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Projektbericht "SynMod" - Modellierung morpho-syntaktischer Raumbildung im Schweizerdeutschen
21. December 2017
Colloquium URPP Language and Space, University of Zurich
Albanische Morphosyntax im Kontakt
19. December 2017
Workshop Albanisch im Kontakt, University of Zurich, Program
Zum Lehnwortschatz in den italoalbanischen Dialekten
19. December 2017
Workshop Albanisch im Kontakt, University of Zurich, Program
Linguistic diversity in processing and acquisition: An evolutionary perspective
15. December 2017
12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Canberra, Program
Reflexivity in north-western Europe: A diachronic and areal perspective
12.-14. December 2017
12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Canberra, Program
Causes and effects of noun production across language
12.-14. December 2017
12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Canberra, Program
Pre-Classical Archaisms in Contemporary Written Chinese? Longue-durée vs. Drift in the History of Chinese Grammar
12.-13. December 2017
Conference «The Life of a Dead Language - Modern Uses of Classical Chinese», IKOS, University of Oslo
Koch/Oesterreicher und die (neuen) Medien – Anmerkungen aus germanistischer Sicht
24. November 2017
Colloquium Was bleibt von Nähe und Distanz? Mediale und konzeptionelle Aspekte von Diskurstraditionen und sprachlichem Wandel, LMU München, Program
Why 'partitive articles'? Encoding 'non-individuation' in Galloromance nominals
9. December 2017
Going Romance 30, Frankfurt am Main
Musterwandel als Indikator für kulturellen Wandel - Ein Abriss zur Veränderung von Grussformeln vom 17. zum 21. Jahrhundert
9. December 2017
WWU Münster, German Institute, Program
Das Text+Berg-Projekt
December 2017
Lecture MAS Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaften, Central Library Zurich
Salon – Herrenzimmer – Kinderstube: Orte und Traditionen geschlechtsspezifischen Gesprächsverhaltens im Bürgertum des 19. Jahrhundert
30. November 2017
German Department, University of Stockholm
Sharing perception when using hands-on exhibits in science centres: The case of vocal depiction
23. November 2017
Study afternoon of the URPP Language and Space, University of Zurich
Some reflections on the diachrony of DOM in Spanish
17. November 2017
International workshop "Diachrony of Differential Object Marking", Paris
The present as a broken window on the past: investigating /h/ insertion in English, 1050-1950
17. November 2017
University of Bern
Agent-based modelling of dialect contact
15 November 2017
Oberseminar des Instituts für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU Munich
Partitive markers in Germanic varieties
14. November 2017
PARTE Workshop, Partitive Determiners and Partitive Case. Venice University, Program
The L2 acquisition of the (non-)referentiality of des/du NPs in French and the role of cross-linguistic influence
13 November 2017
PARTE Workshop, Partitive Determiners and Partitive Case. Venice University, Program
'Partitive articles' in the Aosta Valley
13. November 2017
PARTE Workshop, Partitive Determiners and Partitive Case. Venice University, Program
Womit lockt das Technorama? Exemplarische Beobachtungen zu Interaktionsarchitektur und Benutzbarkeitshinweisen
10. November 2017
Workshop «Zur interaktiven Konstruktion von Wissen im Science Center», Swiss Science Center Technorama, Winterthur
Visual manifestation of online grief
9 November 2017
Conference Visualizing (in) the New Media, Universität Neuchâtel, Program
Relative autonomy. Strange relative constructions in 18th-19th century Slovene
4. November 2017
Traces of Latin, Greek and Church Slavonic in Slavonic Syntax, Salzburg, Program
Code-Mixing im Tuatschin
3. November 2017
Meeting of the General Linguistics Group, University of Zurich
Interaction between linguistic and indexical information in human and machine speech processing
3. November 2017
Workshop on Speaker Individuality in Voice: Human and Machine Processing, Zurich
Gute Gründe für schlechte Texte
27. October 2017
Linguistische Gedanken zu einer ethnomethodologisch inspirierten Textanalyse, 50 Jahre Studies in Ethnomethodology, University of Konstanz, Program
Mass/count and grammatical gender in Romance
27. October 2017
Linguistics Colloquium, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Forschungen zum Arvanitika
26. October 2017
International conference "Albanistische Forschungen in den Deutschsprachigen Ländern", Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Pristina, Program
The Evolution of World Englishes: From Unity to Diversity
