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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Colloquium URPP Language and Space in Fall 2019

Location: RAA-E-29, Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich

Time: 16:15 - 18:00

Date Speaker Title
03.10.2019 Katariina Harjunpää (University of Helsinki)

Factuality and agency of an imaginary object: Instructing the Chekhovian acting technique of ‘invisible body’

17.10.2019 Naomi Baron (American University, Washington DC USA)

Wayfaring on the Ground and Onscreen: What to Abandon, What to Embrace

14.11.2019 Lonneke van der Plas (University of Malta)

Where computational linguistics and theoretical linguistics meet: Testing features from linguistic theory with machine learning and constructing multilingual resources

28.11.2019 Christiane von Stutterheim (University of Heidelberg)

From time to space:
The impact of grammatical aspect on motion event descriptions – data from L1 and L2 speakers


Bernd Möbius (Saarland University)


Phonetic convergence in human-human and human-computer interaction

Presentation as part of the DSI-fellowship:

Date Speaker Title
24.10.2019 Naomi Baron (American University, Washington DC USA) Does Medium Matter for Learning? Reading in Print, Onscreen, and with Audio

Entire program with Naomi Baron (talks and discussion possibilities): Link