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Bender, Michael; Bubenhofer, Noah; Janich, Nina (2024). Die öffentliche Aushandlung von Expertise: Wissenschaftsblogs als Ort eristischer Verständigung? Exploratorischer Einstieg in ein Forschungsprojekt. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, 52(1):183-211.
Dimos, Kostis; He, Lei; Dellwo, Volker (2024). Shouting affects temporal properties of the speech amplitude envelope. JASA Express Letters, 4(1):015202.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota; Corredor Aveledo, Antonio Federico; Padrón Castilla, Elena (2024). Heterogeneidad e innovación en la isla de La Palma: aproximación sociolingüística y dialectal. Biblioteca de Babel, (Extraor. 2):263-289.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2024). Occidentalismos con "una poca de gracia". Dialectologia, 12:185-219.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2024). Más las oigo, mejor me parecen: comparativas proporcionales idiolectales. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 140(2):449-483.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2024). Das Schweigen der Texte. Über Lesbarkeitsvakanzen in der Kommunikation mit und durch Schrift. Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie (OBST), 103:67-90.
Gardani, Francesco (2024). Where are features? Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 14(1):53-57.
Glaser, Elvira (2024). Bare nouns, indefinite articles and partitivity in an Early New High German cookbook. Linguistic Variation, 24(2):233-261.
Hundt, Marianne; Dallas, Bethany; Nakanishi, Shimon (2024). The be‐ versus get‐passive alternation in world Englishes. World Englishes, 43(1):86-108.
Idone, Alice; Gasner, Lisa; Donzelli, Giulia; Salvi, Adriano; Loporcaro, Michele (2024). Re-taking the field. Resuming in-person fieldwork amid COVID-19 pandemic. Linguistics Vanguard, 10(s5):441-451.
Jucker, Andreas H (2024). “Is that a request or a command?”: Speech act meta discourse and illocutionary indeterminacy. Swiss papers in English language and literature (SPELL), 2024(44):103-119.
Jucker, Andreas H; Bezuidenhout, Anne (2024). An extended lunch break: a response to Wolfgang Klein [Journal of Pragmatics]. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2024(289-290):75-78.
Komossa, Franziska; Kong, Inhye; Purves, Ross S (2024). What’s in the news? A multiscalar text analysis approach to exploring news media discourses for managing protected areas in Switzerland. Landscape Research, 49(6):823-850.
Loporcaro, Michele; Santoro, Damiana (2024). Un toponimo solo a prima vista trasparente: Altamura. Rivista Italiana di onomastica, XXX(1):27-39.
Loporcaro, Michele; Santoro, Damiana (2024). Un toponimo solo a prima vista trasparente: Altamura. Rivista Italiana di onomastica, XXX(1):27-39.
Loporcaro, Michele; Manzari, Giovanni (2024). Due margini distinti: sviluppo diacronico dell’area “marginale”. L'Italia Dialettale, 85:123-147.
Neururer, Daniel; Dellwo, Volker; Stadelmann, Thilo (2024). Deep neural networks for automatic speaker recognition do not learn supra-segmental temporal features. Pattern Recognition Letters, 181:64-69.
Pellegrino, Elisa; Dellwo, Volker; Pardo, Jennifer S; Möbius, Bernd (2024). Forms, factors and functions of phonetic convergence: Editorial. Speech Communication, 165:103142.
Striedl, P.; Majid, A. & Purves, R. S. (2024). Sensory, motor, and emotion associations for landscape concepts differ across neighbouring speech communities. Landscape Research, 1- 1- 18.
Bubenhofer, Noah (2024). Textgenerierende künstliche Intelligenz: Revolution oder Evolution? In: Frey, Pascal. ChatGPT und die Folgen. Aarau: VSDL Verein Schweizer Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer, 87-110.
Davatz, Jan Pavel; Stark, Elisabeth (2024). Romanian niște between non-specific and specific interpretations. In: Kellert, Olga; Lauschus, Sebastian; Rosemeyer, Malte. Indefinites in Romance and beyond. Berlin: Language Science Press, 13-43.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota; Corredor Aveledo, Antonio Federico; Padrón Castilla, Elena (2024). Variación y cambio en el español rural de las Islas Canarias: datos de La Palma. In: Junquera Martínez, Alejandro; Egido Fernández, María Cristina; Morala Rodríguez, José Ramón. Actas del XII Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española, León, 16 al 19 de mayo de 2022. León: Universidad de León. Servicio de Publicaciones, 581-592.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2024). Variación y cambio lingüístico. In: Camus, Bruno; Carrasco, Ángeles; González, Laura; Vivanco, Margot. ¿Para qué servimos los lingüistas? Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 124-127.
Dürscheid, Christa (2024). Mit Menschen und Chatbots. Digitale Kommunikation früher und heute. In: Nurmi, Arja; Hirvonen, Maija; Kivilehto, Marja; Krenzler-Behm, Dinah; Oksanen, Henrik; Schmitz, Dieter Hermann; Viljanmaa, Anu. Sprache der Gegenwart – Sprache für die Zukunft. Helsinki: Modern Language Society of Helsinki, 21-24.
Dürscheid, Christa (2024). Grammatische und lexikalische Strukturen digital geschriebener Sprache. In: Androutsopoulos, Jannis; Vogel, Friedemann. Handbuch Sprache und digitale Kommunikation. Berlin: De Gruyter, 157-175.
Glaser, Elvira (2024). Althochdeutsche Glossen aus bairischen Schreiborten. In: Benati, Chiara; Leonardi, Simona. Incontri Filologici : Studi in onore di Claudia Händl == Philologische Begegnungen : Festschrift für Claudia Händl. Göppingen: Verlag Kümmerle, 107-118.
Mächler, Alina Beatrice; Glaser, Elvira (2024). Amtliche Kommunikation im Bodenseeraum: Frühneuhochdeutsche Missiven des 15. Jahrhunderts. In: Vaňková, Lenka. Kanzleien, Kanzleitypen, Kanzleinormen und Schreiberindividuen. Wien: Praesens Verlag, 159-176.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2024). „Angekommen“? Textlinguistische Annäherungen an die (Un-)Lesbarkeit literarischer Texte. In: Reimann, Sandra; Korhonen, Jarmo. Germanistik im Wandel. Beiträge zur Internationalen Finnischen Germanistentagung 2022 in Oulu. Berlin: Peter Lang, 63-84.
Taavitsainen, Irma; Jucker, Andreas H (2024). “I rede þou lerne wel þis of me”: Advice giving in Middle English medical discourse. In: Räikkönen, Jenni; Suhr, Carla; Palander-Collin, Minna; Nurmi, Arja; Nevala, Minna; Hiltunen, Turo. Multilingualism and Language Variation in English across Genres and Registers : A Festschrift in Honour of Päivi Pahta. Helsinki: Modern Language Society of Helsinki, 97-122.
Kabatek, Johannes; Glaser, Elvira; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2024). Von der viersprachigen zur vielsprachigen Schweiz: Einleitung zu diesem Band. In: Kabatek, Johannes; Glaser, Elvira; Sonnenhauser, Barbara. Sprachenräume der Schweiz: Band 1: Sprachen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, VII-XXXV.
Kabatek, Johannes (2024). Portugiesisch. In: Glaser, Elvira; Kabatek, Johannes; Sonnenhauser, Barbara. Sprachenräume der Schweiz: Band 1: Sprachen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG, 356-371.
Kabatek, Johannes; Castillo Lluch, Castillo (2024). Spanisch. In: Glaser, Elvira; Kabatek, Johannes; Sonnenhauser, Barbara. Sprachräume der Schweiz: Band 1: Sprachen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 334-355.
Loporcaro, Michele; Pesini, Luca (2024). Introduzione. In: Loporcaro, Michele; Pesini, Luca. Luigi Pirandello, Suoni e sviluppi fonetici del dialetto di Girgenti. Palermo: Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, VII-LXXIX.
Loporcaro, Michele (2024). Notes on the morphology and syntax of a Restsprache in re: Istro-Romanian. In: Baglioni, Daniele; Rigobianco, Luca. Fragments of Languages : From ‘Restsprachen’ to Contemporary Endangered Languages. Leiden: Brill, 295-324.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2024). Körpersemantisierungen im #bodylove-Diskurs: Eine Korpusstudie zu Instagram-Posts als multimodales Positionierungsformat. In: Kabatnik, Susanne; Bülow, Lars; Merten, Marie-Luis; Mroczynski, Robert. Pragmatik multimodal. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 223-256.
Pfenninger, Simone E (2024). Conclusion and envoi: Language acquisition at the intersection of sociolinguistics and World Englishes research. In: Buschfeld, Sarah; Vida-Mannl, Manuela; Schmalz, Mirjam. Acquisition and Variation in World Englishes: Bridging Paradigms and Rethinking Approaches. Berlin: De Gruyter, 361-378.
Conference Items and proceedings
Attieh, J., Z. Hopton, Y. Scherrer, and T. Samardžić (2024). "System Description of the NordicsAlps Submission to the AmericasNLP 2024 Machine Translation Shared Task". Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP 2024). Association for Computational Linguistics, Mexico City, Mexico.
Bajčetić, L., T. Samardžić, and V. Batanović (2024). "Lemmatizing Serbian and Croatian via String Edit Prediction". In Conference on Language Technologies and Digital Humanities (JTDH), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Kanjirangat, V., T. Samardžić, Lj. Dolamic, and F. Rinaldi (2024). "NLP_DI at NADI 2024 shared task: Multi-label Arabic Dialect Classifications with an Unsupervised Cross-Encoder". In Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference. Association for Computational Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand (online).
Samardžić, T., X. Gutierrez-Vasques, C. Bentz, S. Moran, and O. Pelloni( 2024). "A Measure for Transparent Comparison of Linguistic Diversity in Multilingual NLP Data Sets". In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024. Association for Computational Linguistics. Mexico City, Mexico.
Samardžić, T., P. Rupnik, M. Starović, N. Ljubešić (2024). "Mak na konac: A Multi-Reference Speech-To-Text Benchmark for Croatian and Serbian". In Conference on Language Technologies and Digital Humanities (JTDH), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Takahashi, Takuya; Glaser, Elvira; Ranacher, Peter (2024). Inferring the origin of linguistic features from an atlas: a case study of Swiss-German dialects. In: The 16th Conference on Spatial Information Theory, Québec City, Canada, 17 September 2024 - 20 September 2024.
Volk, Martin; Fischer, Dominic P; Scheurer, Patricia; Schwitter, Raphael; Ströbel, Phillip (2024). LLM-based Translation Across 500 Years. The Case for Early New High German. In: 20th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2024), Wien, Österreich, 10 September 2024 - 13 September 2024. Association for Computational Linguistics, 368-375.
Volk, Martin; Fischer, Dominic P; Fischer, Lukas; Scheurer, Patricia; Ströbel, Phillip (2024). LLM-based Machine Translation and Summarization for Latin. In: Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages -- LT4HALA (at LREC/COLING), Torino, 25 May 2024.
Edited Volumes
Glaser, Elvira; Kabatek, Johannes; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2024). Sprachenräume der Schweiz. Band 1: Sprachen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG. DOI: 10.24053/9783381104024
Partitive Constructions and Partitive Elements Within and Across Language Borders in Europe. Edited by: Glaser, Elvira; Sleeman, Petra; Strobel, Thomas; Tamm, Anne (2024). Venedig: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Venice University Press.
Atti del Convegno I dialetti di Puglia e Salento: due diverse facce del Meridione (Zurigo, 30-31 maggio 2022). Edited by: Loporcaro, Michele; Breimaier, Federica; Negrinelli, Stefano (2024). Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
Clemente Merlo, Scritti linguistici III. Scritti su altre varietà romanze e sulle lingue classiche. Saggi sul sostrato e altri scritti teorici. Saggi divulgativi e miscellanei. Edited by: Loporcaro, Michele; Covino, Sandra; Fanciullo, Franco; Breimaier, Federica; Negrinelli, Stefano (2024). Roma: Viella.
Luigi Pirandello, "Suoni e sviluppi fonetici del dialetto di Girgenti". Edited by: Loporcaro, Michele; Pesini, Luca (2024). Palermo: Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2024). Kopräsenz: Über das soziale Zuhause von Sprache. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Jucker, Andreas H (2024). Speech Acts: Discursive, Multimodal, Diachronic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Loporcaro, Michele (2024). Agreement in the Romance languages. Oxford University Press.
Loporcaro, Michele; Putzu, Ignazio (2024). Sardinian. Oxford University Press.
Loporcaro, Michele (2024). Vowel Length in the Romance Languages. Oxford University Press.
Baer, M.F., Purves, R.S. (2023). Identifying Landscape Relevant Natural Language using Actively Crowdsourced Landscape Descriptions and Sentence-Transformers. Künstl Intell (2023).
Behr, Wolfgang (2023). Tracing variation in Old Chinese: what, if anything, was "yǎyán 雅言"? Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 51(2):287-346.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2023). From (semi-)oppositional to non-oppositional middles: the case of Spanish reír(se). Language typology and universals, 76(2):121-164.
Bouso, Tamara; Hundt, Marianne (2023). They worked their hardest on the construction’s history: Superlative Objoid Constructions in Late Modern American English. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory:Epub ahead of print.
Castillo, Eva; Pronina, Mariia; Hübscher, Iris; Prieto, Pilar (2023). Narrative Performance and Sociopragmatic Abilities in Preschool Children are Linked to Multimodal Imitation Skills. Journal of Child Language, 50(1):52-77.
Coseriu, Eugenio; Bleortu, Cristina; Kabatek, Johannes; Henriques Pestana, Yoselin (2023). Evolución de la lengua española. Energeia, VIII:166-333.
Dürscheid, Christa; Thier, Andreas (2023). Digitales Gedenken und digitaler Nachlass. Linguistische und juristische Perspektiven. Muttersprache, 133(4):364-372.
Dürscheid, Christa; Dyakiv, Khrystyna (2023). Das Schweizer und das deutsche Wort des Jahres 2022. Anmerkungen aus ukrainischer Sicht. Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur, 19(2+3):282-292.
Gutierrez-Vasques,, X., C. Bentz, and T. Samardžić (2023). "Languages through the Looking Glass of BPE Compression". Computational Linguistics.
Hasse, Anja; Seiler, Guido (2023). Amisches und mennonitisches Shwitzer im Vergleich. Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie. Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, 90(2):144-174.
Ihsane, Tabea; Winistörfer, Oliver; Stark, Elisabeth (2023). Francoprovençal: a spatial analysis of ‘partitive articles’ and potential correlates in Swiss and Italian varieties. Isogloss, 9(1):257.
Jucker, Andreas H; Landert, Daniela (2023). The diachrony of im/politeness in American and British movies (1930–2019). Journal of Pragmatics, 209:123-141.
Kabatek, Johannes; Bleortu, Cristina (2023). Dincolo de structuralism. Scrisori către Eugeniu Coşeriu şi istoria lingvisticii în secolul al XX-lea. O scrisoare de la Iorgu Iordan. Limba Română (Moldova), XXXII(1-2):130-132.
Kabatek, Johannes (2023). What is an isogloss? Energeia, (8):55-81.
Loporcaro, Michele (2023). Scoutismo o scautismo? Norma ed uso nell’adattamento in italiano dei prestiti. Italiano digitale. La rivista della Crusca in Rete, XXIV(1):93-98.
Merten, Marie-Luis; Wever, Marcel; Geierhos, Michaela; Tophinke, Doris; Hüllermeier, Eyke (2023). Annotation Uncertainty in the Context of Grammatical Change. In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 28.3. S. 430-459, 2023.
Pellegrino, Elisa; Dellwo, Volker (2023). Speakers are more cooperative and less individual when interacting in larger group sizes. Frontiers in Psychology:online.
Perepelytsia, Valeriia; Dellwo, Volker (2023). Acoustic compression in Zoom audio does not compromise voice recognition performance. Scientific Reports, 13(1):18742.
Purves, Ross S; Striedl, Philipp; Kong, Inhye; Majid, Asifa (2023). Conceptualizing landscapes through anguage: the role of native language and expertise in the representation of waterbody related terms. Topics in Cognitive Science, 15(3):560-583.
Racca, Sara (2023). E.Leclerc, Leclerc o l’Eclerc? Forme ufficiali e realizzazioni popolari di un marchionimo. Rivista Italiana di Onomastica, 29(2), 39.
Racca, Sara (2023c), Il progetto UBUNTU a Saluzzo (CN). Un’esperienza di collaborazione efficace tra Università e territorio [The UBUNTU Project in Saluzzo (CN, Italy). An Effective Collaboration between University and Community], in «Éducation et sociétés plurilingues», 54, pp. 69-80.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Ismajli, Blertë; Widmer, Paul (2023). Pairing peers and pears: Changing conventions of Gheg Albanian heritage speakers. Language Dynamics and Change:1 - 26.
Stumpf, Sören; Merten, Marie-Luis (2023). Wortbildung als Stance-Ressource im Online-Kommentieren: Theoretische Zusammenführung und empirische Einsichten am Beispiel zweier Konstruktionsfamilien. In: Zeitschrift für Wortbildung 7.2. S. 121-149, 2023.
Zehentner, Eva; Hundt, Marianne; Schneider, Gerold; Röthlisberger, Melanie (2023). Differences in syntactic annotation affect retrieval. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 28(3):378-406.
Brown, Lucien; Hübscher, Iris; Jucker, Andreas H (2023). Chapter 1: Multimodal im/politeness: Introduction. In: Jucker, Andreas H; Hübscher, Iris; Brown, Lucien. Multimodal Im/politeness: Signed, spoken, written. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 1-23.
Bülow, Lars; Merten, Marie-Luis (2023). Multimodale Metaphern im Kontext von Internet-Memes. Korpuspragmatische und kognitionslinguistische Zugänge zu einem soziokognitiven Online-Phänomen. In: Meier-Vieracker, Simon; Marx, Konstanze; Bülow, Lars; Mroczynski, Robert (Hrsg.). Digitale Pragmatik. Metzler. S. 127-152, 2023.
Davatz, Jan Pavel; Ihsane, Tabea; Stark, Elisabeth (2023). Enquêtes dialectologiques à Évolène : les articles dits « partitifs » et leurs équivalents. In: Aquino-Weber, Dorothée; Cotelli Kureth, Sara; Kristol, Andres; Reusser-Elzingre, Aurélie; Sauzet, Maguelone. "Coum'on étèila que kòoule... Come una stella cadente... Comme une étoile filante..." Mélanges à la mémoire de Federica Diémoz. Genève: Librairie Droz SA, 65-85.
Dürscheid, Christa; Gredig, Andi (2023). Rhetorik des Werbebriefs (off-/online). In: Janich, Nina; Pappert, Steffen; Roth, Kersten Sven. Handbuch Werberhetorik. Boston: De Gruyter, 353-374.
Dürscheid, Christa (2023). Von der E-Mail-Kommunikation zur Variantenpragmatik. In: Braun, Christian; Scherr, Elisabeth. Variabilität und Wandel : Sprache im Spannungsfeld zwischen System und Gebrauch. Festschrift für Arne Ziegler zum 60. Geburtstag. Wien: Praesens Verlag, 25-38
Glaser, Elvira (2023). Latein und Althochdeutsch im Kontakt: Lateinische Reflexion im volkssprachlichen Kontext. In: Marti Heinzle, Mirjam; Thöny, Luzius. "Swe gameliþ ist." Studien zur vergleichenden germanischen Sprachwissenschaft : Festschrift für Ludwig Rübekeil zum 65. Geburtstag. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 103-120.
Glessgen, Martin-Dietrich (2023). Les Documents et analyses linguistiques de la Galloromania médiévale (GallRom): structure et potentiel interprétatif. In: Corbella, Dolores; Dorta, Josefa; Padrón, Rafael. Perspectives de recherche en linguistique et philologie romanes. Strasbourg: EliPhi, 1025-1044.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2023). Ansonsten radeln wir viel. Bemerkungen zur Lesbarkeit der Ansichtskarte. In: Hausendorf, Heiko; Scharloth, Joachim; Sugisaki, Kyoko; Bubenhofer, Noah. Ansichten zur Ansichtskarte : Textlinguistik, Korpuspragmatik und Kulturanalyse. Bielefeld: Transcript, 17-40.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Scharloth, Joachim; Sugisaki, Kyoko; Bubenhofer, Noah (2023). Vorwort zu: Ansichten zur Ansichtskarte. In: Hausendorf, Heiko; Scharloth, Joachim; Sugisaki, Kyoko; Bubenhofer, Noah. Ansichten zur Ansichtskarte : Textlinguistik, Korpuspragmatik und Kulturanalyse. Bielefeld: Transcript, 9-13.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2023). Die „Allgemeine Zeitung“ und ihre Texte. In: Haaf, Susanne; Schuster, Britt-Marie. Historische Textmuster im Wandel : neue Wege zu ihrer Erschließung. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 205-252.
Hasse, Anja; Seiler, Guido (2023). Social factors in mixed language emergence: Solving the puzzle of Amish Shwitzer. In: Ballarè, Silvia; Inglese, Guglielmo. Sociolinguistics and typological perspectives on language variation. Berlin: De Gruyter, 85-120.
Hundt, Marianne (2023). Competition in antagonistic verb complementation. In: de Smet, Hendrik; Petré, Peter; Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt. Context, Intent and Variation in Grammaticalization. Berlin: De Gruyter, 159-188.
Jucker, Andreas H (2023). Pragmatics: Research Methods. In: Chapelle, Carol A. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. London: Wiley Blackwell, 1-4.
Jucker, Andreas H (2023). Chapter 12: “He offered an apologetic smile”: The politeness of apologetic gestures. In: Jucker, Andreas H; Hübscher, Iris; Brown, Lucien. Multimodal Im/politeness: Signed, spoken, written. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 327-351.
Jucker, Andreas H (2023). Politeness. In: Newhauser, Richard. The Chaucer Encyclopedia. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 1492.
Kabatek, Johannes (2023). Discourse traditions and the historicity of language: discourse traditional knowledge and discourse universes. In: Winter-Froemel, Esme; Octavio de Toledo y Huerta, Álvaro Sebastián. Manual of Discourse Traditions in Romance. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 103-122.
Kabatek, Johannes (2023). Medien, Zeit, Tradition: ein linguistischer Seitenblick. In: Junkerjürgen, Ralf; Schmelzer, Dagma; Pöppel, Hubert; Greilich, Susanne; Donnarieix, Anne-Sophie. Otro maldito homenaje ...: Festgabe für Jochen Mecke. München: AVM.edition, 153-160.
Kabatek, Johannes (2023). Posfacio. Reflexiones finales acerca del análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de tradición y tradicionalidad. In: Cornillie, Bert; Mazzola, Giulia; Thegel, Miriam. La tradicionalidad discursiva y la lingüística de corpus. Madrid, Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 231-245.
Loporcaro, Michele; Most, Glenn W (2023). A 1st-century bce Roman polymath’s explanation of the mysteries of Latin: Varro. On the Latin Language. In: Most, Glenn W; Schäfer, Dagmar; Söderblom Saarela, Mårten. Plurilingualism in Traditional Eurasian Scholarship – Thinking in Many Tongues. Leiden: Brill, 134-153.
Loporcaro, Michele (2023). An Influential Latin Dictionary and Its Etymologies (12th Century CE) in the Linguistic Landscape of Medieval Europe. Hugutio of Pisa’s Derivationes. In: Most, Glenn W; Schäfer, Dagmar; Söderblom Saarela, Mårten. Plurilingualism in Traditional Eurasian Scholarship. Thinking in Many Tongues. Leiden: Brill, 212-226.