25. October 2017
Lecture Series Debating the Anglosphere: History, Hegemony, Identity, University of Zurich
Flüchtige urbane Begegnungen. Multimodale Analyse nicht-fokussierter Interaktionen
25. October 2017
VI. Youth Academic Workshop Video Analysis at the international conference "Harold Garfinkel’s Studies in Ethnomethodology’ – Fifty Years After", University of Konstanz, Program
Soziale und räumliche Positionierung im Gottesdienst
19. October 2017
Temporality in multimodal gestalts and beyond – Zeitlichkeit in multimodalen Gestalten und darüber hinaus, Château de Dorigny, University of Lausanne
Language Technology at the University of Zurich
19. October 2017
The fourth Natural Language Processing & Text Analytics Meetup, University of Zurich
Variation, deviation, migration – How unified was Old Chinese?
18. October 2017
University of Macau
Ethnodialektale Räume in der Deutschschweiz
13. October 2017
19. Arbeitstagung zur alemannischen Dialektologie, University of Freiburg, Program
What's behind Variation with (a) lot (of)? A View from World Englishes
12. October 2017
School of English, Seminar Series, The University of Hong Kong
Die Wenkerbogen in der Deutschschweiz – Daten und Karten
12. October 2017
19. Arbeitstagung zur alemannischen Dialektologie, University of Freiburg, Program
Is past participle agreement in French also a normative artefact?
11. October 2017
Keynote, XXXV Romanistentag des Deutschen Romanistenverbandes, University of Zurich, Section 15, Program
Verbausbau im Okzitanischen, Spanischen und Katalanischen im 12. und 13. Jh.
9. October 2017
XXXV Romanistentag des Deutschen Romanistenverbandes, University of Zurich, Section 9, Program
5. October 2017
Workshop "Zusammenarbeit(en). Praktiken der Koordination, Kooperation und Repräsentation in kollaborativen Prozessen", University of Zurich and Collegium Helveticum
Spatial Statistics: Why spatial is special
4. October 2017
Statistical standards for scientific discovery in linguistics: a practical introduction, University of Zurich
Measuring reaction time in a dialect recognition task
4 October 2017
Workshop "Statistical standards for scientific discovery in linguistics: a practical introduction", University of Zurich
Morpho-syntactic Variation in World Englishes – The Corpus-Based Approach
4.-7. October 2017
Plenary lecture ISLE Summer School 2017, University of Regensburg, Program
Definite Article Frequencies in Timok Dialect of Torlak
October 2017
Student Research Colloquium Slavonic Seminar, University of Zurich
Accommodation in situations of dialect contact
27 September 2017
Oberseminar des Instituts für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU Munich
Studying Multimodal Interaction in Augmented Reality Games
22. September 2017
BreMM17 Multimodality, Unversity of Bremen, Program
On how to grasp fleeting public encounters empirically and conceptually
20. September 2017
Department of Culture & Communication, Linköping University
Louis Lucien Bonaparte und die Sprachen Europas
19. September 2017
Summer School "Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa", Schloss Arenenberg, University of Konstanz, Program
Area formation processes in North-Western Europe
11. September 2017
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Program
The L2 acquisition of the French pronoun en by Dutch and German L1 speakers
14 September 2017
Deuxième journée du Réseau thématique Langage et Communication, University of Geneva
Participle-like structures in ancient and medieval Indo-European languages
12. September 2017
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Program
Accommodation in verbal and non-verbal behavior: A short introduction
12 September 2017
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Program
Proper name-marking via liaison in French (with Natascha Pomino)
11 September 2017
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Program
Molecular Anthropology as a window on language contact: diffusion probabilities in phonology and grammar (with Damián Blasi, Steven Moran, and Brigitte Pakendorf)
11 September 2017
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Program
Sorting the Irrealis: Slovene naj between mood and force
11 September 2017
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Program
The rise and fall of partitivity markers in Germanic varieties
11. September 2017
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Program
Keeping language-particular analysis, comparison and universalist theory together: a multivariate approach to morphology in the world’s languages (with Rik van Gijn, Francesco Gardani, and Manuel Widmer)
