlässigter Aspekt der lnteraktion in Organisationen

29. June 2018

Symposion Institutionelle Kommunikation (im Gedenken an Florian Menz), University of Vienna, Program

Balthasar Bickel

Keynote Talk

27.-30. June 2018

Conference “Typology and Universals in Word Formation IV”, University of Košice, Slovakia

Hanna Ruch, Mary Stevens

Dialect contact in real interactions and in an agent-based model: evidence for asymmetric convergence in vowels

22. June 2018

LabPhon16, University of Lissabon, Program

Elisabeth Stark

‘Digital French’ – A New Variety?

21. June 2018

Keynote, 25th LIPP Symposium “Language Variation: Research, Models, and Perspectives”, LMU Munich, Program

Daniel Schreier

Individual Variation and the Social Motivation of Dialect Change

21. June 2018

Keynote, 25th LIPP Symposium “Language Variation: Research, Models, and Perspectives”, LMU Munich, Program

Christa Dürscheid

Image, Writing, Unicode

15. June 2018

Keynote, Graphemics in the 21st century—From graphemes to knowledge, Pôle Numérique Brest Iroise, Program

Ross Purves

Geographie mit Text+Berg

14. June 2018

 Abschlussworkshop Text+Berg 2018, University of Zurich, Program

Martin Volk and Daniel Wüest

Vom Scan zum Korpus - Geschichte und Geschichten

14. June 2018

 Abschlussworkshop Text+Berg 2018, University of Zurich, Program

Christoph Hottiger, Wolfgang Kesselheim and Christina Brandenberger

Interactive Discoveries. Oder: Wie wird im Technorama gemeinsam Wissen konstruiert?

12. June 2018

Staff event of the Swiss Science Center Technorama, Winterthur

Andreas Jucker

Im/politeness in Medieval Britain and the discursive turn in politeness theory

11./12. June 2018

Workshop “Politeness across time and space” FU Berlin

Christa Dürscheid

Die Kunst der Mitte – Bildung, Sprache, Umgangsformen

11. June 2018

Panel "Frankfurter HausGespräch: Zentrum und Extreme. Wechselspiel der offenen Gesellschaft" of the Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main.

Christoph Hottiger, Armin Duff, Wolfgang Kesselheim and Christina Brandenberger

Analysing visitors' conversations

8. June 2018

Ecsite Annual Conference 2018, Geneva, Program

Antonia Steger

Flüchtige urbane Begegnungen – Eine Videonalyse interaktiver Minimalformen im öffentlichen Raum

8. June 2018

VALS-ASLA 2018, University of Basel, Program

Kenan Hochuli, Wolfgang Kesselheim, Christoph Hottiger and Christina Brandenberger

Eye-tracking and Conversation Analysis: A theoretical discussion of the approach to gaze 'from within' interactants

7. June 2018

VALS-ASLA 2018, University of Basel, Program

Wolfgang Kesselheim, Christina Brandenberger, Kenan Hochuli, Christoph Hottiger

What is the phenomenon? The multimodal achievement of joint discoveries in science centres

7. June 2018

VALS-ASLA 2018, University of Basel, Program

Kyoko Sugisaki, Nicolas Wiedmer, Marcel Naef, Heiko Hausendorf

Modeling Thematic Structure in Holiday Postcards

5. June 2018

Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities 2018 (COMHUM 2018), University of Lausanne, Program

Christa Dürscheid

Neue Dialoge – neue Forschungsfragen. Die Smartphone-Kommunikation aus linguistischer Sicht.

4. June 2018

Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald

Teodora Vuković

Non-standard spoken corpora design

June 2018

Humboldt University, Berlin

Michele Loporcaro

Matter versus pattern borrowing in Morphology

May 2018

University of Zurich

Andreas Jucker

The discourse of im/politeness in eighteenth-century English literature

31. May 2018

Clare Hall, Cambridge

Bernhard Tschofen et al.

Alles Alpen? Anmerkungen zur Erforschung und Vermittlung des Alpinen im Zeichen seiner Entgrenzung

29. May 2018

Alpine Museum Munich / Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft und
Europäische Ethnologie, LMU, Program

Tabea Ihsane et al.

Regional variation in the standard language

26. May 2018

PARTE network meeting, University of Amsterdam

Elvira Glaser, Thomas Strobel

PARTE network meeting

25./26. May 2018

University of Amsterdam

Tabea Ihsane, Elisabeth Stark

Fieldwork in the Aosta Valley: A study of the partitive article

25. May 2018

PARTE network meeting, University of Amsterdam

Michele Loporcaro

The Zurich database of agreement in Italo-Romance

24. May 2018

Colloquium of the URPP Language and Space

Elisabeth Stark

L’expression de la réciprocité dans trois langues romanes

17. May 2018

Conference "Les formes réfléchies du verbe – construction et polyvalence", University of Fribourg, Program

Christa Dürscheid

Vom Internetschreiben zum Cybermobbing - Themen für die Sprachkritik?