Loporcaro, Michele; Duval, Marc; García Mouton, Pilar; Sauzet, Patrick (2023). Dialectologie et géolinguistique – Présentation. In: Corbella, Dolores; Dorta, Josefa; Padrón, Rafael. Perspectives de recherche en linguistique et philologie romanes. Strasbourg: Société de linguistique romane, 765-768.
Loporcaro, Michele (2023). Mutamento linguistico e dinamiche areali nei dialetti lombardi: conservazione e innovazione. In: Società Storica Vigevanese, S. S. V.. Fluidità ed evanescenze dialettali in Lombardia tra XX e XXI secolo. Il dialetto vigevanese e l’areale del Lombardo Occidentale. Atti del I Convegno Internazionale di Dialettologia – Vigevano, 20 maggio 2023. Vigevano: Società Storica Vigevanese, 27-42.
Loporcaro, Michele (2023). Nouns as agreement targets in Romance: inflection and derivation. In: Werner, Martina; Dressler, Wolfgang U. Between Derivation and Inflection. Vienna: ÖAW-Verlag, 125-156.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2023). Feriengrüße positionierungstheoretisch. Ansichtskarten als Artefakte einer Stancetaking-Praktik (im Wandel). In: Hausendorf, Heiko; Scharloth, Joachim; Sugisaki, Kyoko; Bubenhofer, Noah (Hrsg.): Ansichten zur Ansichtskarte. Textlinguistik, Korpuspragmatik und Kulturanalyse. Transcript. S. 179-198.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2023). Positionierungen epistemisch, evidential, deontisch. Linguistische Methoden der konstruktionsgrammatischen Stance-Forschung. In: Dang-Anh, Mark (Hg.): Politisches Positionieren. Sprachliche und soziale Praktiken. Winter. S. 99-121, 2023.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2023). Stancetaking konstruktionsgrammatisch: Extrapositionen und verwandte Construal-Ressourcen. In: Mollica, Fabio / Sören Stumpf (Hg.): Konstruktionsgrammatik IX. Konstruktionsfamilien im Deutschen. Stauffenburg. S. 205-235, 2023.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2023). Stancetaking konstruktionsgrammatisch: Extrapositionen und verwandte Construal-Ressourcen. In: Mollica, Fabio / Sören Stumpf (Hg.): Konstruktionsgrammatik IX. Konstruktionsfamilien im Deutschen. Stauffenburg. S. 205-235.
Paciaroni, Tania (2023). Unusual agreement targets in Ripano. In: Marina Chumakina, Oliver Bond & Steven Kaye (eds), Agreement beyond the verb. Unusual targets, unexpected domains, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 156–197.
Ruch, Hanna; De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2023). Linguistic Accommodation. In: van Gijn, Rik; Ruch, Hanna; Wahlström, Max; Hasse, Anja. Language contact: Briding the gap between individual interactions and areal patterns. Berlin: Language Science Press, 17-48.
Sommer, Florian; Widmer, Paul (2023). Referential Features and Verbal Agreement with Neuter Plural Subjects in Ancient Greek. In: Semenzato, Camille; Hartmann, Lucius. Von der Antike begeistert! : Philologie, Philosophie, Religion und Politik durch drei Jahrtausende. Festschrift für Christoph Riedweg. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 453-474.
Widmer, Paul (2023). Britannisch und der Verlust der Numerus- und Genuskongruenz in der Geschichte des Englischen. In: Heinzle Marti, Mirjam; Thöny, Luzius. Swe gamelith is: Studien zur vergleichenden germanischen Sprachwissenschaft: Festschrift für Ludwig Rübekeil zum 65. Geburtstag. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 169-176.
Bleortu, Cristina; Kabatek, Johannes; Cristinel, Munteanu (2023). Eugeniu Coșeriu: Principalele probleme ale limbii române. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române.
Dürscheid, Christa (2023). Deutsch im Fokus : Sprachdidaktik, Internetkommunikation, Grammatik. Berlin: Frank & TImme.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Scharloth, Joachim; Sugisaki, Kyoko; Bubenhofer, Noah (2023). Ansichten zur Ansichtskarte: Textlinguistik, Korpuspragmatik und Kulturanalyse. Zürich: Transcript.
Kabatek, Johannes (2023). Eugenio Coseriu: Beyond Structuralism. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Locher, Miriam A; Jucker, Andreas H; Landert, Daniela; Messerli, Thomas C (2023). Fiction and Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Merten, Marie-Luis. Soziale Positionen - soziale Konstruktionen. Stancetaking im Online-Kommentieren (2023 als Habilitationsschrift an der Universität Zürich eingereicht).
Conference items and proceedings
Kanjirangat, V., T. Samardžić, F. Rinaldi and Lj. Dolamic (2022). "Optimizing the Size of Subword Vocabularies in Dialect Classification". In Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2023). Association for Computational Linguistics, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Mariño, Daniela; Moncla, Ludovic; Purves, Ross S (2023). Extracting positive descriptions and exploring landscape value using text analysis in the Cairngorms National Park. In: SIGSPATIAL '23: The 31st ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Hamburg Germany, 13 November 2023, 44-47.
Plüss, M., J. Deriu, Y. Schraner, C. Paonessa, J. Hartmann, L. Schmidt, C. Scheller, M. Hürlimann, T. Samardžić, M. Vogel, and M. Cieliebak (2023). "STT4SG-350: A Speech Corpus for All Swiss German Dialect Regions". In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL2023). Association for Computational Linguistics, Toronto, Canada
Racca S. (2023a), La variazione nei luoghi e nei loro nomi: alcune osservazioni a partire da una ricerca di socio-toponomastica urbana [Variation in places and their names: some observations from a urban socio-toponomastics survey], in Montuori F., Picchiorri E. (eds), In fieri, 4. Ricerche di linguistica italiana, Atti della IV Giornata dell’ASLI per i dottorandi (Firenze, Accademia della Crusca, 2-4 dicembre 2021), Firenze, Franco Cesati Editore, pp. 257-265.
Racca S. (2023b). L’approccio socio-onomastico nella microtoponomastica orale: una proposta di trattamento del materiale raccolto [The Socio-Onomastic Approach in Oral Microtoponymy: A Proposal for Handling Collected Material], in Del Puente P., Carbutti T. (eds), Dialetti: per parlare e parlarne, Atti del sesto Convegno Internazionale di Dialettologia (Potenza, Matera, Acerenza, 10-12 aprile 2019), Lagonegro (PZ), Zaccara editore, pp. 267-279.
Racca, Sara (2023). Using Google My Maps to collect vernacular microtoponyms, in In Bijak U., Swoboda P., & Walkowiak J. B. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences: Onomastics in Interaction With Other Branches of Science. Volume 1: Keynote Lectures. Toponomastics. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press.
Shaitarova, Anastassia; Göhring, Anne; Volk, Martin (2023). Machine vs. Human: Exploring Syntax and Lexicon in German Translations, with a Spotlight on Anglicisms. In: The 24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa), Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, 23 Mai 2023 - 25 Mai 2023. University of Tartu Library, 215-227.
Ströbel, Phillip; Hodel, Tobias; Fischer, Andreas; Scius-Bertrand, Anna; Wolf, Beat; Janka, Anna; Widmer, Jonas; Scheurer, Patricia; Volk, Martin (2023). Bullingers Briefwechsel zugänglich machen: Stand der Handschriftenerkennung. In: DHd 2023, Trier, 13 März 2023 - 17 März 2023.
Takahashi, Takuya; Hannes, Geneviève; Neureiter, Nico; Ranacher, Peter (2023). Inferring the history of spatial diffusion processes (Short Paper). In: 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2023), Leeds (UK), 23 September 0012 - 23 September 0015. Schloss Dagstuhl, 71:1-71:6.
Bubenhofer, Noah; Schuster, Britt-Marie (2023). (Hrsg.) Reihe Germanistische Linguistik. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Jucker, Andreas H; Hübscher, Iris; Brown, Lucien (2023) (eds.). Multimodal Im/politeness: Signed, spoken, written. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
Loporcaro, Michele; Duval, Marc; García Mouton, Pilar; Sauzet, Patrick (2023). (eds.) Section 7 – Dialectologie et géolinguistique, in: Dolores Corbella, Josefa Dorta e Rafael Padrón (a cura di), Perspectives de recherche en linguistique et philologie romanes. Strasbourg: Société de linguistique romane/ ÉLiPhi.
Merten, Marie-Luis; Kabatnik, Susanne; Kuck, Kristin; Bülow, Lars; Mroczynski, Robert (2023). (Hrsg.) Sprachliche Grenzziehungspraktiken: Analysefelder und Perspektiven. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, 149-172.
Van Gijn, Rik; Ruch, Hanna; Wahlström, Max & Hasse, Anja (2023) (eds.). Language contact: Bridging the gap between individual interactions and areal patterns. (Language Variation 8). Berlin: Language Science Press.
Jucker, Andreas H (2023). Historical pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Baer, Manuel F; Purves, Ross S (2022). Window Expeditions: A playful approach to crowdsourcing natural language descriptions of everyday lived landscapes. Applied Geography, 148:102802.
Bentz, C., X. Gutierrez-Vasques, O. Sozinova and T. Samardžić (2022). Complexity trade-offs and equi-complexity in natural languages: A meta-analysis. Linguistic Vanguard.
Bubenhofer, Noah (2022). Exploration semantischer Räume im Corona-Diskurs. In: Kämper, Heidrun; Plewnia, Albrecht: Sprache in Politik und Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache, 2021. Mannheim: 2022, S. 197-216,2022.
Bubenhofer, Noah (2022). Exploration par corpus linguistique d'espaces sémantiques en discours. Nouveaux Cahiers d'Allemand, 40:107-128.
Bubenhofer, Noah; Schröter, Juliane (2022): Partizipation und Egalität - Diskurse um soziale Teilhabe und Solidarität sowie Diversität und Gleichberechtigung seit 1990. In: Aptum, Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur. 18 (3), DOI: 10.46771/9783967692877_2
Dürscheid, Christa (2022): Von der Schriftlichkeit zur Mündlichkeit. Kommunikation mit Menschen und Maschinen. Vortrag anlässlich der Verleihung des Konrad-Duden-Preises der Stadt Mannheim am 16. März 2022. Berlin: Dudenverlag.
Dürscheid, Christa; Brommer, Sarah (2022): "Wir sind hier nicht bei Facebook." Digitales Schreiben in Freizeit und Schule. In: Der Deutschunterricht, (4):18-26.
Dürscheid, Christa; Gredig, Andi (2022): Rhetorik des Werbebriefs (off-/online). In: Janich, Nina; Pappert, Steffen; Roth, Kersten Sven (Hrsg.): Handbuch Werberhetorik. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (= Handbücher Rhetorik).
Dürscheid, Christa; Rödel, Michael (2022): Schreiben im Internet - Schreiben in der Schule. Implikationen für die schulische Förderung. In: Busse, Vera; Müller Nora; Siekmann Lea (Hrsg.): Schreiben fachübergreifend fördern. Grundlagen und Anregungen für Schule, Unterricht und Lehrkräftebildung. Hannover: Klett Kallmeyer, 134-150.
Frank, Michael C; Schreier, Daniel (2022). Introduction: Mobilities in Literature and Language. SPELL: Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, 41:9-24.
Gardani, Francesco. (2022). Contact and borrowing. In Adam Ledgeway & Martin Maiden (eds), The Cambridge handbook of Romance linguistics, 845–869. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Gerards, David Paul; Stark, Elisabeth (2022). Non-Maximal Definites in Romance. Isogloss, 8(5):1-32.
Glaser, Elvira; Bachmann, Sandro (2022). Canonical and non-canonical (co)predicate agreement in Highest Alemannic dialects. Word Structure, 15(3):329-357.
Hartmann, M. C., Koblet, O., Baer, M. F., & Purves, R. S. (2022). Automated motif identification: Analysing Flickr images to identify popular viewpoints in Europe’s protected areas. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 37, 100479.
Hartmann, Maximilian C; Schott, Moritz; Dsouza, Alishiba; Metz, Yannick; Volpi, Michele; Purves, Ross S (2022). A text and image analysis workflow using citizen science data to extract relevant social media records: Combining red kite observations from Flickr, eBird and iNaturalist. Ecological Informatics, 71:101782.
Hausendorf, Heiko: „Telekopräsenz“. Interaktionslinguistische Anmerkungen zu einer Kommunikationsbedingung im Wandel. In: Brommer, Sarah/Roth, Kersten Sven/Spitzmüller, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Brückenschläge. Linguistik an den Schnittstellen. (TBL-Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik ), Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 2022. S. 204-244.
Hundt, Marianne; Oppliger, Rahel (2022). (The) fact is … /(Die) Tatsache ist … focaliser constructions in English and German are similar but subject to different constraints. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 27(1):1-30.
Hundt, Marianne; Van Driessche, Laetitia; Pijpops, Dirk (2022). Epicentral influence via agent-based modelling. World Englishes, 41(3):377-399.
Hundt, Marianne (2022). N-is Focalizers as Semi-fixed Constructions: Modeling Variation across World Englishes. Journal of English Linguistics, 50(2):115-141.
Kabatek, Johannes; Bleortu, Cristina (2022). Dincolo de structuralism. Scrisori către Eugeniu Coşeriu şi istoria lingvisticii în secolul al XX-lea. Anul 1941 (I). Limba română, 32(1-2):49-58.
Kabatek, Johannes; Bleortu, Cristina (2022). Dincolo de structuralism. Scrisori către Eugeniu Coşeriu şi istoria lingvisticii în secolul al XX-lea. Anul 1941 (II). Limba română, (3-4):30-35.
Kaiping, Gereon A; Klamer, Marian (2022). The dialect chain of the Timor-Alor-Pantar language family. Language Dynamics and Change, 12(2):274-326.
Kaiping, Gereon A; Steiger, Melvin S; Chousou-Polydouri, Natalia (2022). Lexedata: A toolbox to edit CLDF lexical datasets. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(72):4140.
Kann, K., Ebrahimi, A., Mager, M., Oncevay, A., Ortega, J. E., Rios, A., Fan, A., Gutierrez-Vasques, X., Chiruzzo, L., Ramos, R., Meza Ruiz, I. V., Mager, E., Chaudhary, V., Neubig, G., Palmer, A., & Vu, N. T. (2022). AmericasNLI: Machine translation and natural language inference systems for Indigenous languages of the Americas. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5. DOI:
Karimi, Mina; Mesgari, Mohammad Saadi; Purves, Ross S (2022). A comparative assessment of machine learning methods in extracting place functionality from textual content. Transactions in GIS, 26(8):3225-3252.
Karimi, Mina; Mesgari, Mohammad Saadi; Purves, Ross S; Abbasi, Omid Reza (2022). Modeling salient features as directions for place recommender systems. Abstracts of the ICA, 5:1-2.
Krasselt, Julia; Robin, Dominik; Fadda, Marta; Geutjes, Anita; Bubenhofer, Noah; Suggs, L Suzanne; Dratva, Julia (2022). Tick-Talk: Parental online discourse about TBE vaccination. Vaccine, 40(52):7538-7546.
Loporcaro, Michele (2022). Aspetti grammaticali della transizione latino-romanza: la morfosintassi nominale. Medioevo romanzo, 1:5-41.
Loporcaro, Michele (2022). Grammatiche italiane nello spazio e nel tempo: particelle pronominali, costrutti esistenziali e verbi ausiliari. La Crusca per voi, LXIV(I):15-19.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2022). Ritualisierte Anschlusskommunikation auf Instagram. Formelhafte Komplimente und ihre Erwiderung als verdichtete Online-Interaktion. In: Deutsche Sprache 50.4. S. 309-334.
Neureiter, Nico; Ranacher, Peter; Efrat-Kowalsky, Nour; Kaiping, Gereon A; Weibel, Robert; Widmer, Paul; Bouckaert, Remco R (2022). Detecting contact in language trees: a Bayesian phylogenetic model with horizontal transfer. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9(1):205.
Pellegrino, E., Kathiresan, T., & Dellwo, V. (2022). Vowel convergence does not affect auditory speaker discriminability in humans and machine in a case study on Swiss German dialects. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law.
Pellegrino, Elisa; Schwab, Sandra; Dellwo, Volker (2021). Do speakers converge rhythmically? A study on segmental timing properties of Grison and Zurich German before and after dialogical interactions. Loquens, 8(1-2):1-9.
Rautionaho, Paula; Hundt, Marianne (2022). Primed progressives? Predicting the progressive in World Englishes. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 18(3):599-625.
Romano, Noémie; Ranacher, Peter; Bachmann, Sandro; Joost, Stéphane (2022): Linguistic traits as heritable units? Spatial Bayesian clustering reveals Swiss-German dialect regions. In: Journal of Linguistic Geography 10(1). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1–12.
Schwab, Sandra; Dellwo, Volker (2022). Explicit versus non-explicit prosodic training in the learning of Spanish L2 stress contrasts by French listeners. Journal of Second Language Studies, 5(2):266-306.
Seiler, Guido: Wie viele Kasus hat das Deutsche? . In: Brommer, Sarah/Roth, Kersten Sven/Spitzmüller, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Brückenschläge. Linguistik an den Schnittstellen. (TBL-Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik ), Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 2022. S. 39-64
Seiler, Guido; Weber, Thilo (2022). Reichenbach meets underspecification. Journal of Historical Linguistics, 12(1):108-166.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Eckhoff, Hanne; Fortuin, Egbert (2022). February 24, 2022. Can there be a future for Russian linguistics? Russian Linguistics, 46(1):1-2.
Stahl Olafsson, Anton; Purves, Ross S; Wartmann, Flurina M; Garcia-Martin, Maria; Fagerholm, Nora; Torralba, Mario; Albert, Christian; Verbrugge, Laura N H; Heikinheimo, Vuokko; Plieninger, Tobias; Bieling, Claudia; Kaaronen, Roope; Hartmann, Maximilian; Raymond, Christopher M (2022). Comparing landscape value patterns between participatory mapping and geolocated social media content across Europe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 226:104511.
Stark, Elisabeth; Davatz, Jan Pavel (2022). Unexpected Partitive Articles in Francoprovençal. Studia Linguistica. A Journal of General Linguistics, 76(1):101-129.
Villette, Julia; Burenhult, Niclas; Purves, Ross S (2022). Maps meet myths: Understanding Jahai place naming through Geographical Information Systems. Journal of Linguistic Geography, 10(1):1-10.
Vukovic, Teodora; Escher, Anastasia; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2022). Degrees of non-standardness Feature-based analysis of variation in a Torlak dialect corpus. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 27(2):220-247.
Widmer, Paul; Scarlata, Salvatore (2022). R̥gvedic depictive adjectival compounds and their functions. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics:Epub ahead of print.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota; Estrada Arráez, Ana; Martín, Beatriz (2022). "'Parece todo más planeado de lo que ha sido nunca' (A modo de introducción y nota al lector)". In: De Benito Moreno, Carlota; Estrada Arráez, Ana; Martín, Beatriz. Como dicen en mi pueblo : El habla de los pueblos españoles. Madrid: Editorial Pie de Página, 19-27.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2022). "Si me queréis... leerse este capítulo: no se vais a arrepentir." In: Estrada Arráez, Ana; Izquierdo, Beatriz Martín; De Benito Moreno, Carlota. Como dicen en mi pueblo : El habla de los pueblos españoles. Madrid: Editorial {Pie de Página}, 45-61.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2022). "Uso de los medios digitales de comunicación como corpus de español. In: Parodi, Giovanni; Cantos-Gómez, Pascual; Howe, Chad. Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics. London: Routledge, 481-493.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2022): “La concordancia ad sensum en español y los universales vernáculos”, en Ángela L. Di Tullio & Enrique Pato (eds.), En torno a los universales vernáculos del español. Madrid/Frankfurt a. M.: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
Faraoni, Vincenzo; Loporcaro, Michele (2022). Note dall’officina del Lessico etimologico romanesco. In: Cortelazzo, Michele A; Morgana, Silvia; Prada, Massimo. Lessicografia storica dialettale e regionale : atti del XIV Convegno ASLI, Associazione per la storia della lingua italiana (Milano, 5-7 novembre 2020). Firenze: Franco Cesati Editore, 325-332.
Gardani, F., Zanini, C. (2022). On the Subitizing Effect in Language Contact. In: Levie, R., Bar-On, A., Ashkenazi, O., Dattner, E., Brandes, G. (eds) Developing Language and Literacy. Literacy Studies, vol 23. Springer, Cham.
Glaser, Elvira (2022). Schweizer Kochbuchhandschriften im spätmittelalterlich-frühneuzeitlichen Kulturkontakt. In: Lendinara, Patrizia. Cibo e salute nelle tradizioni germaniche medievali = Food and health in the Germanic Middle Ages. Milano: Prometheus, 119-139.
Gutierrez-Vasques, X. (2022). Relación tipo-token para contrastar la complejidad morfológica del español-náhuatl. Ámbitos morfológicos: Descripciones y métodos. UNAM, Mayo, 2022
Hausendorf, Heiko (2022). Over the counter. Configuration and refiguration of ticket-sales conversation through institutional architectures for interaction. In: Christmann, Gabriela B.; Knoblauch, Hubert; Löw, Martina. Communicative constructions and the refiguration of spaces : theoretical approaches and empirical studies. London: Routledge, 194-224.
Hausendorf, Heiko, and Andreas H. Jucker. (2022) Doing space: The pragmatics of language and space. In: Jucker, Andreas H., and Heiko Hausendorf (eds.). Pragmatics of Space. (Handbooks of Pragmatics 14). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Schmitt, Reinhold (2022). Architecture-for-interaction: Built, designed and furnished space for communicative purposes. In: Jucker, Andreas H; Hausendorf, Heiko. Pragmatics of space. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 431-472.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2022). Angekommen im Deutschunterricht? Exemplarische Bemerkungen zur Entwicklung der Linguistik im Germanistikstudium. In: Baumgartner, Stephan. Germanistik heute. Aarau: VSDL Verein Schweizer Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer, 51-63.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2022). "Fix und fest": Angebrachte und unangebrachte Texte. In: Bock, Bettina M.; Pappert, Steffen; Škerlavaj, Tanja. Grenzgänge: eine Spritztour durch Text-, Stil- und Zeichengefilde : Festschrift für Ulla Fix. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 111-122.
Hundt, Marianne (2022). Constructional variation and change in N-is focaliser constructions. In: Sommerer, Lotte; Keizer, Evelien. English Noun Phrases from a Functional-Cognitive Perspective : Current issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 206-233.
Jucker, Andreas H (2022). Historical pragmatics. In: Verschueren, Jef; Östman, Jan-Ola. Handbook of Pragmatics : Manual. Second edition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 744-755.
Jucker, Andreas H (2022). Corpus pragmatics. In: Verschueren, Jef; Östman, Jan-Ola. Handbook of Pragmatics : Manual. Second edition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 1516-1527.
Kabatek, Johannes (2022). El español en Suiza, con un apunte sobre su presencia en Liechtenstein. In: Pastor Villalba, Carmen. "El español en el mundo", Anuario del Instituto Cervantes | 2022. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes, 241-270.
Kabatek, Johannes; Wall, Albert (2022). Introduction: the state of the art in Brazilian Portuguese linguistics. In: Kabatek, Johannes; Wall, Albert. Manual of Brazilian Portuguese Linguistics. Berlin/Boston, 1-23.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang; Hottiger, Christoph (2022). The pragmatics of written texts in space. In: Jucker, Andreas H; Hausendorf, Heiko. Pragmatics of Space. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 549-577.
Ljubešić, N., M. Miličević Petrović, T. Erjavec and T. Samardžić (2022). Together we are stronger: Bootstrapping language technology infrastructure for South Slavic languages with CLARIN.SI. Monographic Publication about CLARIN ERIC (CLARIN Book 2022). In D. Fišer and A. Witt (eds.) CLARIN: The Infrastructure for Language Resources. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 429-456.