10 September 2017
50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Zurich, Program
Prozesse der Abstraktion und Konkretisierung von Wissen im Gespräch: Zum Zusammenspiel von sprachlicher Form und kommunikativen Zwecksetzungen (with Claudio Scarvaglieri)
8 September 2017
Sektionentagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, University of Basel, Program
Interaktion im öffentlichen Raum und die Rolle des Dritten
8 September 2017
Sektionentagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, University of Basel, Program
Zwischen Lokalität und Virtualität. Die Rolle des Raums in der Produktion digitaler Texte
8 September 2017
Sektionentagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik, University of Basel, Program
Localization and perception: the case of Swiss dialects
7. September 2017
Conference "Sprache und Wahrnehmung / Language and Perception", University of Bern, Program
New and given information in alpine route directions
5. September 2017
13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017), L’Aquila
Frame-Relative Constructions in the Description of Motion
4. - 8. September 2017
13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017), L’Aquila
Anfang diesen oder dieses Jahres? Das Deutsche und seine Grammatik(en)
3. September 2017
Short lecture, Scientifica 2017, Universität Zürich, Program
Tweets und Ansichtskarten – kleine Texte auf Weltreise
1.-3. September 2017
Exhibition Scientifica 2017, Program
Gülleloch und schnelle Klicks Was digitale Daten uns verraten
1. September 2017
Talk im Turm Spezial, Scientifica 2017, University of Zurich
Corpus Lab UFSP Sprache und Raum
29. August 2017
Corpus Linguistics meeting, ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics
Intermediale Aushandlung von Normen. Das Beispiel kollektive Trauerkommunikation
24. August 2017
7. Internationale Konferenz zur kontrastiven Medienlinguistik, University of Helsinki, Program
Constraints on Linguistic Diversity as a Window on Human Evolution
25. May 2017
61. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, University of Zurich, Program
The Loss of Verbal Categories in Indo-European
4. August 2017
23rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, San Antonio, Program
Neural Sequence-to-sequence Learning of Internal Word Structure
3.-4. August 2017
SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2017), Vancouver, Canada, Program
Align and copy: UZH at SIGMORPHON 2017 shared task for morphological reinflection
3 August 2017
SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2017), Vancouver, Canada, Program
On the relation of writing and images in digital communication
28. July 2017
AILA-Conference, Rio de Janeiro
Digitally-Mediated Empractical Speaking in a Multi-party Online Video Game
21. July 2017
15th International Pragmatics Conference, Ulster University, panel “Empractical speaking and knowledge construction,” Program (PDF, 2 MB)
Augenfällig machen. Visualisierungen als Ausdruck kultureller Konzepte
18 July 2017
Keynote, Visualisierungsprozesse in den Humanities, University of Zurich, Program
Using mobile eye-trackers to explore the social construction of shared visual attention in interaction
18. July 2017
15th International Pragmatics Conference, Ulster University, Panel "Mobile Eye-Tracking in Interaction", Program (PDF, 2 MB)
Politeness in eighteenth-century England: Literary evidence
17. July 2017
15th International Pragmatics Conference, Ulster University, Program (PDF, 2 MB)
Participation Framework(s) on Twitch
17. July 2017
15th International Pragmatics Conference, Ulster University, lecture session “Computer Mediated Communication (CMC).”, Program (PDF, 2 MB)
Age-related rythmic variations: An investigation on Zurich German
5. July 2017
16th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW 2017), Birmingham,Program
Pronomi personali instabili in logudorese settentrionale
5. July 2017
12th Cambridge Italian Dialect Syntax-Morphology Meeting (CIDSM 12), University of Cambridge, Program
30. June 2017
Panel discussion University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz
Datensitzung: Ausschnitte aus dem deutsch-schweizerischen Gottesdienst-Korpus und Podiumsdiskussion
30 June 2017
Data session and panel discussion, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz Program
Archäologie der Interaktion - Bemerkungen zur Architektur aus interaktionslinguistischer Perspektive
27 June 2017
Guest Lecture, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Locating Media"
Tracing linguistic variability in Old Chinese: what, if anything, was yăyán?