16. May 2018

Institut für Deutsche Philologie, Universität Greifswald, Program

Heiko Hausendorf

Was passiert am Schalter? Zur Interaktionsarchitektur des Fahrkartenverkaufs und ihrer aktuellen Re-Figuration

16. May 2018

Kommunikationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft,Universität Duisburg-Essen, Program

Tatyana Ruzsics, Massimo Lusetti

Encoder-Decoder Methods for Text Normalization

12. May 2018

SwissText 2018, ZHAW Winterthur, Program

Peter Ranacher

A spatial view on language evolution

9. May 2018

Uppsala University, Program

Claudia Cathomas, Géraldine Walther, Volker Dellwo und Hanna Ruch

FFG Accommodation and Social Categorization - reports and prospects

26. April 2018

URPP Language and Space Colloquium, University of Zurich

Martin Volk, Johannes Graën

Building and Searching Parallel Corpora

25. April 2018

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

Angelika Linke


23. April 2018

Ringvorlesung Kulturtheorien, University of Zurich

Ekaterina Egorova

From Text to Space: Spatial Discourse in Alpine Route Directions and Narratives

12. April 2018

PhD Defense, University of Zurich

Florian Sommer and Paul Widmer

Neutral Animacy? The Role of Referential Features in Attic Agreement

12. April 2018

Keynote, A corpus and usage-based approach to Ancient Greek: from the Archaic period until the Koiné, University of Latvia, Program

Curdin Derungs

Language & Space

11. April 2018

 Brown-Bag Lunch of the Digital Society Initiative, University of Zurich

Martin Volk

Parallele Korpora, Terminologie-Extraktion und Maschinelle Übersetzung

23. March 2018

Deutscher Terminologietag, Mannheim

Elisabeth Stark

Le français numérique – une variété innovante?

15. March 2018

Troisième colloque international DIA du français actuel - Le français innovant, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

Manuel Bär

Who is behind your data? A conversation across geographic disciplines

9. March 2018

Department of Geography, University of Zurich

Christa Dürscheid

Die personale Kommunikation im Internet – (k)ein Dialog?

8. March 2018

Symposium Das Dialogische Prinzip - Aktualitität über 100 Jahre, University of Salzburg, Program

Wolfgang Behr

Motivating Arguments, Grounding Interpretations: Some Uses of Etymology in Ancient India and China

7. March 2018

University of Oxford

Martin Volk

Parallel Corpora and Machine Translation

5. March 2018

Université Diderot, Paris

Bernhard Tschofen

Schöne Berge. Bilder der Alpenliebe, oder auch: Kunst als Populärkultur

21. February 2018

Press information on the exhibition "Schöne Berge. Eine Ansichtssache" of the Swiss Alpine Museum, Bern

Andreas Jucker

Methods in historical pragmatics: Corpus-based speech act research

16./17. February 2018

Conference on Historical Pragmatics: Language Use Across Time, Padua, Program

Andreas Jucker

From ‘I cry you mercy’ to ‘Oops, sorry’: Apologies in the history of English

16./17. February 2018

Conference on Historical Pragmatics: Language Use Across Time, Padua, Program

Ross Purves

Delineating and describing landscapes and landform elements: challenges and novel
methodological approaches

29. January 2018

GIScience colloquium Universität Heidelberg, Program

Bernhard Tschofen

Es sollte eine Volksabstimmung darüber geben! Wie Wölfe die Schweiz bewegen und wie es sich darüber forschen lässt

24. January 2018

Lehrstuhl für Europäische Ethnologie, University of Würzburg

Daniel Schreier

Lesser-known varieties of English as a repository for archaic dialect features: new evidence of colonial lag?

18. January 2018

Invited guest lecture, University of Giessen

Elvira Glaser

Specifics of linguistics as a field and potential of citizen science: perspective from dialectology

16. January 2018

Workshop Citizen Science in Linguistics, Zurich

Elisabeth Stark

International Workshop "Patterns of repetition in language use"

15./16. January 2018

Organisation, International Workshop of the Research projects “What’s up, Switzerland?” and “What’s up, Germany?” at the University of Leipzig, Program

Tabea Ihsane, Petra Sleeman

Convergence and divergence in the expression of partitivity: a cross-linguistic experimental study

9. January 2018

Workshop for Barbara Partee’s honorary doctorate, University of Amsterdam