Loporcaro, Michele (2022). The morphological nature of person person-driven auxiliation: evidence from shape conditions. In: Ledgeway, Adam; Smith, John Charles; Nigel, Vincent. Periphrasis and inflexion in diachrony : a view from Romance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 213-237.
Loporcaro, Michele (2022). Sardo logudorese in mòre ‘al culmine della maturazione. In: Bertocci, Davide; Castroflorio, Enrico; Rossi, Silvia. Corgnùi. Studi in onore di Maria Teresa Vigolo : Un hommage à Maria Teresa Vigolo, figure centrale de la dialectologie padouane. Padova: Cleup, 317-322.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2022). Gradiente Form-Funktionspaare im diachronen Korpus: Von der zeitlichen Relation zur deontisch-illokutionären Lesart. In: Merten, Marie-Luis / Nadine Wallmeier / Robert Langhanke (Hrsg.): Regionale Varietäten früher und heute. Olms. S. 141-166.
Merten, Marie-Luis; Wallmeier, Nadine; Langhanke, Robert (2022): Regionales Sprechen und Schreiben. In: Marie-Luis Merten / Nadine Wallmeier / Robert Langhanke (Hrsg.): Regionales Sprechen und Schreiben. Olms. S. 7-12
Meyer, Nathalie, and Andreas H. Jucker. (2022) Co-presence and beyond: Spatial configurations of communication in virtual environments. In: Andreas H. Jucker and Heiko Hausendorf (eds.). Pragmatics of Space. (Handbooks of Pragmatics 14). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Pescarini, Diego; Loporcaro, Michele (2022). Variation in romance. In: Ledgeway, Adam; Maiden, Martin. The Cambridge Handbook of Romance Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 150-180.
Purves, Ross S., Olga Koblet, Benjamin Adams, Katrín Anna Lund, Karen Jones, Sarah Luria, Flurina Wartmann, Graham Fairclough, and Gabriel Viehhauser (2022). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Environmental Narratives. In: Unlocking Environmental Narratives: Towards Understanding Human Environment Interactions through Computational Text Analysis. Ed. by Ross S. Purves, Olga Koblet, and Benjamin Adams. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 17–42.
Purves, Ross S., Olga Koblet, and Benjamin Adams (2022). Surveying the Terrain and Looking Forward. In: Unlocking Environmental Narratives: Towards Understanding Human Environment Interactions through Computational Text Analysis. Ed. by Ross S. Purves, Olga Koblet, and Benjamin Adams. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 233–244.
Purves, Ross S., Olga Koblet, and Benjamin Adams (2022). Analysing Environmental Narratives Computationally. In: Unlocking Environmental Narratives: Towards Understanding Human Environment Interactions through Computational Text Analysis. Ed. by Ross S. Purves, Olga Koblet, and Benjamin Adams. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 43–84
Purves, Ross S., Olga Koblet, and Benjamin Adams (2022). Showing the Potential of Computational Analysis to Support Environmental Narrative Research. In: Unlocking Environmental Narratives: Towards Understanding Human Environment Interactions through Computational Text Analysis. Ed. by Ross S. Purves, Olga Koblet, and Benjamin Adams. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 87–92.
Schreier, Daniel (2022). Englishes in Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena and the Bermudas: PCE, non-PCE or both? Blurred boundaries in the Atlantic. In Buschfeld, Sarah & Alexander Kautzsch, (eds.) Modelling World Englishes: A Joint Approach towards Postcolonial and Non-Postcolonial Varieties. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 298-321.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Eberle, Marisa (2022). Relative coordination. Kateri-/koteri-relatives in 18th century Slovene and Kajkavian. In: Mendoza, Imke; Birzer, Sandra. Diachronic Slavonic Syntax : Traces of Latin, Greek and Church Slavonic in Slavonic Syntax. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 107-129.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Widmer, Paul (2022). Object clause indexing in Albanian. In: Nevins, Andrew; Peti-Stanic, Anita; de Vos, Mark; Willer-Gold, Jana. Angles of object agreement. London: Oxford University Press, 327-339.
Stark, Elisabeth; Gerards, David (2022). 'Zum Geburtstag viel Glück' – weak and not so weak definites in German. In: Gianollo, Chiara; Jędrzejowski, Łukasz; Lindemann, Sofiana. Paths through meaning and form : Festschrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Köln: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, 232-235.
Stark, Elisabeth (2022). Warum es nur eine Linguistik gibt. Keine Interdisziplinarität ohne starke Disziplinen. In: Brommer, Sarah; Roth, Kersten Sven; Spitzmüller, Jürgen. Brückenschläge. Linguistik an den Schnittstellen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 19-38.
Sutter, Livia; Bubenhofer, Noah (2022). Zwischen Empirie und Hermeneutik. Korpuspragmatische Analyse zu ‚links‘ und ‚rechts‘. In: Brommer, Sarah; Roth, Kersten Sven; Spitzmüller, Jürgen. Brückenschläge : Linguistik an den Schnittstellen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 111-131.
Volk, Martin; Graën, Johannes (2022). Binomials in Swedish corpora – ‘Ordpar 1965’ revisited. In: Volodina, Elena; Dannélls, Dana; Berdicevskis, Aleksandrs; Forsberg, Markus; Virk, Shafqat. Live and Learn : Festschrift in honor of Lars Borin. Göteborg: Department of Swedish, Multilingualism and Language Technology, University of Gothenburg, 139-144.
Zehentner, Eva; Hundt, Marianne (2022). Prepositions in Early Modern English argument structure and beyond. In: Los, Bettelou; Cowie, Claire; Honeybone, Patrick; Trousdale, Graeme. English Historical Linguistics : Change in structure and meaning. Papers from the XXth ICEHL. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 202-224.
Fischer, Lukas; Scheurer, Patricia; Schwitter, Raphael; Volk, Martin (2022). Machine Translation of 16th Century Letters from Latin to German. In: Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA 2022), Marseille, 25 Juni 2022. LREC, 43-50.
Hauser, Renate; Vamvas, Jannis; Ebling, Sarah; Volk, Martin (2022). A Multilingual Simplified Language News Corpus. In: 2nd Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties (READI) within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marseille, France, 24 Juni 2022. European Language Resources Association, 25-30.
Kanjirangat, V., T. Samardzic, F. Rinaldi and Lj. Dolamic (2022). Early guessing for dialect identification. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022. Association for Computational Linguistics, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Kew, Tannon; Volk, Martin (2022). Improving Specificity in Review Response Generation with Data-Driven Data Filtering. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP (ECNLP 5), Dublin, Ireland, 26 Mai 2022.
Moran S., C. Bentz, X. Gutierrez-Vasques, O. Sozinova and T. Samardzic (2022). "TeDDi Sample: Text Data Diversity Sample for Language Comparison and Multilingual NLP". In Proceedings of The International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Marseille, France, 1150–1158.
Pelloni, O., A. Shaitarova and T. Samardzic (2022). Subword evenness (SuE) as a predictor of cross-lingual transfer to low-resource languages. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Association for Computational Linguistics, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Samardzic, T., X. Gutierrez-Vasques, R. van der Goot, M. Müller-Eberstein, O. Pelloni and B. Plank (2022). On language spaces, scales and cross-lingual transfer of UD parsers" In Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL). Association for Computational Linguistics, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Ströbel, Phillip; Clematide, Simon; Volk, Martin; Schwitter, Raphael; Hodel, Tobias; Schoch, David (2022). Evaluation of HTR models without Ground Truth Material. In: LREC 2022, Marseille, 21 Juni 2022 - 23 Juni 2022, European Language Resources Association.
Volk, Martin; Fischer, Lukas; Scheurer, Patricia; Schwitter, Raphael; Ströbel, Phillip; Suter, Benjamin (2022). Nunc profana tractemus. Detecting Code-Switching in a Large Corpus of 16th Century Letters. In: Proceedings of LREC-2022, Marseille, 21 Juni 2022 - 26 Juni 2022, LREC.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2022). The middle voice and connected constructions in Ibero-Romance. A variationist and dialectal account. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
Kabatek, Johannes; Henriques Pestana, Yoselin; Blattner, Charlotte; Defrance, Charlotte (2022). Demolingüística del español en Suiza, con un anexo sobre el español en Liechtenstein. Madrid: Intituto Cervantes.
Loporcaro, Michele; Pesini, Luca (2022). Luigi Pirandello, Suoni e sviluppi fonetici della parlata di Girgenti. Milano: Mondadori. Liechtenstein. Madrid: Intituto Cervantes.
Meletis, Dimitrios; Dürscheid, Christa (2022). Writing systems and their use: An Overview of Grapholinguistics. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
Special Issues
Paciaroni, Tania, Alice Idone, Michele Loporcaro (2022). Special issue: The many facets of agreement, Word Structure, Volume 15, issue 3. Print ISSN: 1750-1245 Online ISSN: 1755-2036.
Pardo, Jennifer S., Elisa Pellegrino, Volker Dellwo, Bernd Möbius (2022). Special issue: Vocal accommodation in speech communication, Journal of Phonetics, Volume 95, 2022, 101196, ISSN 0095-4470.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Eckhoff, Hanne; Fortuin, Egbert (2022). Special issue: “Ukrainian Linguistics”. Russian Linguistics, 46(3):165-166.
Ágel, Vilmos; Bubenhofer, Noah; Feike, Helmuth; Imo, Wolfgang; Lüdeling, Anke; Tophinke, Doris (2022) (eds.) Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik : Deutsche Sprache in Gegenwart und Geschichte. . Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota; Estrada Arráez, Ana; Martín, Beatriz (2022) (eds.). Como dicen en mi pueblo. El habla de los pueblos españoles. Madrid: Editorial Pie de Página.
Fortson, Benjamin; Keydana, Götz; Malzahn, Melanie; Widmer, Paul (2022) (eds.). Indogermanische Forschungen : Zeitschrift für Indogermanistik und historische Sprachwissenschaft. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Glaser, Elvira (Hrsg.): Syntaktischer Atlas der deutschen Schweiz (SADS). Band 1: Einleitung und Kommentare; Band 2: Karten Tübingen, Narr, 2021 (online); 2022 (print).
Hundt, Markus; Dürscheid, Christa; Elmentaler, Michael; Lasch, Alexander; Simon, Horst; Ziegler, Arne (2022) (eds.). Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft (ZRS). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
Jucker, Andreas H.; Hausendorf, Heiko (2022) (eds.). Pragmatics of Space. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Kabatek, Johannes; Bleortu, Cristina; Henriques Pestana, Yoselin (2022) (eds.). Energeia: Online journal for linguistics, language philosophy and history of linguistics. Zürich: Universität Zürich, Romanisches Seminar.
Kabatek, Johannes; Wall, Albert (2022) (eds.). Manual of Brazilian Portuguese Linguistics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Loporcaro, Michele; Covino, Sandra; Fanciullo, Franco; Breimaier, Federica; Negrinelli, Stefano (2022) (eds). Scritti linguistici : I. Scritti di fonetica e morfologia italo-romanze. Testi dialettali : TOMO 1 Dialetti del Settentrione e della Svizzera Italiana. Italiano, toscano, còrso. Roma: Viella Libreria Editrice.
Merten, Marie-Luis; Wallmeier, Nadine; Langhanke, Robert (2022) (Hrsg.): Regionales Sprechen und Schreiben. Olms, 2022.
Purves, Ross S; Koblet, Olga; Adams, Benjamin (2022). Unlocking environmental narratives: towards understanding human environment interactions through computational text analysis. London: Ubiquity Press.
Sommer, Florian; Stüber, Karin; Widmer, Paul; Yamazaki, Yoko (2022) (eds.). Indogermanische Morphologie in erweiterter Sicht : Grenzfälle und Übergänge. Edited by: Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Eckhoff, Hanne; Fortuin, Egbert (2022). Russian Linguistics. Leiden: Springer.
Ebert, Christian Georg; Islamaj, Artan; Kuqi, Adrian; Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Plamada, Magdalena; Widmer, Paul (2022). UD Gheg Pear Stories. University of Manchester ua: Universal Dependencies.
Journal Articles
Wartmann, Flurina M; Baer, Manuel F; Hegetschweiler, K T; Fischer, C; Hunziker, M; Purves, Ross S (2021). Assessing the potential of social media for estimating recreational use of urban and peri-urban forests. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 64:127261.
Wartmann, F. M., Baer, M. F., Hegetschweiler, K. T., Fischer, C., Hunziker, M., & Purves, R. S. (2021). Assessing the potential of social media for estimating recreational use of urban and peri-urban forests. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 64, 127261.
Widmer, Manuel; Jenny, Mathias; Behr, Wolfgang; Bickel, Balthasar (2021). Morphological structure can escape reduction effects from mass admixture of second language speakers. Studies in Language, 45(4):707-752.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota. "Is there really an aspectual se in Spanish?" Folia Linguistica, vol. 55, no. 1, 2021, pp. 195-230.
You, Guanghao; Bickel, Balthasar; Daum, Moritz M; Stoll, Sabine (2021). Child-directed speech is optimized for syntax-free semantic inference. Scientific Reports, 11(1):16527.
Sauppe S, Choudhary KK, Giroud N, Blasi DE, Norcliffe E, Bhattamishra S, Gulati M, Egurtzegi A, Bornkessel-Schlesewsky I, Meyer M, Bickel B (2021) Neural signatures of syntactic variation in speech planning. PLoS Biol 19(1): e3001038.
Bickel, Balthasar (2021). Beyond universals and particulars in language. Theoretical Linguistics, 47(1-2):47-52.
Bugaeva, Anna; Nichols, Johanna; Bickel, Balthasar (2021). Appositive possession in Ainu and around the Pacific. Linguistic Typology:1-46.
Bubenhofer, Noah (2021). Masken und Küsschen: Korpuslinguistische Exploration des Corona-Diskurses in der Deutschschweiz. In: Standke, Jan/Topalovic, Elvira (Hrsg.): In Krisen erzählen - von Krisen erzählen. Sprachliche, literarische und mediale Dimensionen. (Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes 68 2, 2021.
Bubenhofer, Noah (2021): Bilder in Vorlesungen, Hörsäle als Bilder: diagrammatische Überlegungen. In: Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, 3/49, S. 596-622, 10.1515/zgl-2021-2040.
Broś, Karolina; Meyer, Martin; Kliesch, Maria; Dellwo, Volker (2021). Word stress processing integrates phonological abstraction with lexical access – An ERP study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 57:100959.
Schwab, Sandra; Dellwo, Volker (2021). Explicit versus non-explicit prosodic training in the learning of Spanish L2 stress contrasts by French listeners. Journal of Second Language Studies:Epub ahead of print.
Bahrami Sobhani, Kaveh; Dürscheid, Christa (2021). Grammatische Nonstandard-Phänomene in deutschen und persischen Textnachrichten. Deutsche Sprache. Zeitschrift für Theorie, Praxis, Dokumentation, 49(1):46-63.
Hasse, Anja; Bachmann, Sandro; Glaser, Elvira (2021). Gschmöis – Crowdsourcing grammatical data of Swiss German. Linguistics Vanguard, 7(s1):1-17.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Hochuli, Kenan; Jud, Johanna; Zoller, Alexandra (2021). Der Raum der Vorlesung: Vom Auditorium zum „multi media hub“ Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, vol. 49, no. 3, 2021, pp. 653-701.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2021) Was ist und woran erkennt man „Rechtskommunikation“? Interaktions- und textlinguistische Aspekte der Betretbarkeit und der Lesbarkeit des Rechts. What is “legal communication” and how can we identify it? Interaction- and text-linguistic aspects of the enter-ability and readability of law. Ancilla Iuris 2021. S. S. 23-44
Castillo i Sanchéz, Eva; Pronina, Marusia; Hübscher, Iris; Prieto, Pilar. (2021). Narrative performance and sociopragmatic abilities in preschool children are linked to multimodal imitation skills. Developmental Psychology.
Pronina, M., Hübscher, I, Holler, J., Prieto, P. (2021). Enacting perspectives through body and verbal language in conversational trainings boosts children’s sociopragmatic abilities. Cognitive Development.
Winter, B., Eunhae Oh, G., Hübscher, I, Idemaru, K., Brown, L., Prieto, P., Grawunder, S. (2021) Rethinking the frequency code: A meta-analytic review of the role of acoustic body size in communicative phenomena. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 376: 20200400.20200400.
Pronina, M., Hübscher, I., Vilà-Giménez, I., & Prieto, P. (2021). The Acquisition of Pragmatic Prosody in the Preschool Years: Bridging the Gap Between Prosody and Pragmatics. Frontiers in Psychology,
Hundt, Marianne; Röthlisberger, Melanie; Seoane, Elena (2021). Predicting voice alternation across academic Englishes. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 17(1):189-222.
Ihsane, Tabea (2021). Preverbal subjects with a partitive article: a comparison between Aosta Valley Francoprovençal and French. Studia Linguistica (Special Issue edited by Pinzin F./C. Poletto). Open Access:
Jucker, Andreas H (2021). Features of orality in the language of fiction: A corpus-based investigation. Language and Literature:Epub ahead of print.
Jucker, Andreas H (2021). Methodological issues in digital conversation analysis.Discourse, Context & Media, 42(100520):Epub ahead of print.
Staley, Larssyn; Jucker, Andreas H. (2021). “The uh deconstructed pumpkin pie”: the use of 'uh' and 'um' in Los Angeles restaurant server talk. Journal of Pragmatics, 172:21-34.
Kabatek, Johannes; Bleortu, Cristina (2021). Dincolo de structuralism. Scrisori către Eugeniu Coşeriu şi istoria lingvisticii în secolul al XX-lea (IV). Limba română:60-63.
Kabatek, Johannes; Bleortu, Cristina (2021). Dincolo de structuralism.Scrisori către Eugeniu Coşeriu şi istoria lingvisticii în secolul al XX-lea (III). Limba română:103-109.
Bleortu, Cristina; Kabatek, Johannes (2021). Dincolo de structuralism. Scrisori către Eugeniu Coşeriu şi istoria lingvisticii în secolul al XX-lea (V). Limba română, 31(4):55-62.
Kato, Hiloko (2021). Gefährte, Haustier oder Spielobjekt? Analysen des Umgangs mit virtuellen Tieren an und ausgehend vom digitalen Spiel "The Last Guardian". In: Schmidt-Jüngst, Miriam (Hrsg.): Mensch - Tier - Maschine. Sprachliche Praktiken an und jenseits der Außengrenze des Humanen. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 245-283.
Kato, Hiloko; Bauer, René (2021). Mukokuseki and the Narrative Mechanics in Japanese Games. In: Suter, Beat/Kocher, Mela/ Bauer, René (Hrsg.): Narrative Game Mechanics. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 115-152.
Kato, Hiloko; Naef, Marcel; Sugisaki, Kyoko; Wiedmer, Nicolas (2021). "Wie ihr seht, hat es hier nicht mehr Platz zum Schreiben" - Eine text- und korpuslinguistische Untersuchung der Lesbarkeitsquellen kleiner Texte am Beispiel der Ansichtskarte. In: Pappert, Steffen/Roth, Kersten-Sven: Kleine Texte. Bern: Peter Lang, 71-116.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang; Brandenberger, Christina (2021). The social construction of embodied experiences: Two types of discoveries in the science centre. Linguistics Vanguard 7, s4 (Instructing embodied knowledge. Multimodal approaches to interactive practices for knowledge constitution. Eds. O. Ehmer; G. Brône). 2020-0101.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang; Brandenberger, Christina; Hottiger, Christoph (2021); How to Notice a Tsunami in a Water Tank: Joint Discoveries in a Science Center. Gesprächsforschung – Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 22. 87–113.
Loporcaro, Michele; Gardani, Francesco; Giudici, Alberto (2021). Contact-Induced Complexification in the Gender System of Istro-Romanian. Journal of Language Contact, 14(1):72-126.
Merten, Marie-Luis; Lars Bülow (2021). Notorisch mehrdeutig: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen von Image Macros in Gesellschaft und Bildung. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes 68.4. S. 406-407, 2021
Pellegrino, Elisa; He, Lei; Dellwo, Volker (2021). Age-related rhythmic variations: The role of syllable intensity variability. TRANEL - Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique, 74:167-185.
Pellegrino, Elisa; Schwab, Sandra; Dellwo, Volker (2021). Native listeners rely on rhythmic cues when deciding on the nativeness of speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(4):2836-2853.
Larsson, Jens; Burenhult, Niclas; Kruspe, Nicole; Purves, Ross S; Rothstein, Mikael; Sercombe, Peter (2021). Integrating behavioral and geospatial data on the timeline: towards new dimensions of analysis. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24(1):1-13.
Wartmann, Flurina M; Koblet, Olga; Purves, Ross S (2021). Assessing experienced tranquillity through natural language processing and landscape ecology measures. Landscape Ecology, 1-19.
Acheson, Elise; Purves, Ross S (2021). Extracting and modeling geographic information from scientific articles. PLoS ONE, 16(1):e0244918.
Hutter, V.; Techel, F.; Purves, R. S. (2021) How is avalanche danger described in public avalanche forecasts? Analyzing textual descriptions of avalanche forecasts in Switzerland, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint].
Matsumae, Hiromi; Ranacher, Peter; Savage, Patrick E; Blasi, Damián E; Currie, Thomas E; Koganebuchi, Kae; Nishida, Nao; Sato, Takehiro; Tanabe, Hideyuki; Tajima, Atsushi; Brown, Steven; Stoneking, Mark; Shimizu, Kentaro K; Oota, Hiroki; Bickel, Balthasar (2021). Exploring correlations in genetic and cultural variation across language families in northeast Asia. Science Advances, 7(34):eabd9223.
Ranacher Peter, Neureiter Nico, van Gijn Rik, Sonnenhauser Barbara, Escher Anastasia, Weibel Robert, Muysken Pieter and Bickel Balthasar (2021). Contact-tracing in cultural evolution: a Bayesian mixture model to detect geographic areas of language contact. J. R. Soc. Interface. 18: 20201031.
Ruch, Hanna (2021). Dialect contact in real interactions and in an agent-based model. Speech Communication. Vol 134, p. 55-70.
Zullo, Davide; Pfenninger, Simone E; Schreier, Daniel (2021). A pan-Atlantic 'multiple modal belt'? American Speech: a Quarterly of Linguistic Usage, 96(1):7-44.
Schreier, Daniel (2021). Variation and third age: a sociolinguistic perspective. Linguistics Vanguard, 7(s2):20200030.
Seiler, Guido; Pröll, Simon (2021) Akkommodation geostatistisch. In: Christen, Helen; Ganswindt, Brigitte; Herrgen, Joachim; Schmidt, Jürgen Erich (Hrsg.): Regiolekt – der neue Dialekt? Akten des 6. Kongresses der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen IGDD. (Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 182 ), Stuttgart, Steiner. S. 83-99.
Seiler, Guido; Gaeta, Livio (2021). A specter is haunting Europe: the Alps as a linguistic area? In: Seiler, Guido; Gaeta, Livio (Hrsg.): Special Issue: The Alps as a linguistic area. (STUF - Language Typology and Universals Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung). Band 74 Heft 1 De Gruyter. S. 1-16.
Eckhoff, Hanne; Fortuin, Egbert; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2021). Why doing Russian and Slavic linguistics matters. Russian Linguistics, 45(1):1-6.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Escher, Anastasia (2021). Small-scale patterns in a larger picture : The loss of feature specifications in the Balkan Slavic pronominal system. Indogermanische Forschungen. Zeitschrift für Indogermanistik und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, 126:85-105.
Stark, Elisabeth; Binder, Larissa (2021), “L'inversion du sujet clitique en français oral : ultime apanage des interrogatives ?”, in: Langue française 212 (Variantes formelles de l'interrogation, numéro spécial dirigé par Pierre Larrivée et Alexander Guryev), 25-40.