25.-27. June 2017
15th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Budapest
Microvariational patterns of person marking in Gallo-Romance (with Benjamin Massot)
23 June 2017
Conference Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Microvariation (TEAM 2017), Padova, Program
The virtue of imperfection. Slavic-Turkic contact in the Balkan linguistic area
22 June 2017
Keynote, 24th LIPP Symposium, LMU München, Program
Complexity of linguistic accommodation in intergroup communication setting
21 June 2017
1st International Symposium on Intergroup Communication, Thessaloniki
Urban Squares as Places of Empathy? Rethinking the Interactive Practice of Lingering in Public
20. June 2017
Workshop "Narrative Empathy" at the EMPATHIES – 11th SLSAeu Conference, Basel
Neue Datenquellen, Methoden und Erkenntnisse zu Landschaftsbeschreibungen in der Geographie
16. June 2017
"Saisir le terrain / Terrain und Kultur II" Wissensmedien des Raums, Symposium of the ISEK – Popular Culture in Cooperation with the Centre Georg Simmel/EHESS, Paris, University of Zurich, Program
Opening and Closing "Saisir le terrain / Terrain und Kultur II"
15./16. June 2017
Wissensmedien des Raums, Symposium of the ISEK – Popular Culture in cooperation with the Centre Georg Simmel/EHESS, Paris, University of Zurich, Program
Altiberoromanische Partitivartikel zwischen Individuation und Entitätenreferenz
12. June 2017
Colloquium Romanische Linguistik, Universität Wien
Basic natural language processing for Swiss German texts
9 June 2017
2nd Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText 2017), Winterthur
Gorakha in Myanmar - shift and retention under intensive language contact
1./2. June 2017
Contact-driven Multilingual Practices, Helsinki
Graphische Variation im Rahmen emotionaler Online-Praktiken
1. June 2017
Symposium Register des digitalen Schreibens. Soziolinguistische, schriftlinguistische und sprachdidaktische Perspektiven, University of Hamburg, Program
Digital-geschriebene Sprache, digital-graphisches Repertoire, digitale Schreibregister. Anmerkungen aus schriftlinguistischer Sicht
1. June 2017
Symposium Register des digitalen Schreibens. Soziolinguistische, schriftlinguistische und sprachdidaktische Perspektiven, University of Hamburg, Program
Upstream NLP @ CorpusLab
June 2017
Retreat Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich
Rekonstruktion indogermanischer Nominalphrasenstrukturkomplexität
27. May 2017
61. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, University of Zurich, Program
The impact of world knowledge on the use and the morphology of verbs
27. May 2017
61. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, University of Zurich, Program
Semantik-Pragmatik Interaktionen. Beispiele aus dem Russischen und Slovenischen
26. May 2017
61. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, University of Zurich, Program
Entwurf von Öffentlichkeit
23. May 2017
Research Colloquium of Angelika Linke and Heiko Hausendorf, University of Zurich
Las lenguas iberorrománicas entre monocentrismo y pluricentrismo
19. May 2017
Coloquio Entre centros y periferias, University of Zurich
Das frühe chinesische Kaiserreich: autochthone Entstehung vs. eurasiatische Aussenkontakte
17. May 2017
Historisches Seminar, University of Zurich
Kann man Rechtstexte ohne juristische Expertise lesen? Textlinguistische Bemerkungen zur Lesbarkeit des Rechts am Beispiel der Rechtsetzung und der Rechtsanwendung
16. May 2017
Sprache-Recht-Colloquium, University of Zurich, Program
Sprachkontakt zur Zeit der Reformation: das Schicksal des Altpreußischen
13. May 2017
Wirkung und Ausstrahlung der Reformation auf das Baltikum, Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle, Program
Die Nominalphrasenstruktur und Definitheitsmarkierung des Baltischen in ihren arealen und historischen Bezügen
6. May 2017
Revitalizing Baltic Linguistics in Bern
