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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)



Scherrer, Yves; Stoeckle, Philipp (2017). A Quantitative Approach to Swiss German Dialect Syntax. Talk at the International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLAVE 9). 6th–9th June 2017, Malaga, Spain. PDF


Stoeckle, Philipp: “Quantitative Dialektologie”. Guest lecture in the lecture ‘Dialektologie – Dialettologia – Dialectology’ by Prof. Dr. Elvira Glaser and Prof. Dr. Michele Loporcaro. University of Zurich (CH), 25th October 2016.

Scherrer, Yves; Stoeckle, Philipp: “Schweizerdeutsche Dialekte quantitativ – Dialektometrische Analysen und Vergleich linguistischer Ebenen”. Talk at the 13. Bayerisch-österreichische Dialektologentagung. Erlangen (D), 28th September – 1st October 2016.

Stoeckle, Philipp: “Detecting change in Swiss German morphosyntax”. Talk at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. Murcia (ES), 15th–18th June 2016.

Jeszenszky, Péter: "Comparing Models of Transitions Between Syntactic Variants in the Dialect Continuum". Talk at the Borderland Linguistics Conference. Bristol, UK, 27th–28th June 2016.

Jeszenszky, Péter: "Modeling Transitions between Syntactic Variants in the Dialect Continuum". Talk at the 19th AGILE. Helsinki, Finland, 14th–17th June 2016. 

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Mental Maps in der Sprachgeographie". Talk at the workshop Mental Maps, University of Zurich, 7th April 2016.


Stoeckle, Philipp: "Horizontale und vertikale Variation in der schweizerdeutschen Morphosyntax". Talk at the Linguistic Colloquium, University of Zurich, 3rd December 2015.

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Raumlinguistik und Geographische Informationssysteme". Guest lecture and Workshop at WWU Münster, 13th November 2015.

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Verbverdoppelung im Schweizerdeutschen – Variation und Wandel". Talk at the Saarbrücken Roundtable of Dialect Syntax, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 6th November 2015.

Jeszenszky, Péter: "Are there really isoglosses? Possible methods to quantify boundaries of variants". Talk at the Linguistic afternoon 2015, University of Zurich, 6th November 2015.

Stoeckle, Philipp; Jeszenszky, Péter; Glaser, Elvira; Weibel, Robert: "SynMod: Modelling Morphosyntactic Area Formation in Swiss German". Poster at the UFSP Site Visit, University of Zurich, 27th October 2015.

Poster (PDF, 10 MB)

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Kookkurrenzen in der schweizerdeutschen Morphosyntax". Poster at the 5. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen, Université du Luxembourg, Luxemburg, 11th September 2015.

Schwarz, Christian; Stoeckle, Philipp: "Stadt, Land, Berg. Vom Zusammenspiel von Dialektwahrnehmung und Raumstruktur". Talk at the 5. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen, Université du Luxembourg, Luxemburg, 10th September 2015.

Jeszenszky, Péter: Interview for angesprochen. Der Linguistik-Podcast, University of Zurich, 25th July 2015.

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Verb doubling in Swiss German - Geographic variation and diachronic development". Talk at the Workshop European Dialect Syntax (EdiSyn) VIII, University of Zurich, 12th June 2015.

Jeszenszky, Péter; Weibel, Robert: "Measuring boundaries in the dialect continuum – Modeling variation and area formation in linguistic data". Talk at the 18th AGILE, University of Lisbon, 11th June 2015.

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Co-Occurrences of Doubling Verbs in Swiss German". Poster at the International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) , University of Leipzig, 27th May 2015.

Jeszenszky, Péter: "Wirkungen der geographischen Faktoren auf die schweizerdeutsche syntaktische Variation. Zwei Fallstudien: Reisezeiten für die Vorhersage linguistischer Distanzen und Quantifizierung der intralinguistischen Grenzen". Invited Speaker at the Germanistik-Kolloquium Kyoto, Kyoto University, 17th April 2015.


Stoeckle, Philipp: "Co-Occurrences in Swiss German Morphosyntax". Talk at the workshop Dialect Syntax – The State of the Art, Universität Frankfurt, 5th December 2014.

Derungs, Curdin; Jeszenszky, Péter; Stoeckle, Philipp: "ArcGIS-Workshop". Workshop at the 6. Kolloquium des "Forums Sprachvariation" der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD), University of Zurich, 18th October 2014.

Jeszenszky, Péter; Weibel, Robert: "Correlating morphosyntactic dialect variation with geographic distance: Local beats global". Talk at the Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Vienna University of Technology, 25th September 2014.

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Linguistic Geography and GIS". Workshop at the international summer school Tools and Techniques in Geolinguistics, University of Kiel, 22th August 2014.

Slides (PDF, 11 MB)

Stoeckle, Philipp & Jeszensky, Péter: "Two-dimensional variation in Swiss German morphosyntax". Talk at the conference Methods in Dialectology XV, University of Groningen, 13th August 2014.

Kellerhals, Sandra; Scherrer, Yves; Glaser, Elvira & Weibel, Robert: "The distribution of aggregated syntactic construction types compared with other linguistic levels - A dialectometrical analysis of Swiss German dialects". Talk at the conference Methods in Dialectology XV, University of Groningen, 13th August 2014.

Jeszenszky, Péter; Stoeckle, Philipp; & Weibel, Robert: "Exploring global and local patterns of the correlation of geographic distances with morpho-syntactic variation in Swiss German dialects". Talk at the conference Methods in Dialectology XV, University of Groningen, 12th August 2014.

Jeszenszky, Péter: "Correlating geographic distances with morphosyntactic variation in Swiss German dialects". Talk at the 8th Days of Swiss Linguistics, Universtiy of Zurich, 19th June 2014.

Bart, Gabriela; Hasse, Anja; Stoeckle, Philipp & Glaser, Elvira: "Variation in der schweizerdeutschen Morphosyntax". Talk at the 8th Days of Swiss Linguistics, University of Zurich, 19th June 2014.

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Co-occurrences of doubling verbs in Swiss German dialects". Talk at the workshop Maps and Grammar, University of Zurich, 21st March 2014.

Jeszensky, Péter: "Quantifying effects of geographic factors on morpho-syntactic variation in Swiss German dialects". Talk at the workshop Maps and Grammar, University of Zurich, 21st March 2014.

Bachmann, Sandro; Bart, Gabriela; Jeszensky, Péter & Stoeckle, Philipp: "SADS – Syntaktischer Atlas der Deutschen Schweiz / SynMod – Modellierung morpho-syntaktischer Raumbildung im Schweizerdeutschen". Poster at the Linguistic afternoon, University of Zurich, 21st February 2014.

Poster (PDF, 5 MB)

Jeszensky, Péter; Stoeckle, Philipp & Weibel, Robert: "Correlating geographic distances with morpho-syntactic variation in Swiss German dialects." Talk at the Forum for Germanic Language Studies 11, Newnham College, Cambridge 9th January 2014.

Stoeckle, Philipp: "Dialect and identity: The folk linguistic construction of local dialect areas." Talk at the Forum for Germanic Language Studies 11, Newnham College, Cambridge 9th January 2014.


Stoeckle, Philipp: "Does geography influence dialectal variation?". Talk at the workshop Landscape through the Prism of Language, Zurich, 1st June 2013.

Jeszensky, Péter: "Correlation of Geography and Syntactic Distances in Swiss German Dialects". Talk at the Workshop Morphologie und Syntax deutscher Dialekte, Freiburg im Breisgau (D), 8th-9th November 2013.