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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Colloquium URPP Language and Space in Spring 2018

Location: Room SOD-1-105, Schönberggasse 9, 8001 Zürich

Time: 16:15 - 18:00

Date Speaker Title
15.03.2018 Gerhard Jäger (University of Tübingen)

Typologies in equilibrium

12.04.2018 Geert Brône (KU Leuven) Die Koordination von Blickverhalten in der Interaktion. Eine Eye-Tracking-Studie zu Feedback und Feedbackelizitierung in triadischen Gesprächen

Claudia Cathomas (UZH and Institut für Kulturforschung Graubünden), Géraldine Walther (UZH), Volker Dellwo, Hanna Ruch (both UZH)

FFG Accommodation and Social Categorization - reports and prospects

Michele Loporcaro (University of Zurich) et al.

Andrew Smith (University of Stirling), Stefan Höfler (Universität Zürich)

Project presentation "The Zurich database of agreement in Italo-Romance"


Project presentation "From Social Interaction to Symbols and Grammar"

31.05.2018 Patti Adank (University College London)

The role of motor cortex in speech perception