Enquêtes dialectologiques en Vallée d’Aoste (9-12 mai 2017): Questionnaires
4. May 2017
Seminar, University of Zurich
Post-posed article in Torlak
May 2017
Lecture Balkan Linguistics, Slavonic Seminar, University of Zurich
Analysing the Effects of Geographic Factors on Syntax Variation in Individual and Aggregate Phenomena of Swiss German (with Péter Jeszenszky and Philipp Stoeckle)
27 April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
Mountains, moors, hills, lakes and rivers: Comparing folk language categorizations across formal landscape typologies (with Flurina Wartmann and Olga Chesnokova)
26 April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
Investigating the Meaning of Landscape Terms through the Corpus-based Semantics Approach
26 April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
Assessing perceptual salience through a dialect recognition task
26 April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
Lingering in Public; Interactive Practices on Urban Squares in Zurich
26. April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
Massively Multimodal Communication and Space: A Case Study of Video Game Livestreaming
26 April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
Definite Article Frequencies in Timok Dialect of Torlak
26. April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
The Zurich database of agreement in Italo-Romance
26. April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
Linguistic areas bottom-up
25 April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
Establishing borders between states vs languages: Twitter data to the rescue (with Maja Miličević and Nikola Ljubešić)
25 April 2017
Conference Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography, April 23–28, 2017, Monte Verità
La notion de ‘partitivité’, Tour d’horizon
25. April 2017
Seminar, University of Neuchâtel
Differential object marking in Corsican: the syntax of à
21. April 2017
Le marquage différentiel de l’objet dans les langues et dialectes romans / Differential Object Marking in Romance (dialects). Colloque international / International workshop
organisé dans le cadre du programme Unité et diversité dans le marquage différentiel de l’objet – Alexandru Mardale, Program
Raum, Körper und Emotion. Das Alpenerlebnis als spätmoderne Kulturtechnik
7. April 2017
Opening talk annual membership meeting of the Alemannisches Institut, University Freiburg i.Br
Sharing the space we inhabit – movement as a semiotic base for communication
6. April 2017
11th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, University of Brighton
Effects of acoustic distance and sociolinguistic knowledge on dialect recognition
6 April 2017
Phonetics Lunch Meeting, University of Zurich
Studying Multimodal Interaction in Augmented Reality Games: Pokémon Go
4. April 2017
Talk Interaktion im virtuellen und physischen Raum, University of Zurich
Universal Dependencies for Serbian in Comparison with Croatian and Other Slavic Languages
4. April 2017
6th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing, Program
The effect of lexical stress and social factors on the emergence of post-aspiration in Granada Spanish
1 April 2017
XXI. Hispanistentag, Section III-2 «Lautliche Variation im heutigen Spanisch: L1, L2, Herkunftssprache, Fremdsprache», LMU Munich, Program
The role of intonation in the perception of lexical stress in Spanish
31. March 2017
1. Deutscher Hispanistentag, Session III-2: Variación fónica en el español contemporáneo, Munich, Program
La determinación nominal en los tratados medievales. ¿Fenómeno autóctono o influencia del árabe magrebí? in the section Lenguas en contacto, ayer y hoy. Miseria y esplendor de las relaciones entre lingüística y traducción
30. March 2017