Stark, Elisabeth; Davatz, Jan (2021). Unexpected Partitive Articles in Francoprovençal. Studia Linguistica (Special issue edited by Pinzin F./C. Poletto). Open Access:
Tschofen, Bernhard (2021). Culture and the everyday : Ethnographic cultural analysis in the tradition of German-speaking “Volkskunde”/European ethnology. 日常と文化, 9(3):1-15.
Vuković, Teodora (2021). Representing variation in a spoken corpus of an endangered dialect: the case of Torlak. Language Resources and Evaluation, 55(3):731-756.
Zhou, Zhiyong; Weibel, Robert; Fu, Cheng; Winter, Stephan; Huang, Haosheng (2021). Indoor landmark selection for route communication: the influence of route-givers’ social roles and receivers’ familiarity with the environment. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 21(4):257-289.
Zhou, Zhiyong; Weibel, Robert; Huang, Haosheng (2021). Familiarity-dependent computational modelling of indoor landmark selection for route communication: a ranking approach. International Journal of Geographical Information Science:Epub ahead of print.
Biagetti, Erica; Hellwig, Oliver; Ackermann, Elia; Scarlata, Salvatore; Widmer, Paul(2021). Evaluating syntactic annotation of ancient languages. Old World: Journal of Ancient Africa and Eurasia, 1(1):1-32.
Jing, Yingqi; Widmer, Paul; Bickel, Balthasar (2021). Word Order Variation is Partially Constrained by Syntactic Complexity. Cognitive Science, 45(11):e13056.
Widmer, Manuel; Jenny, Mathias; Behr, Wolfgang; Bickel, Balthasar (2021). Morphological structure can escape reduction effects from mass admixture of second language speakers. Studies in Language, 45(4):707-752.Widmer, Paul; Dedio, Stefan; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2021). Convergence by shared ancestry in Romance. Journal of Language Contact, 14:53-71.
Book Sections
De Benito Moreno, C. (2021): “Grammaticalization”, en Antonio Fábregas, Víctor Acedo-Matellán, Grant Armstrong, María Cristina Cuervo & Isabel Pujol (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Morphology. London: Routledge.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2021). 'The Spanish of the Internet': Is That a Thing? In: Perez, Danae Maria; Hundt, Marianne; Kabatek, Johannes; Schreier, Daniel. English and Spanish - World Languages in Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 258-286.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2021): “Ca y cas, las formas reducidas de casa que el español estándar no quiso”. In Blanca Garrido, Carmen Moral del Hoyo & Matthias Raab (eds.), Variación diatópica y morfosintaxis en la Historia del español,Verba (Anejo), 17-46.
Dürscheid, Christa (2021). Emojis are everywhere. How emojis conquer new contexts. In: Haralambous, Yannis. Graphemics in the 21st century : /gʁafematik/ : Brest, June 17–19, 2020, Proceedings Part I. Brest: Fluxus Editions, 501-512.
Dürscheid, Christa (2021). Kleine Texte im Vergleich: Untertitel versus WhatsApp. In: Pappert, Steffen; Roth, Kersten Sven. Kleine Texte. Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 119-140.
Brommer, Sarah; Dürscheid, Christa (2021). Mensch-Mensch- und Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation. Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten. In: Brommer, Sarah; Dürscheid, Christa. Mensch. Maschine. Kommunikation : Beiträge zur Medienlinguistik. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 7-27.
Dürscheid, Christa (2021): Koch/Oesterreicher und die (neuen) Medien: Anmerkungen aus germanistischer Sicht. In: Gruber, Teresa/Grübl, Klaus/Scharinger, Thomas (Hrsg.): Was bleibt von kommunikativer Nähe und Distanz? Mediale und konzeptionelle Aspekte sprachlicher Variation. Tübingen: Narr (= ScriptOralia 144), 60-81.
Gardani, Francesco (2021). On how morphology spreads. In: Gardani, Francesco; Rainer, Franz. Word Structure. Morphology in contact. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 129-147.
Glaser, Elvira; Prinz, Michael; Ptashnyk, Stefaniya (2021). Historisches Codeswitching mit Deutsch: Eine Einleitung. In: Glaser, Elvira; Prinz, Michael; Ptashnyk, Stefaniya. Historisches Codeswitching mit Deutsch : multilinguale Praktiken in der Sprachgeschichte. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1-11.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2021). Kommunikation mit und durch Sprache. In: Rühli, Frank J; Thier, Andreas. Weissbuch Corona : die Schweiz nach der Pandemie : Befunde – Erkenntnisse – Perspektiven. Basel: NZZ Libro, 22-29.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2021). »Gute Gründe für schlechteTexte«: Linguistische Überlegungen zu einer ethnomethodologisch inspirierten Textanalyse. In: Bergmann, Jörg R.; Meyer, Christian. Ethnomethodologie reloaded. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 165-186.
Hundt, Marianne (2021). “The next Morning I got a Warrant for the Man and his Wife, but he was fled”: Did sociolinguistic factors play a role in the loss of the be-perfect? In: Kranich, Svenja; Breban, Tine. Lost in Change: Causes and Processes in the Loss of Grammatical Elements and Constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 199-233.
Perez, Danae Maria; Hundt, Marianne; Kabatek, Johannes; Schreier, Daniel (2021). Introduction: English and Spanish in Contact - World Languages in Interaction. In: Perez, Danae Maria; Hundt, Marianne; Kabatek, Johannes; Schreier, Daniel. English and Spanish - World Languages in Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-9.
Leitner, Magdalena; Jucker, Andreas H (2021). Historical Sociopragmatics. In: Haugh, Michael; Kádár, Dániel Z; Terkourafi, Marina. The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 687-709.
Kabatek, Johannes (2021). Eugenio Coseriu on immediacy, distance and discourse traditions. In: Willems, Klass; Munteanu, Cristinel. Eugenio Coseriu: past, present and future. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 227-244.
Kabatek, Johannes (2021). As Irmandades da Fala e as linguas minoritarias en Europa durante a primeira guerra mundial. In: Villares, Ramón; et al. As Irmandades da Fala no seu tempo: perpectivas cruzadas. Santiago de Compostela: CONSELLO DA CULTURA GALEGA, 165-192.
Kabatek, Johannes; Obrist, Philipp; Wall, Albert (2021). The third wave of studies on DOM in Romance: An introduction to this volume. In: Kabatek, Johannes; Obrist, Philipp; Wall, Albert. Differential Object Marking in Romance.The third wave. Berlin: De Gryter, 3-20.
Loporcaro, Michele; Paciaroni, Tania (2021. Multi-layered defaults in Ripano. In: Sedigheh Moradi, Marcia Haag Janie Rees-Miller und Andrija Petrovic (eds.), All Things Morphology. Its independence and its interfaces. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, CILT), 215-236
Loporcaro, Michele; Schmid, Stephan; Zanini, Chiara; Pescarini, Diego; Donzelli, Giulia; Negrinelli, Stefano; Tisato, Graziano (2021). AIS, reloaded: A digital dialect atlas of Italy and southern Switzerland. In: Thibaut, André; Avanzi, Matthieu; Lo Vecchio, Nicolas; Millour, Alice. Nouveaux regards sur la variation dialectale. Strasbourg: Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie, 111-136.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2021). Intra-individual variation from a historical perspective: Towards a usage-based model of constructional change and variation. In: Werth, Alexander; Lars Bülow; Simone E. Pfenninger; Markus Schiegg (Hg.): Intra-Individual Variation in Language. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. S. 347-378, 2021.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2021). Grammatik im Wandel - Ko(n)text, Situation, Kultur. In: Ihden, Sarah; Katharina Dreessen; Robert Langhanke (Hg.): Studien zur mittelniederdeutschen und frühneuhochdeutschen Sprache und Literatur. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Olms. S. 5-27, 2021.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2021). "Wer länger raucht, ist früher tot" - Construal-Techniken des (populärmedizinischen) Online-Positionierens. In: Yvonne Ilg / Marina Iakushevich / Theresa Schnedermann (Hg.): Linguistik und Medizin. Sprachwissenschaftliche Zugänge und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. S. 259-276.
Pellegrino, Elisa (2021). Dynamics of short-term cross-dialectal accommodation. A study on Grison and Zurich German. In: Bernardasci, Camilla; Dipino, Dalila; Garassino, Davide; Negrinelli, Stefano; Pellegrino, Elisa; Schmid, Stephan. L’individualità del parlante nelle Scienze Fonetiche : Applicazioni tecnologiche e forensi. Milano: Officinaventuno, 325-342.
Schreier, Daniel (2021). English varieties outside of North America. In: Bruhn de Garavito, Joyce; Schwieter, John W. Introducing linguistics: theoretical and applied approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 593-602.
Sleeman, Petra; Ihsane, Tabea (2021). The L2 acquisition of the quantitative pronoun in French by L1 speakers of German and the role of the L1. In Giuliana Giusti & Petra Sleeman (eds.), Partitive Determiners, Partitive Pronouns and Partitive Case. Linguistische Arbeiten.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2021). Slovene naj: An (emerging) clausal complementiser? In: Wiemer, Björn; Sonnenhauser, Barbara. Clausal Complementation in South Slavic. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, 442-475.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Gafner, Lea; Escher, Anastasia (2021). Co to má býti (lépe: co jest to). Mít als Modalauxiliar: Form, Funktion, Distribution. In: Brehmer, Bernhard; Gattnar, Anja; Perevozchikova, Tatjana. Von A wie Aspekt bis Z wie Zdvořilost : Ein Kaleidoskop der Slavistik für Tilman Berger zum 65. Geburtstag. Tübingen: Tübingen Library Publishing, 77-87.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Wiemer, Björn (2021). Introduction - Clausal complementation in South Slavic. In: Wiemer, Björn; Sonnenhauser, Barbara. Clausal Complementation in South Slavic. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter, 3-26.
Davatz, Jan Pavel; Stark, Elisabeth (2021). 'Niște' en roumain – quantifieur ou déterminant. In: Schøsler, Lene; Härmä, Juhani; Lindschow, Jan. Actes XXIXe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romane de Copenhague, 1er-6 juillet 2019, Strasbourg. Strassburg: ELiPhi, BiLiRo, 49-61.
Haegeman, Liliane; Stark, Elisabeth (2021). Register-specific subject omission in English and French and the syntax of coordination. In: Wolfe, Sam; Meklenborg Salvensen, Christine. Oxford University Press. Oxford, 15-43.
Georgi, Doreen; Stark, Elisabeth. (2021). Past participle agreement in French – one or two rules?. In Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax, ed. by Hinzelin, Marc-Olivier; Pomino, Natascha; Remberger, Eva-Maria, 19-47. Berlin et al.: de Gryuter (= Linguistische Arbeiten).
Stoll, Sabine; Schikowski, Robert (2021). Child-language corpora. In: Paquot, Magali; Gries, Stefan. A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. Switzerland: Springer, 305-329.
Keydana, Götz; Hock, Wolfgang; Widmer, Paul (2021). Comparison and Gradation in Indo- European: Introduction and Overview. In: Keydana, Götz; Hock, Wolfgang; Widmer, Paul. Comparison and Gradation in Indo-European. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1-34.
Conference items and proceedings
Glaser, Elvira (2021). Documentational linguistics of Arbresh varieties. In: Derhemi, Eda (ed.), Endangered Languages and Diaspora. The State and Study of Arbëresh as an Endangered Diaspora Language. Tirana, Albania, 16-19 December 2021, Tirana: Qendra e Studimeve dhe Publikimeve për Arbëreshët, 130–137
Gutierrez-Vasques, X., Bentz, C., Sozinova, O., & Samardzic, T. (2021). From characters to words: the turning point of BPE merges. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume (pp. 3454-3468).
Mager, M., Oncevay, A., Ebrahimi, A., Ortega, J., Gonzales, A. R., Fan, A., Gutierrez-Vasques, X. ... & Kann, K. (2021). Findings of the AmericasNLP 2021 Shared Task on Open Machine Translation for Indigenous Languages of the Americas. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas, NAACL.
Ranacher, P.; Neureiter, N. (2021). Hidden spatial clusters - and how to find them. UC Santa Barbara: Center for Spatial Studies.
Ruzsics, T., Sozinova, O., Gutierrez-Vasques, X., & Samardzic, T. (2021). "Interpretability for Morphological Inflection: from Character-level Predictions to Subword-level Rules". In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume (pp. 3189-3201).
Barriga, Diego., Mijangos Victor., Gutierrez-Vasques, Ximena (2021, June). "Automatic Interlinear Glossing for Otomi language" In Proceedings of the The First Workshop on NLP for Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Association for Computational Linguistics. NAACL 2021 (to appear).
Mazara, Jekaterina; Stoll, Sabine (2021). Frequency vs. Salience in First Language Acquisition: The Acquisition of Aspect Marking in Chintang. In: Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, online, Juli 2021. California Digital Library, 840-846.
Brommer, Sarah; Dürscheid, Christa (2021). Mensch. Maschine. Kommunikation. Beiträge zur Medienlinguistik. Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG, 2021.
Gardani, Francesco; Rainer, Franz (Hrsg.) (2021). Word Structure. Morphology in contact. . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Glaser, Elvira. Syntaktischer Atlas der deutschen Schweiz (SADS) Band 1: Einleitung und Kommentare. Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG, 2021.
Glaser, Elvira. Syntaktischer Atlas der deutschen Schweiz (SADS) : Band 2: Karten. Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG, 2021.
Glaser, Elvira, Prinz, Michael and Ptashnyk, Stefaniya. Historisches Codeswitching mit Deutsch: Multilinguale Praktiken in der Sprachgeschichte, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2021.
Perez, Danae; Hundt, Marianne; Kabatek, Johannes; Schreier, Daniel (Hrsg.) (2021). English and Spanish in Contact – World Languages in interaction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kabatek, Johannes; Obrist, Philipp; Wall, Albert (Eds. ) (2021). Differential Object Marking in Romance The third wave. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Wiemer, Björn; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (Eds.) (2021). Clausal Complementation in South Slavic. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.
Keydana, Götz; Hock, Wolfgang; Widmer, Paul (Eds.) (2021). Comparison and Gradation in Indo-European. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Fortson, Benjamin; Keydana, Götz; Malzahn, Melanie; Widmer, Paul (Eds.) (2021) Indogermanische Forschungen : Zeitschrift für Indogermanistik und historische Sprachwissenschaft. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Dürscheid, Christa (2021). Wie sagt man wo?: erstaunliche Sprachvielfalt von Amrum bis ins Zillertal. Berlin: Bibliografisches Institut.
Locher, Miriam A; Jucker, Andreas H (2021). The Pragmatics of Fiction: Literature, Stage and Screen Discourse. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang (2021). Ausstellungskommunikation: Eine semiotische und gesprächsanalytische Untersuchung multimodaler Wissenskommunikation im Raum. Berlin: de Gruyter (Reihe Germanistische Linguistik 312).
Tophinke, Doris; Wallmeier, Nadine; Merten, Marie-Luis (2021). Das paderbörnische Platt. Niederdeutsch im Gebiet der Kreise Paderborn und Höxter. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2021.
Gardani, Francesco; Loporcaro, Michele; Giudici, Alberto (eds.) (2021). Romance languages and the others: In and around the Balkan Sprachbund. Journal of Language Contact, 14(1):1-23.
Seiler, Guido; Gaeta, Livia (Hrsg.): Special Issue - The Alps as a linguistic area. (STUF - Language Typology and Universals Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung Band 74 Heft 1 ), De Gruyter, 2021.
Scientific Publication in Electronic Form
Ihsane, Tabea; Jan Davatz; Francesco Pinzin; Elisabeth Stark (2021). Welcome to the interface for searching the DiFuPaRo-Database. Click on the button "about".
Schaber, Jonathan; Graën, Johannes; Davatz, Jan Pavel; Ihsane, Tabea; Pinzin, Francesco; Poletto, Cecilia; Stark, Elisabeth (2021). The DiFuPaRo database. UZH.
Journal Articles
Ferrer-i-Cancho, R., Bentz, C., and Seguin, C. (2020). Optimal coding and the origins of Zipfian laws. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics.
Strunk, Jan; Seifart, Frank; Danielsen, Swintha; Hartmann, Irene; Pakendorf, Brigitte; Wichmann, Søren; Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena; Bickel, Balthasar (2020). Determinants of phonetic word duration in ten language documentation corpora: Word frequency, complexity, position, and part of speech. Language Documentation & Conservation, 14:423-461.
Widmer, Manuel; Jenny, Mathias; Behr, Wolfgang; Bickel, Balthasar (2020) Morphological structure can escape reduction effects from mass admixture of second language speakers: evidence from Sino-Tibetan. PsyArXiv.
Bubenhofer, Noah; Knuchel, Daniel; Sutter, Livia; Kellenberger, Maaike; Bodenmann, Niclas (2020). Von Grenzen und Welten: Eine korpuspragmatische COVID-19-Diskursanalyse. In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 02/03 (16), S. 46-55.
Bubenhofer, Noah (2020). Semantische Äquivalenz in Geburtserzählungen: Anwendung von Word Embeddings. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, 48(3):562-589.
Dreesen, Philipp; Bubenhofer, Noah (2020). Das Konzept «Übersetzen» in der digitalen Transformation. Germanistik in der Schweiz (GiS), 16:26-49.
Knuchel, Daniel; Bubenhofer, Noah (2020). Korpuslinguistische Expeditionen als Anregung zur Reflexion über Sprachgebrauch - Forschendes Lernen mit dem DWSD und dem DeReKo. Der Deutschunterricht, 72(6):63-76.
Schwab, Sandra; Giroud, Nathalie; Meyer, Martin; Dellwo, Volker. (2020). Working memory and not acoustic sensitivity is related to stress processing ability in a foreign language: An ERP study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 55:100897
Dürscheid, Christa (2020): Emojis sind überall. Schreiben in digitalen Zeiten. In: tv diskurs 93/3, 24. Jg. (Thema des Heftes: Medien in Krisenzeiten)
Dürscheid ,Christa; Sutter, Patrizia (2020). Forschendes Lernen mit digitalen Sprachressourcen – am Beispiel des Unterrichtsthemas „Sprachvarietäten und ihre gesellschaftliche Bedeutung“. In: Der Deutschunterricht. Thema des Heftes: Forschendes Lernen mit digitalen Medien. Heft 6, 11–22.
Gardani, Francesco (2020). Borrowing matter and pattern in morphology. An overview. Morphology 30(4). 263–282.
Derungs, Curdin; Sieber, Christian; Glaser, Elvira; Weibel, Robert (2020). Dialect Borders - Political Regions are Better Predictors than Economy or Religion. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 35(2):276-295.
Lameli, Alfred; Glaser, Elvira; Stoeckle, Philipp (2020). Drawing areal information from a corpus of noisy dialect data. Journal of Linguistic Geography 8(1), 31–48.
Gutierrez-Vasques, Ximena, & Mijangos, Victor (2020). Productivity and Predictability for Measuring Morphological Complexity. Entropy, 22(1), 48.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2020). Geht es auch ohne Interaktion? In: Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 02/03 (16), S. 196-199.
Hübscher, Iris; Wagner, Laura; Prieto, Pilar (2020). Three-year-olds' infer polite stance from intonation and facial expression. Journal of Politeness Research Language Behaviour and Culture, 16(1).
Pronina, M., Hübscher, I, Holler, J., Prieto, P. (2020). Interactional training interventions boost children’s expressive pragmatic abilities: evidence from a novel multidimensional testing approach. Cognitive Development.
Hundt, Marianne (2020). On models and modelling. World Englishes. 2020; 1– 20.
Hundt, Marianne; Rautionaho, Paula; Strobl, Carolin (2020). Progressive or simple?: a corpus-based study of aspect in World Englishes. Corpora, 15(1):77-106.
Schneider, Gerold; Hundt, Marianne; Schreier, Daniel (2020). Pluralized non-count nouns across Englishes: a corpus-linguistic approach to dialect typology. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 16(3):515-546.
Idone, Alice (2020). I vocalismi atoni finali della Calabria centrale: dati sincronici a favore di una diversa evoluzione del vocalismo siciliano. Revue de Linguistique Romane, (84):41-81.
Ihsane, Tabea (2020). Telicity, specificity, and complements with a plural “partitive article” in French. In T. Ihsane (ed.), Bare nouns vs. ‘partitive articles’: Disentangling Functions. Leiden/Boston: Brill (Reihe Syntax and Semantics).
Ihsane, Tabea (2020b). Introduction. In T. Ihsane (ed.), Bare nouns vs. ‘partitive articles’: Disentangling Functions. Leiden/Boston: Brill (Reihe Syntax and Semantics).
Ihsane, Tabea; Stark, Elisabeth (2020). Introduction. In Ihsane Tabea; Stark, Elisabeth (eds.), Shades of Partitivity: Formal and areal properties. Special Issue, Linguistics 58:3
Staley, Larssyn; Jucker, Andreas H. (2020) "The uh deconstructed pumpkin pie": The use of uh and um in Los Angeles restaurant server talk. Journal of Pragmatics, Volume 172, 2021, Pages 21-34.
Kabatek, Johannes; Bleortu, Cristina (2020). Dincolo de structuralism. Scrisori către Eugeniu Coşeriu şi istoria lingvisticii în secolul al XX-lea (II). Limba română, (2):108-110.
Kabatek, Johannes (2020). Der Sprachwandel im metasprachlichen Diskurs auf der Iberischen Halbinsel im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Revue de Linguistique Romane, (84):229-231.
Kabatek, Johannes (2020). La lingua delle cantigas. Grammatica del galego-portoghese. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, (273):890-893.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang; Brandenberger, Christina (2020). The social construction of embodied experiences: Two types of discoveries in the science centre. In Ehmer, Oliver & Geert Brône. Special issue on " Instructing body knowledge. Multimodal approaches to interactive practices for knowledge constitution". Linguistics Vanguard.
Koblet, Olga, and Ross S. Purves (2020). From online texts to Landscape Character Assessment: Collecting and analysing first-person landscape perception computationally. Landscape and Urban Planning 197 (2020): 103757.
Barbato, Marcello; Loporcaro, Michele (2020). Il romanesco antico forse “fosse”, l’avverbio omofonoe le forme italo-romanze congeneri. Revue de Linguistique Romane, 84(335-336):373-403.
Moran, Steven; Bickel, Balthasar (2020). Rejoinder to Huijbregts’s: Biting into evolution of language. Journal of Language Evolution, 5(2):184-187.
Levshina, N.; Moran, S. (2020) Efficiency in human languages: Corpus evidence for universal principles. Linguistics Vanguard.
Neureiter, Nico; Ranacher, Peter; van Gijn, Rik; Bickel, Balthasar; Weibel, Robert (2020). Can Bayesian phylogeography reconstruct migrations and expansions in human history? Preprint bioRxiv
Paciaroni, Tania (2020). Nouvelles approches en géolinguistique : la hiérarchie d’héritage projetée sur le réseau dialectal abruzzais. In: Special Issue Modélisation diasystémique et typologie. Jean Léo Léonard (ed.) Verbum XLII.
Bruggmann André; Fabrikant, Sara; Purves, Ross S. (2020). How Can Geographic Information in Text Documents be Visualized to Support Information Exploration in the Humanities? International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, Volume 14 Issue 1-2, Page 98-118.
Burenhult, N., & Purves, R. S. (2020). The spatial properties of forager motion categories. Hunter Gatherer Research, 4(3), 411-427.
Larsson Jens; Burenhult, Niclas; Kruspe, Nicole; Purves, Ross S; Rothstein, Mikael; Sercombe, Peter (2020) Integrating behavioral and geospatial data on the timeline: towards new dimensions of analysis, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24(1), 1-13.
