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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

UPgrading the Skills of Linguistics and Language Students (UPSKILLS)



Funded by:

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URPP "Language and Space" is one of the initiators and a partner in this Swiss-European project whose goal is to improve the employability of students in language-related fields. To address the identified skills gaps which keep our students' employability limited despite great opportunities, project partners work together with companies and other employers. We focus on four main objectives: 

  • Needs analysis: understand better what needs to be improved in university curricula.  
  • Integrating research into teaching: allow students to experience research and problem solving before graduating.
  • Learning content: teach tech skills, programming, data management and infrastructure.
  • Educational games: create a shared virtual environment to guide the students across universities through the common learning content and challenges.

Members of the UPSKILLS consortium

Funded by Movetia:

  • Uni Zurich (CH)
  • Uni Geneva (CH)

Funded by Erasmus+

  • The University of Graz (AU)
  • Uni Bologna (IT)
  • Uni Malta (MT), main coordinator
  • Uni Belgrade (RS) 
  • Uni Rijeka (HR)


  • 25 June 2021 

"Every time I hire a linguist… Emergent tech profiles for linguists, translators and language experts"

This one day event brings together students, academics, industry and institutional representatives, to present and discuss the first results of the UPSKILLS project and provide opportunities for networking. After a vision statement by a representative of the European Commission’s DGT, we will present a needs analysis in which we surveyed the academic literature on the subject, courses offered by language and linguistics curricula across Europe, and job positions. Two sessions will follow: in the first one, representatives from the language industry and research centres will describe some of the tasks for which they hire language and linguistics experts, while in the second staff and students from two Master’s degrees integrating languages and technology will present their experience. The event concludes with an interactive session in which participants are invited to contribute their views on emergent tech profiles for linguists, translators and language experts.
  • 28 April 2021

 Kick-off Meeting of the Digital Learning Commnuity at the DSI


DSI Digital Learning Community

We are proud to be among the initiators of the Digital Learning Community, which is jointly supported by the UPSKILLS project and the UZH  Digital Society Initiative. The new community will allow us to join forces and synchronise wider efforts on introducing educational games and other forms of digital learning. 

More community info coming soon!


Weiterführende Informationen


UPSKILLS project @Uni Malta

More about UPSKILLS project @Uni Malta
Movetia intro

Some history

The concept of the UPSKILLS project was created as part of a previous partnership  funded by Movetia, which itself was a follow-up of a SNSF-SCOPES partnership.