Conference XXI. Deutscher Hispanistentag, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Warum wir nicht mehr gerne von "nonverbaler Kommunikation" sprechen – Stichworte zur Analyse multimodaler Interaktion
30. March 2017
FD Network Meeting PH Zürich
27. March 2017
Talk at the Lecture series "Kulturtheorien", University of Zurich, Program
ArchiMob Report: Ressources and Tools for Swiss German
23 March 2017
Colloquium URPP Language and Space, University of Zurich
Morphological richness through massively parallel corpora
21 March 2017
Colloquium in Computer Linguistics, University of Zurich
The so-called partitive article in Old Spanish and weak definiteness: From corpus to theory
16. March 2017
Colloquium Semantics & Syntax, Université Paris VII Denis Didérot
Systems in contact
16 March 2017
Talk Language Contact Group, University of Zurich
Dokumentation des physischen Raums - Videos für Handhelds
14. March 2017
Guest lecture as part of "Interaktion im virtuellen und physischen Raum", University of Zurich
Verb aspect as linguistic encoding of time - a computational cross-linguistic approach
14 March 2017
Center for Information and Language Processing - CIS, LMU Munich
Linguistic and extralinguistic factors in accommodation
9 March 2017
Talk Language Contact Group, University of Zurich
O galego culto - unha lingua problemática
27. February 2017
Conference, University of Salamanca, Program
Interaktion im physischen und virtuellen Raum
21 February – 30 May 2017, on Tuesdays, 10:15 – 12:00
Lecture in the context of the series „IBH-Positionen – Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Kultur“ (supported by the Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule IBH), University of Zurich, Department of German Studies, Schönbergstrasse 9, 8001 Zürich (course catalogue UZH)
The impact of geography on toponym frequency
20 February 2017
University of Geneva (CLCL Group)
Making Individual Sensorial Experiences Available in Interaction: A Video and Eye-Tracking Based Study of Knowledge Construction in Science Centers
16. February 2017
Young Researchers Conference of the Centre for Research on Social Interactions (CRSI-YR), Neuchâtel, Program
Lingering in Public. Patterns of social interactions on urban squares
16. February 2017
Young Researchers Conference of the Centre for Research on Social Interactions (CRSI-YR), Neuchâtel, Program
Capturing the Multilingual Discourses of Switzerland
9. February 2017
Talk for the 100-year-anniversary of the Zentralbibliothek Zürich, University of Zurich
Variantengrammatik des Standarddeutschen
9. February 2017
Talk for the 100-year-anniversary of the Zentralbibliothek Zürich, University of Zurich
Infrastructure and future developments of URPP 'Language and Space' Labs
2. February 2017
Expert meeting "Die Bibliothek vernetzt. Infrastrukturen für Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften", University of Zurich, Program
Partitivartikel im Altspanischen im Spannungsfeld von autochthoner Genese und Sprachkontakt. Eine korpusbasierte Analyse
1. February 2017
Colloquium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Laying it on the line. Morphological transparency in the Balkan linguistic area
27 January 2017
Conference Diachronic morphology Theoretical, areal, and phylogenetic perspectives, University of Zurich, Abstract
Linguistic morphology in time and space
26. January 2017
Diachronic morphology: Theoretical, phylogenetic and areal perspectives, Zürich
Die sogenannten Partitivartikel des Altspanischen
25. January 2017
Colloquium Oberseminar Linguistik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
How new dialects form: competing theories
18. January 2017
University of Bremen
The L2 acquisition of the French quantitative pronoun en by L1 learners of Dutch: Vulnerable domains and cross-linguistic influence
13 January 2017
Workshop Cross-linguistic influence (in multilingualism): interdisciplinary approaches,
University of Amsterdam