Villette, Julia; Purves, Ross S (2020). From microtoponyms to landscape using semantics, location, and topography: the case of Wald, Holz, Riet, and Moos in St. Gallen, Switzerland. The Professional Geographer, 72(1):109-120.
Koblet, Olga; Purves, Ross S (2020). From online texts to Landscape Character Assessment: Collecting and analysing first-person landscape perception computationally. Landscape and Urban Planning, 197:103757.
Van Putten, Saskia; O’Meara, Carolyn; Wartmann, Flurina M; Yager, Joanne; Villette, Julia; Mazzuca, Claudia; Bieling, Claudia; Burenhult, Niclas; Purves, Ross S; Majid, Asifa (2020). Conceptualisations of landscape differ across European languages. PLoS ONE, 15(10):e0239858.
Schreier, Daniel (2020). Variation and third age: a sociolinguistic perspective. In Bülow, Lars & Simone E. Pfenninger. Special issue on "Intra-speaker variation across time and space - Sociolinguistics meets psycholinguistics". Linguistics Vanguard.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Widmer, Paul (2020). Indeed, nothing lost in the Balkans: Assessing morphosyntactic convergence in an areal context. Balkanistica, 33:103-131.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2020). The virtue of imperfection. Gjorgji Pulevski’s Macedonian–Albanian–Turkish dictionary (1875) as a window into historical multilingualism in the Ottoman Balkans. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics, 6(1):1-29.
Stark, Elisabeth; Widmer, Paul (2020): Breton a-marking of (internal) verbal arguments – a result of language contact? In: Linguistics, 58(3):745-766.
Mansfield, John; Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar (2020). Category clustering: A probabilistic bias in the morphology of verbal agreement marking. Language. Journal of the Linguistic Society of America, 96(2):255-293.
Makarova, Anastasia, Daria V. Konior, Teodora Vuković, Andrej N. Sobolev, Olivier Winistörfer (2020). Automatic language profiling of a dialect speaker: the case of the Timok variety spoken in the village of Berčinovac (Eastern Serbia) (in Russian). In: Acta Linguistica Petropolitana Vol. 16.2. pp. 160-180.
Book Sections
Bickel, Balthasar; Nichols, Johanna (2020). Linguistic Typology and Hunter-Gatherer Languages. In: Güldemann, Tom; McConvell, Patrick; Rhodes, Richard. The Language of Hunter-Gatherers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 67-75.
Bickel, Balthasar (2020). Large and ancient linguistic areas. In: Crevels, Mily; Musyken, Pieter. Language dispersal, diversification, and contact : a global perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 78 - 101.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2020). Reflexiones sobre la “lengua vulgar dialectal” y el vulgarismo. In: Fernández-Ordoñez, Inés. El legado de Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1869-1968) a principios del siglo XXI. Madrid: Libros-CSIC, 19-56.
Dürscheid, Christa (2020). Internet-Sprachkritik. In: Niehr, Thomas; Kilian, Jörg; Schiewe, Jürgen (Hrsg.): Handbuch Sprachkritik. Stuttgart: Metzler, 326–332.
Dürscheid, Christa (2020). Schreiben in Sozialen Medien. Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven. In: Marx, Konstanze; Lobin, Henning; Schmidt, Axel (eds.): Deutsch in Sozialen Medien – interaktiv, multimodal, vielfältig. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (= Jahrbuch des Leibniz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 2019), 35–50.
Dürscheid, Christa (2020). Zeichen setzen im digitalen Schreiben. In: Androutsopoulos, Jannis/Busch, Florian (Hrsg.): Register des digitalen Schreibens: Variation, Praktiken, Reflexion. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (Linguistik - Impulse und Tendenzen 87), 31-51.
Thurlow, Crispin; Dürscheid, Christa (2020). Introduction: Turning to the visual in digital discourse studies. In: Thurlow, Crispin; Dürscheid, Christa; Diémoz, Federica (Hrsg.), Visualizing Digital Discourse. Interactional, Institutional and Ideological Perspectives. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton (= Language and Social Life 21), 1-17.
Frick, Karina (2020). Graphische Variation im Rahmen emotionaler Online-Praktiken. In: Androutsopoulos, Jannis/Busch, Florian (Hrsg.): Register des Graphischen. Variation, Interaktion und Reflexion in der digitalen Schriftlichkeit (= Linguistik - Impulse und Tendenzen 87). Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 159-182.
Gardani, Francesco (2020). Morphology and Contact-Induced Language Change. In: Grant, Anthony P. The Oxford handbook of language contact. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 95-122.
Gardani, Francesco (2020). Simplification and complexification in Wolof noun morphology and morphosyntax. In: Arkadiev, Peter; Gardani, Francesco (eds) (2020). The Complexities of Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Arkadiev, Peter; Gardani, Francesco (2020). Introduction: Complexities in morphology. In: Arkadiev, Peter; Gardani, Francesco. The complexities of morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-19.
Voga, Madeleine; Gardani, Francesco; Giraudo, Hélène (2020). Multilingualism and the Mental Lexicon. Insights from language processing, diachrony, and language contact. In: Pirrelli, Vito; Plag, Ingo; Dressler, Wolfgang. Word Knowledge and Word Usage A Cross-Disciplinary Guide to the Mental Lexicon. Berlin & Boston: De Guyter, 506-552.
Glaser, Elvira; Philipp Stoeckle; Sandro Bachmann (2020). Faktoren und Arten intrapersoneller Variation im Material des Syntaktischen Atlas der deutschen Schweiz (SADS). In: SARDIS-Tagungsband. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik. Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag
Strobel, T.; Glaser, E. (2020). The Rise and Fall of Partitive Markers in Some Germanic Varieties. In Disentangling Bare Nouns and Nominals Introduced by a Partitive Article. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2020): Die Betretbarkeit der Institution – ein vernachlässigter Aspekt der Interaktion in Organisationen. In: Gruber, Helmut; Spitzmüller, Jürgen; de Cilia, Rudolf (Hrsg.), Institutionelle Kommunikation: Theorie, Methodologie, Empirie und Kritik. Göttingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 119-148.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2020): "Kommunizierende Räume" an den Grenzen des Sozialen? Interaktionslinguistische Bemerkungen zur Kommunikation mit und durch Architektur. In: Eickhoff, Jonas, Reichertz, Jo (Hg.), Grenzen der Kommunikation – Kommunikation an den Grenzen. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft, 118-133.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2020). Interaktion und Architektur: Was man über die Vorlesung aus dem Hörsaal lernen kann. In: Egger, Rudolf; Eugster, Balthasar. Lob der Vorlesung: Vorschläge zur Verständigung über Form, Funktion und Ziele universitärer Lehre. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 165-203.
Hundt, Marianne (2020). Corpus-based approaches to World Englishes. In: Schreier, Daniel; Hundt, Marianne; Schneider, Edgar. The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 506-533.
Ihsane, T. (2020). Introduction. In Disentangling Bare Nouns and Nominals Introduced by a Partitive Article. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill.
Ihsane, T. (2020). Telicity, Specificity, and Complements with a “Partitive Article” in French. In Disentangling Bare Nouns and Nominals Introduced by a Partitive Article. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill.
Ihsane, Tabea; Stark, Elisabeth (2020). Introduction. In Ihsane Tabea; Stark, Elisabeth (eds.), Shades of Partitivity: Formal and areal properties. Special Issue Linguistics 58:3: 605-619.
Sleeman, Petra & Tabea Ihsane. (2020). The L2 acquisition of the quantitative pronoun in French by L1 speakers of German and the role of the L1. In Giuliana Giusti & Petra Sleeman (eds.), Partitive Determiners, Partitive Pronouns and Partitive Case. Linguistische Arbeiten.
Jucker, Andreas H (2020). The discourse of manners and politeness in Restoration and eighteenth-century drama. In: Jucker, Andreas H; Taavitsainen, Irma. Manners, norms and transgressions in the history of English: literary and linguistic approaches. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 102-120.
Taavitsainen, Irma; Jucker, Andreas H. (2020) Manners, norms and transgressions: Introduction. In: Andreas H. Jucker and Irma Taavitsainen (eds.). Manners, Norms and Transgressions in the History of English. Literary and Linguistic Approaches. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 312). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-23.
Taavitsainen, Irma; Jucker, Andreas H. (2020) Digital pragmatics of English. In: Svenja Adolphs and Dawn Knight (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities. London: Routledge, 107-124.
Kabatek, Johannes (2020). Linguistic Norm in the Linguistic Theory of Eugenio Coseriu. In: Lebsanft, Franz; Tacke, Felix. Manual of Standardization in the Romance Languages Reihe: Manuals of Romance Linguistics, 24. Berlin / New York: De Gruyter, 127-144.
Kabatek, Johannes (2020). The Galician Language Brotherhoods and Minority Languages in Europe during the First World War. In: Núñez Xeixas, Xosé M.. The First World War and the Nationality Question in Europe. Global Impact and Local Dynamics. Leiden. Boston: Brill, 199-219.
Loporcaro, Michele (2020). Introduzione : «’E parole de Roma». Studi di etimologia e lessicologia romanesche. In: Faraoni, Vincenzo; Loporcaro, Michele. «’E parole de Roma». Studi di etimologia e lessicologia romanesche. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, IX–XVIII.
Loporcaro, Michele (2020). Il confine fluido dell’etimologia romanesca e la diacronia del lessico capitolino. In: Faraoni, Vincenzo; Loporcaro, Michele. «’E parole de Roma» Studi di etimologia e lessicologia romanesche. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 67-93.
Loporcaro, Michele (2020). Sull’abuso dell’opacità in fonologia: prove dai dialetti italiani. In: Del Puente, Patrizia; Guazzelli, Francesca; Molinu, Lucia; Pisano, Simone. Tra etimologia romanza e dialettologia: Studi in onore di Franco Fanciullo. Alessandra: Edizioni dell'Orso, 219-236.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2020). Insights into a changing communal constructicon: Legal writing in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. In: Piirainen, Elisabeth; Filatkina, Natalia; Stumpf, Sören; Pfeiffer, Christian. Formulaic language and new data: theoretical and methodological implications. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 225-248.
Merten, Marie-Luis (2020). Entstehen und Wandel literater Konstruktionen: Syntaktisches Aufspannen und semantisches Aufladen. In: Speyer, Augustin; Hertel, Julia. Syntax aus Saarbrücker Sicht 3. Beiträge der SaRDiS-Tagung zur Dialektsyntax. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 233-254.
Leidner, Jochen L; Martins, Bruno; McDonough, Katherine; Purves, Ross S (2020). Text meets space: Geographic content extraction, resolution and information retrieval. In: Jose, Joemon M; Yilmaz, Emine; Magalhães, João; Castells, Pablo; Ferro, Nicola; Silva, Mário J; Martins, Flávio. Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14–17, 2020, Proceedings, Part II. Cham (Switzerland): Springer, 669-673.
Schreier, Daniel; Hundt, Marianne; Schneider, Edgar W. (2020). World Englishes: an introduction. In Schreier, Daniel, Marianne Hundt & Edgar W. Schneider, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-21.
Schreier, Daniel (2020). World Englishes and their dialect roots. In Schreier, Daniel, Marianne Hundt & Edgar W. Schneider, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 348-407.
Schreier, Daniel (2020). When contact does not matter: the robust nature of vernacular universals. In: Beaman, Karen; Buchstaller, Isabelle; Fox, Sue; Walker, James A. Advancing socio-grammatical variation and change: Sociolinguistic research in honour of Jenny Cheshire. London: Routledge, 303-318.
Seiler, Guido; Pröll, Simon (2020). Akkomodation geostatistisch. In: Christen, Helen; Ganswindt, Brigitte; Herrgen, Joachim; Schmidt, Jürgen Erich. Regiolekt – der neue Dialekt? Akten des 6. Kongresses der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen IGDD. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 83-100.
Georgi, Doreen; Stark, Elisabeth (2020). Past participle agreement in French – one or two rules? In: Hinzelin, Marc-Olivier; Pomino, Natascha; Remberger, Eva-Maria. Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax. Berlin, 19-48.
Gerards, D.; Stark, E. (2020). Why “Partitive Articles” Do Not Exist in (Old) Spanish. In T. Ihsane (ed.), Disentangling Bare Nouns and Nominals Introduced by a Partitive Article. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill (published online in 2020; copyright in 2021).
Stark, E.; Gerards, D. (2020). “Partitive Articles” in Aosta Valley Francoprovençal—Old Questions and New Data. In T. Ihsane (ed.), Disentangling Bare Nouns and Nominals Introduced by a Partitive Article. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill (published online in 2020; copyright in 2021).
Stark, Elisabeth (2020). Hanging topics and frames in the Romance languages: syntax, discourse, diachrony, in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford University Press.
Stark, Elisabeth (2020). Le français numérique n’est pas innovant – le cas des ellipses syntaxiques. In Diemoz, Federica; Dostie, Gaetane; Lefeuvre, Florence; Haderman, Pascale (eds.), Le français innovant, Bern et al.: Lang, 184-203.
Tschofen, Bernhard (2020). Kulturerbe in den Dialog bringen. In: Benzer, Sabine. Kulturelles Erbe. Was uns wichtig ist! Wien: Folio, 112-132.
Säuberli, Andreas; Ebling, Sarah; Volk, Martin (2020). Benchmarking Data-driven Automatic Text Simplification for German. In: Gala, Nuria; Wilkens, Rodrigo. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People with REAding DIfficulties (READI). Marseille: European Language Resources Association, 41-48.
Cathcart, Chundra A.; Hölzl, Andreas; Jäger Gerhard; Widmer Paul; Bickel, Balthasar (2020) Numeral classifiers and number marking in Indo-Iranian. Language Dynamics and Change (2020): 1-53. Web.
Conference or Workshop Items
Jancso, Anna; Moran, Steven; Stoll, Sabine (2020). The ACQDIV Corpus Database and Aggregation Pipeline. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), pages 156–165
Pellegrino, E., Schwab S. & Dellwo, V. Do speakers converge rhythmically? A study on Grison and Zurich German, VIII Congreso Internacional de Fonética Experimental, Girona, Spain.
Nigmatulina, Iuliia; Kew, Tannon; Samardžić, Tanja (2020). ASR for non-standardised languages with dialectal variation: the case of Swiss German. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial2020), COLING 2020 Barcelona, Spain.
Kew, Tannon; Nigmatulina, Iuliia ; Nagele, Lorenz ; Samardžić, Tanja (2020). UZH TILT: A Kaldi recipe for Swiss German speech to standard German text. In Proceedings of the 5th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText) & 16th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS). Zurich, Switzerland.
Schmidt, Larissa, Linder, Lucy, Djambazovska, Sandra, Lazaridis, Alexandros, Samardžić, Tanja, Musat, Claudiu (forthcoming): "A Swiss German Dictionary: Variation in Speech and Writing", In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020). Marseille, France.
Goldzycher, Janis; Meraner, Isabel; Volk, Martin; Clematide, Simon (2020). Ranking Georeferences for Efficient Crowdsourcing of Toponym Annotations in a Historical Corpus of Alpine Texts. In: 5th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText) & 16th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), Zurich, 23 Juni 2020 - 25 Juni 2020, online.
Ströbel, Phillip Benjamin; Clematide, Simon; Volk, Martin (2020). How Much Data Do You Need? About the Creation of a Ground Truth for Black Letter and the Effectiveness of Neural OCR. In: Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marseille, 1 Mai 2020 - 2 Mai 2020, 3551-3559.
Hellwig, Oliver; Scarlata, Salvatore; Ackermann, Elia; Widmer, Paul (2020). A Treebank of Vedic Sanskrit. In: Twelfth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marseille, 11 Mai 2020 - 16 Mai 2020
Hausendorf, Heiko (2020). Deutschstunde(n) : Erkundungen zur Lesbarkeit der Literatur. Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag.
Jucker, Andreas H (2020). Politeness in the history of English: from the Middle Ages to the present day. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kabatek, Johannes (2020). Eugeniu Coșeriu : Pagini de exegeză și de reconstrucție biografică. București, Rumänien: Institutul European din România.
Paciaroni, Tania (2020). Grammatica dei dialetti del Maceratese. Fonologia e morfologia. Strasbourg: ELiPhi (coll. Morphologie, syntaxe, grammaticographie).
Edited Scientific Work
Thurlow, Crispin; Dürscheid, Christa; Diémoz, Federica (eds.) (2020): Visualizing digital discourse. Interactional, institutional and ideological perspectives. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton (= Language and Social Life 21).
Arkadiev, Peter; Gardani, Francesco (eds) (2020). The Complexities of Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Glessgen, Martin-Dietrich; Thibault, André (eds) (2020). Revue de linguistique romane. Strasbourg: Société de Linguistique Romane.
Ihsane, T. (Eds.). (2020). Disentangling Bare Nouns and Nominals Introduced by a Partitive Article. Leiden, Nederland: Brill (published online in 2020; copyright in 2021).
Schreier, Daniel; Hundt, Marianne; Schneider, Edgar W (eds.) (2020). The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 97.
Jucker, Andreas H.; Taavitsainen, Irma (eds.). (2020) Manners, Norms and Transgressions in the History of English. Literary and Linguistic Approaches. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 312). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Kabatek, Johannes (ed) (2020). Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana (RILI). Volumen XVIII (2020). Nº 35. Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert.
Kabatek, Johannes (ed) (2020). Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana (RILI). Volumen XVIII (2020). Nº 36. Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert.
Faraoni, Vincenzo; Loporcaro, Michele (eds.) (2020) «’E parole de Roma» : Studi di etimologia e lessicologia romanesche. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Ebling, Sarah; Tuggener, Don; Hürlimann, Manuela; Cieliebak, M; Volk, Martin (eds.) (2020). Proceedings of the 5th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText) & 16th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS). . Zurich: CEUR-ws.
Gardani, Francesco (ed.) (2020) Borrowing matter and pattern in morphology. Special issue of Morphology 30(4).
Ihsane, Tabea; Stark, Elisabeth (Hrsg.) (2021). Shades of Partitivity: Formal and areal properties. Special issue, Linguistics 58:3. (published in 2020, but copyright 2021)
Bubenhofer, Noah (2020). Visuelle Linguistik. Zur Genese, Funktion und Kategorisierung von Diagrammen in der Sprachwissenschaft. Linguistik – Impulse & Tendenzen, 90. Habilitationsschrift, angenommen von der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich. De Gruyter, Berlin. (Open Access)
Hochuli, Kenan (2020). Interaktive Konfigurationen und Prozesse an Marktständen in Istanbul und Zürich. University of Zurich, Philosophische Fakultät.
Scientific Publication in Electronic Form
Kesselheim, Wolfgang; Brandenberger, Christina; Hottiger, Christoph (2021). How to Notice a Tsunami in a Water Tank: Joint Discoveries in a Science Center, Gesprächsforschung Online, 22, 87-113.
Loporcaro, Michele (2020). Da dove vengono, cosa significano e come si usano sfiga, sfigato e (che) figo/fico. Firenze: Accademia della Crusca.
Paciaroni, Tania. 2020. Ripano. Overview. Zurich: University of Zurich
Stark, Elisabeth; Ueberwasser, Simone; Göhring, Anne (2020). Corpus What’s up, Switzerland? Zurich: University of Zurich.
Journal Articles
Bär, Manuel Fabian; Wartmann, Flurina; Purves, Ross Stuart (2019). StarBorn: Towards making in‐situ land cover data generation fun with a location‐based game. Transaction in GIS. 23(5), 1008-1028.
Ferrer-i-Cancho, Ramon; Bentz, Christian; Seguin, Caio (2019). Optimal coding and the origins of Zipfian laws. arXiv:1906.01545.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2019). Los corpus del español desde la perspectiva del usuario lingüista, Scriptum Digital 8: 1-21.
Dellwo Volker; Pellegrino, Elisa; He, Lei; Kathiresan, Thayabaran (2019). The Dynamics of Indexical Information in Speech: Can recognizability be controlled by the speaker? Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Prague Studies in English, 2019(2):57-75.
He, Lei; Zhang, Yu; Dellwo, Volker (2019). Between-speaker variability and temporal organization of the first formant. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145, EL209 (2019).
Giroud, Nathalie; Keller, Matthias; Hirsiger, Sarah; Dellwo, Volker; Meyer, Martin (2019). Bridging the brain structure – brain function gap in prosodic speech processing in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging, 80:116-126.
Kathiresan, Thayabaran; Maurer, Dieter; Dellwo, Volker (2019). Highly spectrally undersampled vowels can be classified by machines without supervision. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(1):EL1-EL7.
Kelly, Finnian; Fröhlich, Andrea; Dellwo, Volker; Forth, Oscar; Kent, Samuel; Alexander, Anil (2019). Evaluation of VOCALISE under conditions reflecting those of a real forensic voice comparison case (forensic_eval_01). Speech Communication, 112:30-36.
Gutierrez-Vasques, Ximena; Medina-Urrea, Alfonso; Sierra, Gerardo (2019). Morphological segmentation for extracting Spanish-Nahuatl bilingual lexicon. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 63, 41-48.
Hochuli, Kenan (2019). Turning the Passer-by into a Customer: Multi-party Encounters at a Market Stall. Research on Language and Social Interaction.
Hübscher, Iris; Prieto, Pilar (2019). Gestural and prosodic development act as sister systems and jointly pave the way for children’s sociopragmatic development. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Hübscher, Iris; Garufi, Martina; Prieto, Pilar (2019). The development of polite stance in preschoolers: how prosody, gesture and body cues pave the way. Journal of Child Language, 46(5), 825-862.
Hübscher, Iris; Vincze, Laura; Prieto, Pilar (2019). Children’s signaling of their uncertain knowledge state: prosody, face and body cues come first. Journal of Language, Learning and Development, 15(4), 366-389.
Hundt, Marianne. (2019) My language, my identity: Negotiating language use and attitudes in the New Zealand Fiji-Indian diaspora. Asian Englishes 21(1): 2-21.
Callegaro, Elena; Hundt, Marianne; Clematide, Simon and Sara Wick (2019). Variable article use with acronyms and initialisms – a contrastive analysis of English, German and Italian. Languages in Contrast 19(19): 48-78.
Schneider, Gerold; Hundt, Marianne; Schreier, Daniel (2019). Pluralized non-count nouns across Englishes: a corpus-linguistic approach to dialect typology. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (aop).
Sleeman, Petra; Ihsane, Tabea (2019). “Convergence and divergence in the expression of partitivity: a cross-linguistic experimental study”, In: Ihsane, Tabea/Stark, Elisabeth (Hrsg.): Shades of Partitivity: formal and areal properties, special issue on partitivity in Linguistics.
Jucker, Andreas H (2019). Speech act attenuation in the history of English: the case of apologies. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 4(1):45.
Jucker, Andreas H (2019). Internet pragmatics and the fuzziness of analytical categories: a response to Francisco Yus. Internet Pragmatics, 2(1):41-46.
Jucker, Andreas H (2019). “Oops, I forgot, sorry”: the spill cries oops and whoops in the history of American English. Lingue Linguaggi, 31:15-33.
Ridealgh, Kim; Jucker, Andreas H (2019). Late Egyptian, Old English and the re-evaluation of Discernment politeness in remote cultures. Journal of Pragmatics, 144:56-66.
Linke, Angelika (2019). Schreiben als Beziehungspraxis Frauenbriefe aus dem Zürcher Bürgertum 1760–1800. Ein Entwurf. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 49, 2, Juni, 2019. S. 241–258.
Loporcaro, Michele; Gardani, Francesco; Guidici, Alberto (2019). "Borrowed numerals in Istro-Romanian and the complexification of the gender system". The Journal of Language Contact.
