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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Colloquium URPP Language and Space in Spring 2019

Location 14.3., 28.3., 11.4.: Room SOD-1-105, Schönberggasse 9, 8001 Zürich

Location 23.5..: Raum RAI-J-031, Rämistrasse 74, 8001 Zürich

Time: 16:15 - 18:00

Date Speaker Title
14.03.2019 Thomas Krefeld (LMU Munich)

Interlinguale Geolinguistik und Digital Humanities: das Projekt VerbaAlpina


Philippe Boula de Mareuil (LIMSI, CNRS, Orsay)

Towards a speaking atlas of dialects and minority languages of (Western) Europe

23.05.2019 Pilar Prieto (University Pomeu Fabra, Barcelona)

Enacting prosody in the classroom: How the prosody in our hands helps us learn pronunciation in a second language