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URPP Language and Space

Newly approved third party funded projects within the URPP Language and Space

New third party projects have been approved for the CorpusLab and the research groups of the URPP Language and Space:


The project “ReLDI” (Regional Linguistic Data Initiative) (SNSF, SCOPES) as part of the CorpusLab (project partners: Tanja Samardžić (PI), Maja Miličević, Nikola Ljubešić) got an additional Valorisation Grant from the SNSF, supporting activities that will take place from January till June 2018.

“Non-randomness in Morphological Diversity: A Computational Approach Based on Multilingual Corpora”
PI: Tanja Samardžić, UZH
Funding source: SNSF
Starting date: April 2018

Research group "Accommodation and Social Categorization":

“The development of verb-initial structures cross-linguistically: insights from Austroasiatic”
PI: Mathias Jenny, UZH
Funding source: SNSF
Starting date: February 2018

Research group "Areal Morphology":

"'Ill-bred sons', friends and relatives: tracing the multiple affiliations of Balkan Slavic"
PI: Barbara Sonnenhauser, UZH
Funding source: SNSF
Starting date: 2018

Research group "Systems of Nominal Determination in Contact (SyNoDe)":

"Distribution and function of ‘partitive articles’ in Romance (DiFuPaRo): a microvariation analysis"
PIs: Elisabeth Stark, UZH, and Cecilia Poletto, University of Frankfurt
Funding source:  D-A-C-H, SNSF, and DFG
Starting date: Spring 2018

"Partitivity in European languages (PARTE)"
PI: Petra Sleeman, University of Amsterdam
Funding source: NWO, The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research and co-funded by the Universities of Zurich, Venice, Budapest, and Pavia
Starting date: October 2017

"Prepositions in English Argument Structure across Time and Space: A Corpus-based Evolutionary Construction Grammar Approach"
PI: Marianne Hundt, UZH
Funding source: SNSF
Starting date: 2018