Loporcaro, Michele (2019). Come nasce un grecismo: il tipo apulo-salentino e lucano orientale ˹lúm(m)ura/-u˺, ˹rúm(m)ula/-u˺ ‘mora di rovo’. L'Italia Dialettale, 80:677-698.
Pellegrino, Elisa (2019). The effect of healthy aging on within-speaker rhythmic variability: a case study on Noam Chomsky. Loquens. Spanish Journal of Speech Sciences 6(1):e060.
Dunkel, Alexander; Andrienko, Gennady; Andrienko, Natalia; Burghardt, Dirk; Hauthal, Eva; Purves, Ross S (2019). A conceptual framework for studying collective reactions to events in location-based social media. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(4):780-804.
Purves, Ross S.; Winter, Stephan: Kuhn, Werner (2019). Places in information science. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Chesnokova, Olga; Taylor, Joanna E; Gregory, Ian N; Purves, Ross S (2019). Hearing the silence: finding the middle ground in the spatial humanities? Extracting and comparing perceived silence and tranquillity in the English Lake District. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(12):2430-2454.
Bahrehdar, Azam Raha; Koblet, Olga; Purves, Ross S (2019). Approaching location-based services from a place-based perspective: from data to services? Journal of Location Based Services, 13(2):73-93.
Dedio, Stefan; Ranacher, Peter; Widmer, Paul (2019). Evidence for Britain and Ireland as a linguistic area. Language.
Matsumae, Hiromi; Savage, Patrick E.; Ranacher, Peter; Blasi, Damian E.; Currie, Thomas E.; Sato, Takehiro; Tajima, Atsushi; Brown, Steven; Stoneking, Mark; Shimizu, Kentaro K.; Oota, Hiroki; Bickel, Balthasar (2019). Exploring deep-time relationships between cultural and genetic evolution in Northeast Asia. Preprint server publication bioRxiv.
Ruzsics, Tatiana; Lusetti, Massimo; Göhring, Anne; Samardžić, Tanja; Stark, Elisabeth (2019). Neural text normalization with adapted decoding and PoS features. Natural Language Engineering, 25(5), 585-605.
Scherrer, Yves; Samardžić, Tanja; Glaser, Elvira (2019). Digitising Swiss German: how to process and study a polycentric spoken language. Language Resources & Evaluation. Springer Netherlands.
Scherrer, Yves; Samardžić, Tanja; Glaser, Elvira (2019). ArchiMob: Ein multidialektales Korpus schweizerdeutscher Spontansprache. Linguistik Online, 98(5), 425-454.
Ljubešić, Nikola; Miličević Petrović, Maja; Samardžić, Tanja (2019). Borders and boundaries in Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian: Twitter data to the rescue. Journal of Linguistic Geography, 6(2), 100-124.
Ljubešić, Nikola; Miličević Petrović, Maja; Samardžić, Tanja (2019). Language accommodation on Twitter: The case of Serbian. Slavistična revija 67(1), 87-106. (In Croatian)
Schreier, Daniel (2019). /h/ insertion as a 'camouflaged archaism'?: dialect contact, colonial lag and the feature pool in South Atlantic English. Diachronica, 36(1):37-65.
Sommer, Florian (2019). "Diachronie und areale Effekte. Zur Entstehung der bestimmten Adjektive im Baltischen und Slawischen". Die Sprache 52,2: 202–255.
Sommer, Florian (2019). "Das litauische Reflexivum und das indogermanische Wort: Skizze einer Typologie". International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction.
Mendoza, Imke; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2019b). "Relativisation strategies in Slavic: diversity in unity (editors’ preface)". In: Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, 75.1, 1-4.
Noel Aziz Hanna Patrizia; Sonnenhauser, Barbara eds. (2019). "Introduction: Approaching a syntax of pragmatics". In: Sprachwissenschaft, 44(2), 1–11.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara; Widmer, Paul (2019). Prefixal articles across domains: Syntactic licensing in Albanian. Folia Linguistica: 25-49.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2019). "Interrogative, indefinite, relative kdo(r). Why Slovene is (not so) different." In: Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, 75.1, 151-181.
Stark, Elisabeth; Pomino, Natascha (2019). Proper name-marking via liaison in French. In: Special Issue: Grammar of names. Corinna Handschuh and Antje Dammel (eds) STUF - Language Typology and Universals, 72(4), pp. 627-652.
Steger, Antonia (2019). Aneinander vorbeigehen - Eine Interaktionsanalyse flüchtiger urbaner Begegnungen. In: Ágel, Vilmos; Feilke, Helmuth; Linke, Angelika; Lüdeling, Anke; Tophinke, Doris (Hrsg.). Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, 47(2), pp. 313-336.
Tschofen, Bernhard (2019). Einleitung: Raum nach der Wiederkehr: Warum er die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften weiterhin beschäftigen sollte. Bulletin Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW), (4):19-21.
Blasi, Damian; Moran, Steven; Moisik, S R; Widmer, Paul; Dediu, Dan; Bickel, Balthasar (2019). Human sound systems are shaped by post-Neolithic changes in bite configuration. Science, 363(6432):eaav3218.
Book chapters & sections
Behr, Wolfgang (2019). Loanwords and culture. In: Jiao Liwei, V. Mair, William S.-Y. Wang & D. Crystal eds., The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Language and Culture, London: Routledge.
Behr, Wolfgang (2019). Paläolinguistik und Hyperdiffusion bei Hentze (1883–1975) und Chang (1931–2000): zum wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontext einiger Methoden und Ideen der Frankfurter Altsinologie. In: K. Kinski et al. eds., FrankAsia: Beiträge zur zur Geschichte der Ost- und Südostasienwissenschaften in Frankfurt a.M., München: iudicium.
Behr, Wolfgang (2019). Inscription Placement, Ineffability of Language and Discourses on Hiddenness: Marginalia on the Prehistory of Subtlety (wei) in Early China. In: Henriette Hofmann, Barbara Schellewald, Sophie Schweinfurth, Gerald Wildgruber eds., Enthüllen und Verbergen in der Vormoderne / Revealing and Concealing in the premodern period, München: W. Fink
De Benito Moreno, Carlota (2019). “The Spanish of the Internet”: is that a thing? Discursive and morphosyntactic innovations in Computer Mediated Communication. In Pérez, D., Hundt, M., Kabatek, J., & Schreier, D. (eds.): English and Spanish in Interaction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dellwo, Volker; French, Peter; He, Lei (2019). Voice biometrics for forensic speaker recognition applications. In: Frühholz, Sascha; Pascal Belin (eds.) The Oxford handbook of voice perception. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 777-797.
Bonderer, Larissa; Dürscheid, Christa (2019). What's up, students? Beschäftigung mit WhatsApp im Deutschunterricht - Pro und Contra. In: Beißwenger, Michael/Knopp, Matthias (Hrsg.): Soziale Medien in Schule und Hochschule: Sprach- und mediendidaktische Perspektiven. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang (= Forum Angewandte Linguistik), 145-164.
Lippuner, Pascal; Dürscheid, Christa (2019). Der Hash im Hashtag. Zur Geschichte eines multifunktionalen Zeichens. In: Gautier, L.; Michel, S. (eds.): Linguistik des Hashtags.
Dürscheid, Christa; Gredig, Andi (2019). Rhetorik des Werbebriefs (off-/online). In: Janich, Nina/Roth, Kersten Sven (Hrsg.): Handbuch Werberhetorik. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (= Handbücher Rhetorik 12).
Dürscheid, Christa; Brommer, Sarah (2019). Schrift und Schreiben in der gegenwärtigen Sprachreflexion. In: Antos, G.; Niehr, T.; Spitzmüller, J. (eds.): Handbuch Sprache im Urteil der Öffentlichkeit. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (= Handbücher Sprachwissen 10), 309-332.
Dürscheid Christa; Meletis Dimitrios (2019). Emojis: A Grapholinguistic Approach. In: Haralambous, Yannis (Hrsg.): Graphemics in the 21st Century. Brest: Fluxus Edition (= Grapholinguistics and Its Applications 1), 167-183.
Dürscheid, Christa (2019): "Bild, Schrift, Unicode". In: Hermes, Jürgen; Lalande, Jean-Yves; Mensching, Guido; Neuefeind, Claes (Hrsg.). Sprache – Mensch – Maschine. Beiträge zu Sprache und Sprachwissenschaft, Computerlinguistik und Informationstechnologie für Jürgen Rolshoven aus Anlass seines sechsundsechzigsten Geburtstages. Köln: KUPS - Kölner Universitäts Publikations Server, 269-285.
Dürscheid, Christa (2019). Koch/Oesterreicher und die (neuen) Medien - Anmerkungen aus germanistischer Sicht. In: Gruber, Teresa; Grübl, Klaus; Jakob, Katharina; Scharinger, Thomas (Hrsg.): Was bleibt von kommunikativer Nähe und Distanz? Mediale und konzeptionelle Aspekte von Diskurstraditionen und sprachlichem Wandel. Tübingen: Narr (= ScriptOralia).
Dürscheid, Christa; Simon, Horst J. (2019). Auf dem Weg zu einer pluriarealen Variantenpragmatik. In: Schröter, Juliane et al. (Hrsg.): Linguistische Kulturanalyse. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (= Reihe Germanistische Linguistik 314), 245-267.
Dürscheid, Christa; Sutter, Patrizia (2019). Diatopische Variation im Wörterbuch: (k)ein Erfolgsmodell? In: Bülow, Lars/Fischer, Ann Kathrin/Herbert, Kristina (Hrsg.): Dimensions of Linguistic Space: Variation - Multilingualism - Conceptualisations. Dimensionen des sprachlichen Raums: Variation - Mehrsprachigkeit - Konzeptualisierung. Berlin u.a.: Peter Lang (= Schriften zur deutschen Sprache in Österreich), 87-104.
Elspaß, Stephan; Dürscheid, Christa; Ziegler, Arne (2019). „Variantengrammatik des Standarddeutschen“ – das neue Online-Nachschlagewerk zur arealen Variation in der Grammatik des Deutschen. In: Eichinger, Ludwig M./Plewnia, Albrecht (Hrsg.): Neues vom heutigen Deutsch. Empirisch – methodisch – theoretisch. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter (= Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 2018), 331–334
Frick, Karina (2019): #RIP – kollektive Fan-Trauer auf Twitter. In: Hauser, Stefan/Luginbühl, Martin/Tienken, Susanne (Hrsg.): Mediale Emotionskulturen (= Sprache in Kommunikation und Medien 12). Bern: Lang, 179–201.
Frick, Karina (2019): "Citizen Linguistics: Spracheinstellungsforschung online". In: Germanistische Linguistik. Hildesheim: Olms.
Glaser, Elvira (2019). Kleine Forschungsgeschichte zur Sprache von Bosco Gurin. In: Bachmann, Sandro; Glaser, Elvira. Bosco Gurin - Das Walserdorf im Tessin und seine Sprache(n). Bern: Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz, 13-18.
Van Gijn, Rik. (2019). "Switch reference in morphology". In: Rochelle Lieber (Hrsg.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Van Gijn, Rik (2019). "Case markers as subordinators in South American languages". In: Zariquiey, Roberto; Shibatani, Masayoshi; Fleck, David (Hrsg.), Nominalization in the languages of the Americas: Synchronic, diachronic and areal perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Van Gijn, Rik and Pieter Muysken (2019). "Highland-lowland language interactions". In: Pearce, Adrian; Beresford-Jones, David; Heggarty, Paul (Hrsg.), Rethinking the Andes-Amazonia ´Divide´: A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration. London: UCL Press
Hausendorf, Heiko (2019). Das "Ferienwetter" auf der Ansichtskarte. Ein Wetterbericht im Schnittpunkt von Textlinguistik, Medienlinguistik und Korpuspragmatik. In: Schröter, Juliane; Tienken, Susanne; Ilg, Yvonne; Scharloth, Joachim; Bubenhofer, Noah. Linguistische Kulturanalyse. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 293-322.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2019): Over the Counter: Configuration and Re-Figuration of Ticket Sales Conversation through Institutional Architectures-for-Interaction. In: Christmann, Gabriele, Knoblauch, Hubert, Löw, Martina (eds.), Refiguration of Space. London: Routledge
Hausendorf, Heiko (2019): "Gute Gründe für schlechte Texte" Linguistische Überlegungen zu einer ethnomethodologisch inspirierten Textanalyse. In: Bergmann, Jörg, Meyer, Christian (Hrsg.), 50 Jahre Studies in Ethnomethodologie. Konstanz: Konstanz University Press.
Hundt, Marianne (2019). Change in grammar. In: Aarts, Bas; Bowie, Jill; Popova, Gergana. The Oxford Handbook of English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 581-603.
Hundt, Marianne (2019). It is important that mandatives (should) be studied across different World Englishes and from a construction grammar perspective. In: Paloma Núñez Pertejo, María José López Couso, Belén Méndez Naya and Ignacio Palacios Martínez, eds. Crossing Linguistic Boundaries: Systemic, Synchronic and Diachronic Variation in English. London: Bloomsbury, 211-238.
Pérez, D.; Hundt, M.; Kabatek, J.; & Schreier, D. (2019). Introduction. In: Perez, Danae; Hundt, Marianne; Schreier, Daniel (Hrsg.): English and Spanish in Contact – World Languages in interaction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Kabatek, Johannes (2019). Language and regionalism. In: Núñez Xeixas, Xosé M.; Storm, Eric. Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day. London-Oxford-New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 25-41.
Kabatek, Johannes (2019). Alexander von Humboldt: Sprache und Welt. In: Lubrich, Oliver; Nerlich, Thomas (eds.): Alexander von Humboldt: Sämtliche Schriften (Studienausgabe). Bd. 10: Band X: Durchquerungen, München: DTV 2019.
Kabatek, Johannes (2019). The Galician Language Brotherhoods in the context of languages and nationalities in Europe around the First World War. In: Núñez Seixas, Xosé M. (ed.) The First World War and the Nationality Question: Global Impact and National Dynamics, Leiden: Brill (15 S.).
Kabatek, Johanne; Gerards, David (2019): Gramaticalização, distância, imediatez e tradições discursivas: O Caso do português Caso. In: Maia, Clarinda de Azevedo (ed.): Estudos de Linguística Histórica: mudança e estandardização, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Kabatek, Johannes (2019). Vergleichende Romanische Sprachwissenschaft. In: Trachsler, Richard. RoSe 125: Histoire du / Storia del / Istorgia dal / Historia del Romanisches Seminar der Universität Zürich (1894-2019). Zürich: Chronos Verlag, 181-183.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang (2019). "Sprache und museale Wissensvermittlung in Naturwissenschaften und Technik". In: Metten, Thomas; Atayan, Vahram; Schmidt, Vasco Alexander (Hrsg.), Sprache in Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Mathematik. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang; Hottiger, Christoph (2019): Besucherexperimente im Science Center: Welche Einsichten in die Herstellung von Wissen in Interaktion werden erst durch die Zusammenschau von Audio-, Video- und Eye-Tracking-Daten möglich? In: Sahle, Patrick (ed.): DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. Mainz, Frankfurt a.M., 94–96.
Mukhametov, Sergey; Kesselheim, Wolfgang, Brandenberger, Christina (2019). Interaktion im öffentlichen Raum: Von der qualitativen Rekonstruktion ihrer multimodalen Gestalt zur automatischen Detektion mit Hilfe von 3-D-Sensoren. In: Sahle, Patrick (ed.): DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. Mainz, Frankfurt a.M., 141–143.
Linke, Angelika (2019). "Der Esstisch. Eine historische Skizze zur raumsemiotischen Nutzung eines Möbelstücks". In: Historische Anthropologie 3/2018, Themenheft «Livingroom».
Loporcaro, Michele; Kaegi, Nadia; Gardani, Francesco (2019). Morfomi sommersi in Pantesco o dell’arte di arrangiarsi in morfologia. In: Alessandro De Angelis; Annamaria Chilà (eds.). Capitoli di morfosintassi delle varietà romanze d’Italia: teoria e dati empirici. Palermo: Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, 273-305.
Loporcaro, Michele (2019). Linguistica italiana. In: Trachsler, Richard. RoSe 125: Histoire du / Storia del / Istorgia dal / Historia del Romanisches Seminar der Universität Zürich (1894-2019). Zürich: Chronos Verlag, 144-153.
Samardžić, Tanja. and Nikola. Ljubešić (2019). Data Collection and Representation for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects. In M. Zampieri and P. Nakov (eds.) Similar Languages, Varieties, and Dialects: A Computational Perspective, Studies in Natural Language Processing. Cambridge University Press.
Sommer, Florian (2019). "Deutsch-litauischer Sprachkontakt und Morphosyntax – Zur morphologischen Markierung von Definitheit in Preußisch-Litauen". In: Fleischer, Jürg; Lameli, Alfred; Schiller, Christiane; Szucsich, Luka (Hrsg.), Minderheitensprachen und Sprachminderheiten: Deutsch und seine Kontaktsprachen in der Dokumentation der Wenker-Materialien, Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Olms.
Sommer, Florian (2019). "Georg Wenker und das Litauische". In: Bichlmeier, Harald; Brohm, Silke; Schiller, Christiane (Hrsg.), Deutsche Gelehrte und die baltischen Sprachen. Akten der 1. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Baltische Studien e.V. am 20. bis 21. Mai 2016 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Hamburg: Baar.
Haegmean, Liliane; Stark, Elisabeth (2019), Register-specific subject omission in English and French and the syntax of coordination, in: Sam Wolfe; Christine Meklenborg Salvensen (Hrsg.), Germanic and Romance: Continuity and Variation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stark, Elisabeth; Gerards, David (2019). 'Partitive Articles' in Aosta Valley Francoprovençal – Old Questions and New Data. In: Tabea Ihsane (ed.), Bare Nouns vs. 'Partitive Articles': Disentangling Functions. Leiden/Boston: Brill (Reihe Syntax and Semantics).
Stark, Elisabeth; Gerards, David (2019). Why 'Partitive Articles' do not Exist in (Old) Spanish. In: Tabea Ihsane (ed.), Bare Nouns vs. 'Partitive Articles': Disentangling Functions. Leiden/Boston: Brill (Reihe Syntax and Semantics).
Stark, Elisabeth; Stuntebeck, Franziska (2019). L’omission des arguments verbaux dans les messages WhatsApp suisses. Les nouveaux médias et la notion de variété. In: Françoise Gadet et al. (ed), Actes du colloque DIA V, Paris 2018, Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc (PUSMB).
Stoeckle, Philipp, Schwarz, Christian (2019). Ethnodialektale Räume in der Deutschschweiz. In: Nievergelt, Andreas , Rübekeil, Ludwig (eds.) 'athe in palice, athe in anderu sumeuuelicheru stedi'. Raum und Sprache. Festschrift für Elvira Glaser zum 65. Geburtstag, Germanistische Bibliothek 66, Universitätsverlag Winter: Heidelberg, 391-408.
Wall, Albert. (2019). What is Differential Object Marking (not)? Grammatical profiles from new (and "old") Varietes of Spanish and Portguese. In: Sippola, Eeva; Perez, Danae (eds.) New Varieties in the Americas. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Widmer, Manuel (2019). "Same same but different: on the relationship between egophoricity and evidentiality". In: Kittilä, Seppo & Bergqvist, Henrik (eds) Evidentiality, Egophoricity, and Engagement. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Conference items and proceedings
Cao, Honglin; Dellwo, Volker (2019). The role of the first five formants in three vowels of mandarin for forensic voice analysis. In: International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, 5 August 2019 - 9 August 2019, 617-621.
Schwab, Sandra; Dellwo, Volker (2019). Music and L2 prosody: the role of musical aptitude on the discrimination of stress contrasts. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, August 5-9 2019.
Zhang, Yu; He, Lei; Dellwo, Volker (2019). Speaker individuality in the durational characteristics of voiced intervals: the case of chinese bi-dialectal speakers. In: International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne/Australia, 5 August 2019 - 9 August 2019, 3075-3079.
Pronina, Mariia; Hübscher, Iris; Vilà-Giménez, Ingrid; Prieto, Pilar (2019). A new tool to assess pragmatic prosody in children: evidence from 3- to 4-year-olds. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).
Ibrahim, Omnia, Skantze, Gabriel; Stoll, Sabine; Dellwo, Volker (2019). Fundamental Frequency Accommodation in Multi-Party Human-Robot Game Interactions: The Effect of Winning or Losing. Proc. Interspeech 2019, 3980-3984.
Blasi, Damian; Cotterell, Ryan; Wolf-Sonkin, Lawrence; Stoll, Sabine; Bickel, Balthasar; Baroni, Marco (2019). On the Distribution of Deep Clausal Embeddings: A Large Cross-linguistic Study. In: Korhonen, Anna; Traum, David; Màrquez, Lluís. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Florence: Association for Computational Linguistics, 3938-3943.
Mazara, Jekaterina; Stoll, Sabine (2019). Development of Verb Morphology: From Item-Specificity to Proficient Use. In: The 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Montreal, QC, 24 Juli 2019 - 27 Juli 2019, 2325-2331.
Battisti, Alessia; Ebling, Sarah; Volk, Martin (2019). An Empirical Analysis of Linguistic, Typographic, and Structural Features in Simplified German Texts. In: Sixth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2019), Bari, 13 November 2019 - 15 November 2019.
Graën, Johannes; Kew, Tannon; Shaitarova, Anastassia; Volk, Martin (2019). Modelling Large Parallel Corpora: The Zurich Parallel Corpus Collection. In: Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-7), Cardiff, Wales, 22 Juli 2019 - 22 Juli 2019.
Kew, Tannon; Shaitarova, Anastassia; Meraner, Isabel; Clematide, Simon; Goldzycher, Janis; Volk, Martin (2019). Geotagging a diachronic corpus of alpine texts: comparing distinct approaches to toponym recognition. In: RANLP 2019, Workshop on Language technology for digital historical archives with a special focus on Central-, (South-)Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Varna, Bulgaria, 5 September 2019 - 5 September 2019.
Läubli, Samuel; Amrhein, Chantal; Düggelin, Patrick; Gonzalez, Beatriz; Zwahlen, Alena; Volk, Martin (2019). Post-editing Productivity with Neural Machine Translation: An Empirical Assessment of Speed and Quality in the Banking and Finance Domain. In: Machine Translation Summit XVII, Dublin, Ireland, 19 August 2019 - 23 August 2019, 267-272.
Vuković, Teodora; Muheim, Nora; Winistörfer, Olivier; Simko, Ivan; Makarova, Anastasia; Bradjan, Sanja (2019). Corpora and Processing Tools for Non-Standard Contemporary and Diachronic Balkan Slavic. In: Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop (RANLPStud 2019) associated with RANLP 2019. Varna, Bulgaria. 62-68.
Edited Scientific Work
Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena; Bickel, Balthasar (eds.) (2019). Argument selectors: A new perspective on grammatical relations.
Dellwo, Volker, Pellegrino Elisa, Pardo Jennifer; Moebius Bernd (eds) (2019). Forms, Factors and Functions of Phonetic Convergence, Special Issue in Speech Communication.
Ihsane, Tabea (2019) (ed.). Bare nouns vs. ‘partitive articles’: Disentangling Functions. Leiden/Boston: Brill (Reihe Syntax and Semantics).
Pardo, Jennifer, Pellegrino, Elisa; Dellwo, Volker; Moebius, Bernd (2019)(eds). Vocal Accommodation in Speech Communication, Journal of Phonetics
Zimmermann, Harm-Peer; Büttner, Peter Otto; Tschofen, Bernhard (eds.) (2019). Kreuz- und Querzüge: Beiträge zu einer literarischen Anthropologie: Festschrift für Alfred Messerli. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag.
Dürscheid, Christa; Schneider, Jan Georg (2019): Standardsprache und Variation. Tübingen: Narr (= narr starter). Erscheint im August.
Bachmann, Sandro; Glaser, Elvira (2019): Bosco Gurin – Das Walserdorf im Tessin und seine Sprache(n). Swiss Academies Reports 14, 4. Bern: SAGW.
Christen, Helen; Glaser, Elvira; Friedli, Matthias (2019): Kleiner Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz. 7. verb. Auflage. Zürich, Frauenfeld: Huber.
Carles, Hélène; Dallas, Marguerite; Glessgen, Martin-Dietrich; Thibault, André (2019). Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch: eine Darstellung des galloromanischen Sprachschatzes von Walther von Wartburg: guide d’utilisation. Strasbourg: ELiPhi.
Pérez, D.; Hundt, M.; Kabatek, J.; Schreier, D. (eds.) (2019): English and Spanish in Interaction, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Special Issues
Dürscheid, Christa (2019): Einblicke in die Jugendsprachforschung. In: punktum. Themenheft Mai 2019: Generationen. Zürich: Schweizerischer Berufsverband für Angewandte Psychologie, 3-5.
Noel Aziz Hanna Patrizia; Sonnenhauser, Barbara eds. (2019). The syntax of pragmatics: Addressing, adding, signalling. Sprachwissenschaft. Thematic issue. Heidelberg: Winter.
Mendoza, Imke; Sonnenhauser, Barbara eds. (2019). Relativisation strategies in a Central European perspective: Slavic and beyond. Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie. Thematic issue. Heidelberg: Winter.
Working Papers
Hausendorf, Heiko; Schmitt, Reinhold (2019). Handlungspraktische Anforderungen und Ritualitätskonstitution beim Abendmahl. Vergleichende Analysen zur Lösung einer komplexen Interaktionsanforderung im Kirchenraum. Arbeitspapiere des UFSP Sprache und Raum (SpuR) 7, Universität Zürich.
De Benito Moreno, Carlota; Estrada Arráez, Ana (2018). Aproximación metodológica al estudio de la variación lingüística en las interacciones digitales. Revista de Estudios del Discurso Digital (REDD), 1:74-122.
Bentz, Christian; Dediu, Dan; Verkerk, Annemarie; Jäger, Gerhard (2018). The evolution of language families is shaped by the environment beyond neutral drift. Nature Human Behaviour 2:816-821.
Seifart, Frank; Strunk, Jan; Danielsen, Swintha; Hartmann, Iren; Pakendorf, Brigitte; Wichmann, Søren; Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena; de Jong, Nivja H.; Bickel, Balthasar (2018). Nouns slow down speech across structurally and culturally diverse languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (201800708):1-6.
Brandenberger, Christina; Hottiger, Christoph (2018). Sharing perception when using hands-on exhibits in science centres: The case of vocal depiction. Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique 68:59-68.
Burenhult, N. & Purves, R.S. (2018. The spatial properties of forager motion categories: Evidence from Jahai. Hunter Gatherer Research, 4(3), 411-426.
Derungs, Curdin; Köhli, Martina; Weibel, Robert; Bickel, Balthasar (2018). Environmental factors drive language density more in food-producing than in hunter-gatherer populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: BiologicalSciences 285(1885).
Dürscheid, Christa (2018): Von der Mündlichkeit zur Schriftlichkeit? Normen und Variation in der Internetkommunikation. In: informationen zur deutschdidaktik (ide) - Zeitschrift für den Deutschunterricht in Wissenschaft und Schule 4/2018 (Thema des Heftes: Norm und Variation. Zur Rolle der Normierung in der mündlichen Sprachverwendung. Hrsg. von Monika Dannerer und Ursula Esterl), 93-100.
Egorova, Ekaterina; Moncla, Ludovic; Gaio, Mauro; Claramunt, Christophe; Purves, Ross S. (2018). Fictive motion extraction and classification. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32(11): 2247-2271.
Egorova, Ekaterina; Tenbrink, Thora; Purves, Ross S. (2018). Fictive motion in the context on mountaineering. Spatial cognition & computation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 18(4).
Armstrong, Meghan; Esteve Gibert, Nuria; Hübscher, Iris; Igualada, Alfonso; Prieto, Pilar (2018). Developmental and cognitive aspects of children’s disbelief comprehension through intonation and facial gesture. First Language, 38(6), 596–616.
Callegaro, Elena; Clematide, Simon; Hundt, Marianne; Wick, Sara (2018). Variable article use with acronyms and initialisms: a contrastive analysis of English, German and Italian. Languages in Contrast 18(2): 48-78.
Hundt, Marianne; Röthlisberger, Melanie; Seoane, Elena (2018). Predicting voice alternation across academic Englishes. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory: Epub ahead of print.
Hundt, Marianne; Staicov, Adina (2018). Identity in the London Indian diaspora: Towards the quantification of qualitative data. World Englishes 37:166-184.
Hundt, Marianne (2018). ‘My language, my identity’: negotiating language use and attitudes in the New Zealand Fiji Indian diaspora. Asian Englishes.
Seoane, Elena; Hundt, Marianne (2018). Voice alternation and authorial presence : variation across disciplinary areas in academic english. Journal of English Linguistics 46(1):3-22.
Jeszenszky, Péter; Stoeckle, Philipp; Glaser, Elvira; Weibel, Robert (2018). A gradient perspective on modeling interdialectal transitions. Journal of Linguistic Geography, 6(2), 78-99.
Jeszenszky, Péter; Bachmann, Sandro; Ranacher, Peter (2018). Towards the parameterisation and quantification of dialect contact potential. In GIScience 2018 (pp. 1–6).
Jucker, Andreas H. (2018). Apologies in the History of English: Evidence from the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA). Corpus Pragmatics 2(4):375-398.
Jucker, Andreas H.; Hausendorf, Heiko; Dürscheid, Christa; Frick, Karina; Hottiger, Christoph; Kesselheim, Wolfgang; Linke, Angelika; Meyer, Nathalie; Steger, Antonia (2018). Doing space in face-to-face interaction and on interactive multimodal platforms. Journal of Pragmatics 134C:85-101.
Asadi, Homa; Nourbakhsh, Mandana; He, Lei; Pellegrino, Elisa; Dellwo, Volker (2018). Between-speaker rhythmic variability is not dependent on language rhythm, as evidence from Persian reveals. The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law (IJSLL) 25(2):151-174.
Pellegrino, Elisa; He, Lei; Dellwo, Volker (2018). The Effect of Ageing on Speech Rhythm: A Study on Zurich German. Speech Prosody 2018: 133-137.
Bahrehdar, Azam R.; Purves, Ross S. (2018). Description and characterization of place properties using topic modeling on georeferenced tags. Geo-spatial Information Science 21(3):173-184.
Chesnokova, Olga; Purves, Ross S. (2018). From image descriptions to perceived sounds and sources in landscape: Analyzing aural experience through text. Applied Geography 93:103-111.
Purves, Ross S.; Clough, Paul; Jones, Christopher B.; Hall, Mark H.; Murdock, Vanessa (2018). Geographic Information Retrieval: Progress and Challenges in Spatial Search of Text. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 12(2-3):164–318.
Wartmann, Flurina M.; Acheson, Elise; Purves, Ross S. (2018). Describing and comparing landscapes using tags, texts, and free lists: an interdisciplinary approach. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32(8):1572-1592.
Wartmann, Flurina M.; Purves, Ross S. (2018). Investigating sense of place as a cultural ecosystem service in different landscapes through the lens of language. Landscape and Urban Planning 175:169-183.
Wartmann, Flurina M.; Purves, Ross S. (2018). 'This is not the jungle, this is my barbecho’: semantics of ethnoecological landscape categories in the Bolivian Amazon. Landscape Research 43(1):77-94.
Ruch, Hanna (2018). The role of acoustic distance and sociolinguistic knowledge in dialect identification. Frontiers in Psychology 9:818.
Ruch, Hanna (2018). Perception of speaker age and speaker origin in a sound change in progress: The case of /s/-aspiration in Andalusian Spanish. Journal of Linguistic Geography 6:40-55.
Ruch, Hanna; Zürcher, Yvonne; Burkart, Judith M. (2018). The function and mechanism of vocal accommodation in humans and other primates. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 93(2):996-1013.
Samardžić, Tanja; Merlo, Paola (2018). Probability of external causation: an empirical account of cross-linguistic variation in lexical causatives. Linguistics 56(5):895-939.
Schreier, Daniel; Markovic, Milan; Petkovic, Sasa (2018). "i sall synge in haboundance of gastly softne": /h/ insertion in Middle English: methodology, data mining and some first interpretations. SELIM Journal of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature, 23:115-136.
Sommer, Florian (2018). The Historical Morphology of Definiteness in Baltic. Indo-European Linguistics 6(1):152-200.
Avanzi, Mathieu; Stark, Elisabeth (2018). A crowdsourcing approach to the description of regional variation in French object clitic clusters. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 31:76-103.
Stark, Elisabeth; Massot, Benjamin (2018). Microvariation galloromane: Enjeux et défis. Lingvisticæ Investigationes 41(1):1-15.
Bühler, Jessica; von Oertzen, Timo; McBride, Catherine; Stoll, Sabine; Maurer, Urs (2018). Influence of dialect use on early reading and spelling acquisition in German-speaking children in Grade 1. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 30(3):336-360.
Moran, Steven; Blasi, Damián E.; Schikowski, Robert; Küntay, Aylin; Pfeiler, Barbara; Allen, Shanley; Stoll, Sabine (2018). A universal cue for grammatical categories in the input to children: frequent frames. Cognition 175:131-140.
Townsend, Simon W.; Engesser, Sabrina; Stoll, Sabine; Zuberbühler, Klaus; Bickel, Balthasar (2018). Compositionality in animals and humans. PLoS Biol 16(8): e2006425.
Karsznia, Izabela; Weibel, Robert (2018). Improving settlement selection for small-scale maps using data enrichment and machine learning. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 45(2):111-127.
Scherschel, Ricarda; Widmer, Paul; Poppe, Erich (2018). Towards a multivariate classification of event noun constructions in Middle Welsh. Journal of Celtic Linguistics 19:31-68.
Widmer, Manuel (2018). Transitivity markers in West Himalayish: synchronic and diachronic considerations. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 41(1), 75–105.
Behr, Wolfgang (2018). ‘Monosyllabism’ and some other perennial clichés about the nature, origins and contacts of the Chinese language in Europe. In: Malinar, Angelika; Müller, Simone (Hrsg.), Asia and Europe – Interconnected: Agents, Concepts, and Things, Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz, 155–209.
Dürscheid, Christa (2018). "Internetkommunikation, Sprachwandel und DaF-Didaktik". In: Moraldo, Sandro M., Sprachwandel: Perspektiven für den Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 141-159.
Dürscheid, Christa (2018). "Die personale Kommunikation im Internet – (k)ein Dialog?". In: Bauer, Emmanuel J. (Hrsg.), Das Dialogische Prinzip – Aktualität über 100 Jahre, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 29–53.
Gerards, David P.; Kabatek, Johannes (2018).
Grammaticalization, distance, immediacy and discourse traditions: The case of Portuguese caso. In: Pons Bordería, Salvador; Loureda Lamas, Óscar (Hrsg.), Beyond Grammaticalization and Discourse Markers. New Studies in Language Change, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 115-159.
Gerards, David; Stark, Elisabeth (2018). "Why partitive articles? Encoding individuation in Galloromance nominal". In: Poletto, Cecilia; Rinke, Esther (Hrsg.), Romance languages and linguistic theory 2016: selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ Frankfurt 2016, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Glaser, Elvira (2018). "Code-switching and Borrowing in Arbresh Dialects". In: Kahl, Thede, Iliana Krapova, Giuseppina Turano (Hrsg.), Balkan and South Slavic Enclaves in Italy: Languages, Dialects and Identities. Proceedings from the Sixth Meeting of the Commission for Balkan Linguistics of the International Committee of Slavists, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 48-64.
Glaser, Elvira; Stoeckle, Philipp; Bachmann, Sandro (2018). "Faktoren und Arten intrapersoneller Variation im Material des Syntaktischen Atlas der deutschen Schweiz (SADS)". In: Speyer, Augustin; Rauth, Philipp (Hrsg.), Syntax aus Saarbrücker Sicht. Beiträge der SaRDiS-Tagung zur Dialektsyntax, Stuttgart: Steiner.
Glessgen, Martin-Dietrich; Kabatek, Johannes; Völker, Harald (2018). "Repenser la variation linguistique – repenser la linguistique variationnelle". In: Glessgen, Martin-Dietrich; Kabatek, Johannes; Völker, Harald. Repenser la variation linguistique: Actes du Colloque DIA IV à Zurich (12-14 sept. 2016). Strasbourg: Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie, 1-10.
Hausendorf, Heiko, Schmitt, Reinhold (2018). Sprachliche Interaktion im Raum. In: Deppermann, Arnulf; Reineke, Silke (Hrsg.), Sprache im kommunikativen, interaktiven und kulturellen Kontext [Band 3], Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 87-118.
Hundt, Marianne (2018). It is time that this (should) be studied across a broader range of Englishes: a global trip around mandative subjunctives. In: Deshors, Sandra C. (Hrsg.), Modeling World Englishes. Assessing the interplay of emancipation and globalization of ESL varieties, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 217-244.
Hundt, Marianne (2018). Variable article usage with institutional nouns: An “oddment” of English? In: Ho-Cheong Leung, Alex; van der Wurff, Wim. The Noun Phrase in English. Past and present, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 113-142.
Idone, Alice (2018). "Il progetto The Zurich Database of Agreement in Italo-Romance". In: Marcato, Gianna (Hrsg.), Dialetto e società. Presentazione lavori in corso, Padova: Cleup, 15-22.
Jucker, Andreas H. (2018). Data in pragmatic research. In: Jucker, Andreas H.; Schneider, Klaus P.; Bublitz, Wolfram (Hrsg.), Methods in Pragmatics. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 3-36.
Jucker, Andreas H. (2018). Introduction to part 4: Observational pragmatics. In: Jucker, Andreas H; Schneider, Klaus P.; Bublitz, Wolfram (Hrsg.), Methods in Pragmatics, Berlin: De Gruyter, 335-342.
Jucker, Andreas H. (2018). Introduction to part 5: Corpus pragmatics. In: Jucker, Andreas H.; Schneider, Klaus P.; Bublitz, Wolfram (Hrsg.), Methods in Pragmatics, Berlin: De Gruyter, 455-466.
Jucker, Andreas H (2018). "Historische Pragmatik". In: Liedtke, Frank; Tuchen, Astrid. Handbuch Pragmatik. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 132-139.
Kabatek, Johannes (2018). “Language and regionalism”. In: Núñez Seixas, Xosé M.; Storm, Eric (Hrsg.), Regionalism and Modern Europe. Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day, London/Oxford/New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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Kabatek, Johannes (2018). Grundfrequenz, Diskurstraditionen und sprachliche Ebenen. In: Serafin, Stefan; Eilers, Vera. Vivat diversitas Romania una, linguae multae. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Isabel Zollna zum 60. Geburtstag. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 147-162.
Kabatek, Johannes; Preziosa, Sara (2018). "Sevilla frente a Madrid: Tradiciones discursivas, ideología y gramática en la prensa durante la Guerra Civil". In: Franke, Anna-Susan; Álvarez Vives, Vicente. Romaniae Pontes. Beiträge zur Sprache in der Gallo- und Iberoromania. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 211-226.
Kabatek, Johannes (2018). "Traducción y dignificación lingüística". In: Del Rey Quesada, Santiago; Del Barrio de la Rosa, Florencio; González Gómez, Jaime. lenguas en contacto, ayer y hoy: traducción y variación desde una perspectiva filológica. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 27-46.
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Loporcaro, Michele (2018).On the subordinate status of the choice between formal and substantive explanation for sound change. In: Sánchez Miret, Fernando; Recasens, Daniel (Hrsg.), Production and Perception Mechanisms of Sound Change, München: LINCOM, 71-89.
Loporcaro, Michele; Romagnoli, Serena; Wild, Mario (2018). Unstable personal pronouns in Northern Logudorese. In: Grimaldi, Mirko; Lai, Rosangela; Franco, Ludovico; Baldi, Benedetta (Hrsg.), Structuring Variation in Romance Linguistics and Beyond. Studies in Honour of Leonardo M. Savoia [Linguistik Aktuell - Linguistics Today]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 241-255.
Paciaroni, Tania; Loporcaro, Michele (2018). Overt gender marking depending on syntactic context in Ripano. In: Fedden, Sebastian; Audring, Jenny; Corbett, Greville G. (Hrsg.), Non-canonical gender systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 147-175.
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Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2018). Relativisation strategies in Slovene: diachrony between language use and language description. In: Grkovic-Major, Jasmina; Hansen, Björn; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (Hrsg.), Diachronic Slavonic Syntax : The Interplay between Internal Development, Language Contact and Metalinguistic Factors, Berlin: De Gruyter, 387-406.
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Jung, Dagmar; Klein, Mark; Stoll, Sabine (2018).Language transition(s): School responses to recent changes in language choice in a northern Dene community (Canada). In: Wigglesworth, Gillian; Simpson, Jane; Vaughan, Gill (Hrsg.), Language Practices of Indigenous Children and Youth: The Transition from Home to School, UK: Palrgrave Macmillan, 49-69.
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Paciaroni, Tania; Loporcaro, Michele (2018). Il genere in ripano: manifesto, ma sub condicione. In: Antonelli, Roberto; Glessgen, Martin; Videsott, Paul (eds.), Atti del XXVIII Congresso internazionale di linguistica e di filologia romanza (Roma, 18-23 luglio 2016). Strasbourg: ÉLiPhi, volume 1, 580-593.
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Hausendorf, Heiko (2017). Spur der Steine und Spur der Wahrheit. Ethos und Pathos in der filmischen Inszenierung von Achtungskommunikation. In: Nicolosi, Riccardo; Zimmermann, Tanja (Hrsg.), Ethos und Pathos: Mediale Wirkungsästhetik im 20. Jahrhundert in Ost und West, Wien-Köln-Weimar: Boehlau-Verlag, 353-370.
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Jucker, Andreas H.; Locher, Miriam A. (2017). Introducing Pragmatics of Fiction: Approaches, trends and developments. In: Locher, Miriam A.; Jucker, Andreas H. (Hrsg.), Pragmatics of Fiction, Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 1-21.
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Jucker, Andreas H. (2017). Pragmatics and language change: Historical pragmatics. In: Huang, Yan (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 550-566.
Jucker, Andreas H.; Landert, Daniela (2017). Variation and change: Historical pragmatics. In: Barron, Anne; Gu, Yuego; Steen, Gerard (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics, London: Routledge, 79-90.
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Loporcaro, Michele (2017). Cacchio! Una nuova etimologia. In: Gerstenberg, Annette; Kittler, Judith; Lorenzetti, Luca; Schirru, Giancarlo (Hrsg.), Romanice loqui: Festschrift für Gerald Bernhard zu seinem 60. Geburtstag, Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 321-331.
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Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2017). Aspects of conativity in Russian: towards a linguistics of attempt and success. In: Mueller-Reichau, Olav; Guhl, Marcel (Hrsg.), Aspects of Slavic linguistics: formal grammar, lexicon and communication, Berlin: De Gruyter, 310-332.
Stark, Elisabeth (2017). Pertinence de l'analyse grammaticale en linguistique variationnelle. In: Boulet, Josiane (Hrsg.), Langage & Société: Langues, langages et discours en société, Paris: Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 267-281.
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Jung, Dagmar, Klein, Mark; Stoll, Sabine (2017). Language Transition(s): School Responses to Recent Changes in Language Choice in a Northern Dene Community (Canada). In: Wigglesworth, Gillian; Simpson, Jane; Vaughan, Jill (Hrsg.), Language Practices of Indigenous Children and Youth: The Transition from Home to School, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 49-69.
Tschofen, Bernhard (2017). Passübergang und Traumstrasse. Rituale und Requisiten der alpinen Vergnügungsreise. In: Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Tourismus. Die touristische Eroberung der Alpenpässe, Meran: Eigenverlag, 12-20.
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Kabatek, Johannes (2016). Un nuevo capítulo en la lingüística histórica iberorrománica: el trabajo crítico con los corpus.In: Kabatek, Johannes (Hrsg.), Lingüística de corpus y lingüística histórica iberorrománica, Berlin: De Gruyter, 1-17.
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Loporcaro, Michele (2016). Auxiliary selection and participial agreement. In: Ledgeway, Adam; Maiden, Martin (Hrsg.), The Oxford Guide to the Romance languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 802-818.
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Loporcaro, Michele (2016). Metaphony and diphthongization in southern Italy: reconstructive implications for sound change in early Romance. In: Torres-Tamarit, Francesc; Linke, Kathrin; van Oostendorp, Marc (Hrsg.), Approaches to metaphony in the languages of Italy, Berlin: De Gruyter, 55-87.
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Rathore-Nigsch, Claudia; Schreier, Daniel (2016). Indian English in Uganda: The historical sociolinguistics of a migrant community. In: Meierkord, Christiane; Namyalo, Saudah; Bebwa, Isingoma (Hrsg.), Ugandan English: Its sociolinguistics, structure and uses in a globalising post-protectorate, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 251-274.
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Dürscheid, Christa; Ziegler, Arne; Klein, Wolf Peter (Hrsg.) (2016). Deutsch in Bewegung. Grammatische Variation in der Standardsprache. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Müller, Marcus (2016). Handbuch Sprache in der Kunstkommunikation. Berlin Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Schmitt, Reinhold; Kesselheim, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) (2016). Interaktionsarchitektur, Sozialtopographie und Interaktionsraum. Tübingen: Narr.
Kabatek, Johannes; Fînaru, Dorel; Bleorţu, Cristina (2016). Linguistique du texte: Analyse du discours. Rumänien: Universität Suceava.
Kabatek, Johannes (2016). Lingüística de corpus y lingüística histórica iberorrománica. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter.
Schwab, Sandra; Dellwo, Volker (2016). "The use of the Odd-One-Out task in the study of the perception of lexical stress in Spanish by German-speaking listeners?" In: Speech Prosody, Boston, 31 Mai 2016 - 3 Juni 2016.
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Egorova, Ekaterina; Boo, Gianluca; Purves, Ross S. (2016). "The Ridge Went North”: Did the Observer Go as Well? Corpus-driven Investigation of Fictive Motion. Ninth International Conference on GIScience, Montreal, Canada - Short Paper Proceedings 1(1):92–95.
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Samardžić, Tanja; Scherrer, Yves; Glaser, Elvira (2016). ArchiMob - A Corpus of Spoken Swiss German.In: Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23 May 2016 - 28 May 2016, 4061-4066.
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Dürscheid, Christa; Frick, Karina (2016). Schreiben Digital: wie das Internet unsere Alltagskommunkation verändert.Stuttgart: Kröner Verlag.
Dürscheid, Christa (2016). Einführung in die Schriftlinguistik.Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Bickel, Balthasar ; Gaenszle, Martin (2015). First person objects, antipassives, and the political history of the Southern Kirant. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 2(1):63-86.
Addor, Nans; Ewen, Tracy; Johnson, Leigh; Coltekin, Arzu; Derungs, Curdin; Muccione, Veruska (2015). From products to processes: Academic events to foster interdisciplinary and iterative dialogue in a changing climate.Earth's Future 3(8):289-297.
Locher, Miriam A.; Jucker, Andreas H.; Berger, Manuel (2015). Negotiation of space in Second Life newbie interaction.Discourse, Context & Media 9:34-45.
Kabatek, Johannes (2015). Tradición e innovación: La lingüística moderna desde Saussure hasta el siglo XXI.Anadiss 20:15-32.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang (2015). Rezension zu Karin Pittner, Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée 102:177-181.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang (2015). Zur Untersuchung von Textnormen. Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée4, 103-122.
Loporcaro, Michele; Silvestri, Giuseppina (2015). Accordo al neutro plurale nel dialetto di Verbicaro (Cosenza).L'Italia dialettale, 76:63-81.
Pescarini, Diego; Rossi, Silvia (2015). Issues in Italo-Romance syntax. Isogloss 1(Special):1-6.
Purves, Ross S.; Palacio, Damien; Derungs, Curdin (2015). Development and evaluation of a geographic information retrieval system using fine grained toponyms. Journal of Spatial Information Science 11:1-29.
Purves, Ross S.; Derungs, Curdin (2015). From space to place: place-based explorations of text.International Journal of Humanities and Arts Comouting 9(1):74-94.
Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José; Purves, Ross S.; Britain, David; Glaser, Elvira (2015). Crowdsourcing language change with smartphone applications. PLoS ONE, 11(1):online.
Bickel, Balthasar (2015). Distributional typology: statistical inquiries into the dynamics of linguistic diversity. In: Heine, Bernd; Narrog, Heiko (Hrsg.), The Oxford handbook of linguistic analysis. 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 901-923.
Bickel, Balthasar, Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena, Zakharko, Taras, Iemmolo, Giorgio (2015). Exploring diachronic universals of agreement: alignment patterns and zero marking across person categories. In: Fleischer, Jürg; Rieken, Elisabeth; Widmer, Paul (Hrsg.), Agreement from a diacronic perspective, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 29-51.
Coghill, Eleanor (2015). "Borrowing of verbal derivational morphology between Semitic languages: the case of Arabic verb derivations in Neo-Aramaic". In: Amiridze, Nino; Arkadiev, Peter; Gardani, Francesco (Hrsg.), Borrowed Morphology, De Gruyter Mouton (Language Contact and Bilingualism 8), 83-107.
Dürscheid, Christa; Elspaß, Stephan (2015). Variantengrammatik des Standarddeutschen.In: Kehrein, Roland; Lameli, Alfred; Rabanus, Stefan (Hrsg.), Regionale Variation des Deutschen : Projekte und Perspektiven, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 563-584.
Dürscheid, Christa; Elspaß, Stephan; Ziegler, Arne (2015). Variantengrammatik des Standarddeutschen. Konzeption, methodische Fragen, Fallanalysen. In: Lenz, Alexandra N.; Glauninger, Manfred M. (Hrsg.), Standarddeutsch im 21. Jahrhundert – theoretische und empirische Ansätze mit einem Fokus auf Österreich, Göttingen: V&R, 207-235.
Dürscheid, Christa (2015). Interaktionsräume ohne Grenzen? Texte in den neuen Medien.In: Dalmas, Martine; Foschi Alberg, Marina; Hepp, Marianne; Neuland, Eva (Hrsg.), Texte im Spannungsfeld von medialen Spielräumen und Normorientierung, München: Iudicium, 74-88.
Dürscheid, Christa (2015). Varianz, Konstanz und Kasus.In: Peschel, Corinna; Runschke, Kerstin (Hrsg.), Sprachvariation und Sprachreflexion in interkulturellen Kontexten, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 117-140.
Egorova, Ekaterina; Tenbrink, Thora; Purves, Ross S. (2015). Where snow is a landmark: route direction elements in Alpine contexts. In: Fabrikant, Sara I.; Raubal, Martin; Bertolotto, Michela; Davies, Clare; Freundschuh, Scott; Bell, Scott (Hrsg.), Spatial Information Theory. 12th International Conference, COSIT 2015, Santa Fe, NM, USA, October 12-16, 2015, Proceedings, Cham: Springer, 175-195.
Gerards, David; Meinitzer, Benjamin (2015). Außergewöhnlich: Modalpartikeln im Spanischen? Ein Beschreibungsansatz für spanische Modalpartikeln auf der Grundlage des Sprachenvergleichs Spanisch–Deutsch, In: Reimann, Daniel; Robles i Sabater, Ferran (Hrsg.), Proceedings Contrastivica III,. Tübingen: Narr.
Gerards, David (2015). O infinitivo conxugado galego: signo indexical e ato identitário, in: Hendrich, Yvonne; Meisnitzer, Benjamin (Hrsg.), Sprache und Indentität im lusophonen Raum. Stuttgart: ibidem.
Glaser, Elvira; Bart, Gabriela (2015). Dialektsyntax des Schweizerdeutschen.In: Kehrein, Roland; Lameli, Alfred; Rabanus, Stefan (Hrsg.), Regionale Variation des Deutschen. Projekte und Perspektiven, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 81-108.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2015). Interaktionslinguistik.In: Eichinger, Ludwig M. (Hrsg.), Sprachwissenschaft im Fokus. Positionsbestimmungen und Perspektiven, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 43-70.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Müller, Marcus (2015). Sprache in der Kunstkommunikation.In: Felder, Ekkehard; Gardt, Andreas (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sprache und Wissen, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 435-454.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Lindemann, Katrin; Ruoss, Emanuel; Weinzinger, Caroline (2015). Ko-Konstruktionen in der Schrift? Zur Unterscheidung von Face-to-Face-Interaktion und Textkommunikation am Beispiel des Editierens fremder Beiträge in einem Online-Lernforum. In: Dausendschön-Gay, Ulrich; Gülich, Elisabeth; Krafft, Ulrich (Hrsg.), Ko-Konstruktionen in der Interaktion: Die gemeinsame Arbeit an Äusserungen und anderen sozialen Ereignissen, Bielefeld: transcript, 111-138.
Hundt, Marianne (2015). World Englishes.In: Biber, Douglas; Reppen, Randi (Hrsg.), The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 381-400.
Hundt, Marianne (2015). Do-support in early New Zealand and Australian English.In: Collins, Peter (Hrsg.), Grammatical Change in English World-Wide, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 65-86.
Hundt, Marianne; Zipp, Lena; Huber, André (2015). Attitudes towards Varieties of English in Fiji: A shift to endonormativity?World Englishes 34(3):688-707.
Kabatek, Johannes (2015). Sprachkultur und Akkomodation. In: Bernsen, Michael; Eggert, Elmar; Schrott, Angela (Hrsg.), Historische Sprachwissenschaft als philologische Kulturwissenschaft. Festschrift für Franz Lebsanft zum 60. Geburtstag, Bonn: Bonn University Press/Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht Unipress, 165-177.
Kabatek, Johannes (2015). Warum die ‘zweite Historizität’ eben doch die zweite ist – von der Bedeutung von Diskurstraditionen für die Sprachbetrachtung.In: Lebsanft, Franz; Schrott, Angela (Hrsg.), Diskurse, Texte, Traditionen : Modelle und Fachkulturen in der Diskussion, Bonn: Bonn University Press/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 49-62.
Kabatek, Johannes (2015). Wordplay and discourse tradition.In: Zirker, Angelika; Winter-Froemel, Esme (Hrsg.), Wordplay and metalinguistic/metadiscursive reflection. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 213-228.
Loporcaro, Michele (2015). Perfective auxiliation with reflexives in Medieval Romance: syntactic vs. semantic gradients.In: Kailuweit, Rolf; Rosemeyer, Malte (Hrsg.), Auxiliary Selection Revisited : Gradience and Gradualness. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 43-77.
Loporcaro, Michele (2015). The impact of morphology on change in agreement systems.In: Fleischer, Jürg; Rieken, Elisabeth; Widmer, Paul (Hrsg.), Agreement from a Diachronic Perspective, Berlin: De Gruyter, 103-126.
Birkenes, Magnus Breder; Sommer, Florian (2015). 7. The agreement of collective nouns in the history of Ancient Greek and German.In: Gianollo, Chiara; Jäger, Agnes; Penka, Doris (Hrsg.), Language Change at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 183-221.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2015). Borrowing in context: a pragmatic perspective on Turkisms in pre-standardised Balkan Slavic.In: Kelih, Emmerich; Fuchsbauer, Jürgen; Newerkla, Stefan (Hrsg.), Lehnwörter im Slawischen. Empirische und crosslinguistische Perspektiven, Wien: Peter Lang, 211-236.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2015). Functionalising syntactic variance: declarative complementation with kako and če in 17th to 19th century Balkan Slavic. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 3:41-72.
Sonnenhauser, Barbara (2015). Wer kann, der kann. Eine Tautologie im deutsch-slovenischen Sprachkontakt.In: Graf, Elena; Mendoza, Imke; Sonnenhauser, Barbara (Hrsg.), Dekonstruktion und Konstruktion zwischen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. Festschrift für Ulrich Schweier zum 60. Geburtstag, München: Otto Sagner, 275-292.
Stark, Elisabeth (2015). 'De l'oral dans l'écrit'? - Le profil variationnel des SMS (textos) et leur valeur pour la recherche linguistique.In: Jeppesen Kragh, Kirsten; Lindschouw, Jan (Hrsg.), Les variations diasystématiques et leurs interdépendances dans les langues romanes. Actes du Colloque DIA II à Copenhague (19-21 nov. 2012), Strasbourg: Editions deLinguistique et de Philologie ELiPhi, 395-405.
Sautier, Jerome; Derungs, Curdin (2015). Spatial characteristics of a large web n-gram corpus.In: GIR '15 9th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Paris, 26 November 2015 - 27 November 2015, online.
Wartmann, Flurina M.; Egorova, Ekaterina; Derungs, Curdin; Mark, David M.; Purves, Ross S. (2015). "More Than a List: What Outdoor Free Listings of Landscape Categoreis Reveal about Commonsense Geographic Concepts and Memory Search Strategies", COSIT’15, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Pescarini, Diego (2015). The emergence of two classes of clitic clusters in (Italo)Romance, Selected papers from LSRL 42. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 171-184.
Pescarini, Diego (2015). Le costruzioni a doppio oggetto e la sintassi dei clitici romanzi, Plurilinguismo/Sintassi Atti del XLVI Congresso SLI.Roma: Bulzoni, 553-565.
Ruch, Hanna (2015). Vowel convergence and divergence between two Swiss German dialects. In: 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow UK, 10 August 2015 - 14 August 2015.
Samardžić, Tanja; Ljubešić, Nikola; Miličević, Maja (2015). Regional Linguistic Data Initiative (ReLDI), In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing(BSNLP 2015), Hissar, Bulgaria.
Samardžić, Tanja; Schikowski, Robert; Stoll, Sabine (2015). Automatic interlinear glossing as two-level sequence classification, In: Proceedings of the 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities, Beijing, China, 68-72.
Samardžić, Tanja; Scherrer, Yves; Glaser, Elvira (2015). Normalising orthographic and dialectal variants for the automatic processing of Swiss German, In: Proceedings of the 7th Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, Poland.
Jeszenszky, Péter; Weibel, Robert (2015). Measuring boundaries in the dialect continuum. In: The 18th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Lissabon (Portugal), 9 June 2015 - 12 June 2015, online.
Glaser, Elvira; Christen, Helen; Friedli, Matthias (2015). Kleiner Sprachatlas der deutschen Schweiz, Frauenfeld 6. Aufl.
Dürscheid, Christa; Sutter, Patrizia (2014). Wie werden grammatische Helvetismen in Nachschlagewerken behandelt,Sprachspiegel 4:111-118.
Dürscheid, Christa; Sutter, Patrizia (2014). Grammatische Helvetismen im Wörterbuch.ZFAL 60(1):37-65.
Glaser, Elvira (2014). "Wandel und Variation in der Morphosyntax der schweizerdeutschen Dialekte". Taal en Tongval 66:21-64.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2014). Against Interpretation? Exemplarische Bemerkungen zum Selbstverständnis konversationsanalytischer Rekonstruktion.Sozialer Sinn 2:235-252.
Hundt, Marianne (2014). Home is where you're born: Negotiating identity in the diaspora.Studia Neophilologica 86(2):125-137.
Hundt, Marianne (2014). Review of 'A Dictionary of South African Indian English' by Rajend Mesthrie.Journal of Language Contact 7(2):446-452.
Jucker, Andreas H.; Berger, Manuel (2014). The development of discourse presentation in The Times, 1833–1988.Media History 20(1):67-87.
Loporcaro, Michele; Faraoni, Vincenzo; Gardani, Francesco (2014). The third gender of Old Italian. Diachronica 31(1):1-22.
Ruch, Hanna; Harrington, Jonathan (2014). Synchronic and diachronic factors in the change from pre-aspiration to post-aspiration in Andalusian Spanish. Journal of Phonetics 45:12-25.
Neuburger, Kathrin Anne; Stark, Elisabeth (2014). Differential object marking in Corsican. Regularities and triggering factors. Linguistics 52(2):365-389.
Bickel, Balthasar; Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena; Zakharko, Taras (2014). Typological evidence against universal effects of referential scales on case alignment.In: Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Ina; Malchukov, Andrej; Richards, Marc (Hrsg.): Scales and Hierarchies: a cross-disciplinary perspective on referential hierarchies, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 7-44.
Dürscheid, Christa; Frick, Karina (2014). Keyboard-to-Screen-Kommunikation gestern und heute: SMS und WhatsApp im Vergleich.In: Mathias, Alexa; Runkehl, Jens; Siever, Torsten (Hrsg.): Sprachen? Vielfalt! Sprache und Kommunikation in der Gesellschaft und den Medien. Eine Online-Festschrift zum Jubiläum von Peter Schlobinski, Darmstadt: Networx 64, 149-181.
Glaser, Elvira (2014). Hochdeutsch Stadt Mundart.In: Hengartner, Thomas; Schindler, Anna (Hrsg.): Wachstumsschmerzen : gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen der Stadtentwicklung und ihre Bedeutung für Zürich. Zürich: Schulthess, 64-83.
Glaser, Elvira; Clement, Marja (2014). Deutsche Syntax im Lichte des Niederländischen:bekommen-Periphrasen.Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik. [Sonderheft, Niederlandistik und Germanistik im Kontakt. Jelle Stegeman zum Abschied], Amsterdam: Brill, 193-223.
Clement, Marja; Glaser, Elvira (2014). Hoe krijg je dit gepubliceerd? ‘Krijgen‘-constructies in het Nederlands.In: Van de Velde, Freek; Smessaert, Hans; Van Eynde, Frank; Verbrugge, Sara (Hrsg.): Patroon en argument. Een dubbelfeestbundel bij het emeritaat van William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst. Leuven: Universitaire Pers, 195-214.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2014). je länger man hinschaut – Der Betrachter ist im Audioguide.In: Roll, Heike; Spieß, Constanze (Hrsg.): Kunst durch Sprache – Sprache durch Kunst. Duisburg: Waxmann, 37-56.
Hundt, Marianne (2014). Heterogeneity vs. homogeneity.In: Auer, Anita; Schreier, D.; Watts, Richard J. (Hrsg.): Letter Writing and Language Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 72-100.
Hundt, Marianne (2014). Zero articles in Indian English. A Comparison of primary and secondary diaspora situations.In: Hundt, Marianne; Sharma, Devyani (Hrsg.): English in the Indian Diaspora. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 131-170.
Hundt, Marianne; Sharma, Devyani (2014). Introduction.In: Hundt, Marianne; Sharma, Devyani (Hrsg.): English in the Indian Diaspora. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-8.
Jucker, Andreas H; Taavitsainen, Irma (2014). Complimenting in the history of American English: A metacommunicative expression analysis.In: Taavitsainen, Irma; Jucker, Andreas H.; Tuominen, Jukka (Hrsg.): Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 257-276.
Jucker, Andreas H; Taavitsainen, Irma (2014). Diachronic corpus pragmatics: Intersections and interactions.In: Taavitsainen, Irma; Jucker, Andreas H.; Tuominen, Jukka (Hrsg.): Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 3-26.
Linke, Angelika (2014). Kommunikationsgeschichte.In: Ágel, Vilmos; Gardt, Andreas (Hrsg.): Paradigmen der aktuellen Sprachgeschichtsforschung, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 22-45.
Loporcaro, Michele (2014). Perfective auxiliation in Italo-Romance: The complementarity of historical and modern cross-dialectal evidence.In: Benincà, Paola; Ledgeway, Adam; Vincent, Nigel (Hrsg.): Diachrony and Dialects: Grammatial Change in the Dialects of Italy. Oxford: Oxford Scholarship, 48-70.
Schreier, Daniel. "On cafeterias and new dialects: the role of primary transmitters." (2014). In: Buschfeld, Sarah; Thomas Hoffmann; Magnus Huber; Kautzsch, Alexander (Hrsg.), The Evolution of Englishes. The Dynamic Model and beyond, Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 231-48.
Rieken, Elisabeth; Widmer, Paul(2014). Kongruiert alles? Zu den Kongruenzmustern des Pronominaladjektivs der Bedeutung ‚all, jeder, ganz‘ im Griechischen und Hethitischen.In: Oettinger, Norbert; Steer, Thomas (Hrsg.): Das Nomen im Indogermanischen, Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 342-359.
Widmer, Paul (2014). "Agreement". In: Giannakis, Georgios K. (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language & Linguistics, Leiden: Brill.
Hundt, Marianne (Hrsg.) (2014). Late Modern English Syntax.Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Hundt, Marianne; Sharma, Devyani (Hrsg.) (2014). English in the Indian Diaspora.Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Pfenninger, Simone E.; Timofeeva, Olga; Gardner, Anne; Honkapohja, Alpo; Hundt, Marianne; Schreier, Daniel (Hrsg.) (2014). Contact, variation, and change in the history of English.Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Derungs, Curdin; Purves, Ross (2014). "Where's near? Using web n-grams to explore spatial relations", Conference Proceedings GIScience Conference, 23-26 September, Vienna.
Samardžić, Tanja; Merlo, Paola (2014). Likelihood of External Causation in the Structure of Events In: Proceedings of the EACL 2014 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Causality in Language (CAtoCL), Gothenburg, Sweden, 40-47.
Aepli, Noëmi; von Waldenfels, Ruprecht; Samardžić, Tanja (2014). Part-of-Speech Tag Disambiguation by Cross-Linguistic Majority Vote, First Workshop on Applying NLP Tools to Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial), COLING 2014, Dublin, Irlande.
Volk, Martin; Clematide, Simon (2014). Detecting Code-Switching in a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus.In: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching, Doha, Qatar, 25 October 2014 - 25 October 2014, 24-33.
Volk, Martin; Graën, Johannes; Callegaro, Elena (2014). Innovations in parallel corpus search tools.In: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), Reykjavik, 26 May 2014 - 31 May 2014.
Graën, Johannes; Batinic, Dolores; Volk, Martin (2014). Cleaning the Europarl Corpus for Linguistic Applications.In: Konvens 2014, Hildesheim, 8 October 2014 - 10 October 2014.
Jeszenszky, Péter; Weibel, Robert (2014). Correlating morphosyntactic dialect variation with geographic distance: Local beats global. GIScience 2014, 24-26 September 2014, Vienna.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Schmitt, Reinhold (2014). Vier Stühle vor dem Altar : Eine interaktionslinguistische Fallstudie zur Raumnutzung in einem "Alpha-Gottesdienst". Arbeitspapiere des UFSP Sprache und Raum (SpuR03), University of Zurich.
Kesselheim, Wolfgang (2014). Ausstellungskommunikation: eine semiotische und gesprächsanalytische Untersuchung multimodaler Wissenskommunikation im Raum. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Zürich.
Derungs, Curdin; Purves, Ross (2013). From text to landscape: locating, identifying and mapping the use of landscape features in a Swiss Alpine corpus. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
Glaser, Elvira (2013). Rezension von: Uriel Weinreich, Languages in contact: French, German and Romansh in twentieth-century Switzerland. With an introduction and notes by Ronald I. Kim and William Labov, Language in Society 42:453-466.
Loporcaro, Michele; Nolè, G; Paciaroni, Tania (2013). Persistenza del neutro nell’italo-romanzo centro-meridionale.Vox Romanica 72:88-137.
Bart, Gabriela; Glaser, Elvira; Sibler, Pius; Weibel, Robert (2013): "Analysis of Swiss German Syntactic Variants Using Spatial Statistics". In: Carrilho Ernestina, Magro, Catarina; Álvarez, Xosé (Hrsg.): Current Approaches to Limits and Areas in Dialectology, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 143-169.
Bickel, Balthasar (2013). Distributional biases in language families.In: Bickel, Balthasar; Grenoble, Lenore A; Peterson, David A; Timberlake, Alan (Hrsg.): Language typology and historical contingency, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 415-444.
Bickel, Balthasar; Iemmolo, Giorgio; Zakharko, Taras; Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena (2013). Patterns of alignment in verb agreement. In: Bakker, Dik; Haspelmath, Martin (Hrsg.): Languages across boundaries: studies in the memory of Anna Siewierska, Berlin: De Gruyter, 15-36.
Dürscheid, Christa; Frehner, Carmen (2013). Email communication. In: Herring, Susan C; Stein, Dieter; Virtanen, Tuija (Hrsg.): Pragmatics of Computer-Mediated Communication, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 35-54.
Glaser, Elvira (2013).Area formation in morphosyntax. In: Auer, Peter; Hilpert, Martin; Stukenbrock, Anja; Szmrezcsanyi, Benedikt (Hrsg.): Space in language and linguistics: geographical, interactional and cognitive perspectives, Berlin: De Gruyter, 195-221.
Hausendorf, Heiko (2013). On the interactive achievement of space – and its possible meanings. In: Auer, Peter; Hilpert, Martin; Stukenbrock, Anja; Szmrezcsanyi, Benedikt (Hrsg.): Space in language and linguistics: geographical, interactional and cognitive perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter, 276-303.
Hundt, Marianne; Schreier, Daniel (2013). "Nothing but a contact language..." In: Schreier, Daniel; Hundt, Marianne (Hrsg.): English as a Contact Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Studies in English Language Series), 1-17.
Jucker, Andreas H. (2013). Corpus pragmatics. In: Östman, Jan-Ola; Verschueren, Jef (Hrsg.): Handbook of Pragmatics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-17.
Loporcaro, Michele; Putzu, I. (2013). Variation in auxiliary selection, syntactic change, and the internal classification of Campidanese Sardinian.In: Paulis, G.; Pinto, I.; Putzu, I. (Hrsg.): Repertorio plurilingue e variazione linguistica a Cagliari, Milano: Franco Angeli, 200-244
Schreier, Daniel (2013). "English as a contact language: lesser-known varieties". In: Schreier, Daniel; Hundt, Marianne (Hrsg.): English as a Contact Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Studies in English Language Series), 149-64.
Schreier, Daniel (2013). "Collecting ethnographic and sociolinguistic data". In: Krug, Manfred; Schlüter, Julia (Hrsg.): Research Methods in Language Variation and Change . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Studies in English Language Series),1-23.
Weiss, Daniel (2013). "The lazy speaker and the fascination of emptiness: colloquial Russian from a typological perspective". In: Kor Chahine, I. (Hrsg.): Contemporary Studies in Slavic Linguistics, Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 91-121.
Schreier Daniel; Hundt, Marianne (Hrsg.) (2013): English as a Contact Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Studies in English Language Series).
Hausendorf, Heiko; Kesselheim, Wolfgang (2013). Können Räume Texte sein? Linguistische Überlegungen zur Unterscheidung von Lesbarkeits- und Benutzbarkeitshinweisen.Arbeitspapiere des UFSP Sprache und Raum (Spur) 2, University of Zurich.
Hausendorf, Heiko; Schmitt, Reinhold (2013). Interaktionsarchitektur und Sozialtopografie: Umrisse einer raumlinguistischen Programmatik.Arbeitspapiere des UFSP Sprache und Raum (Spur) 1, University of Zurich.