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24. January 2019, University of Zurich
Workshop as part of the URPP research group "Areal Morphology", organized by Peter Ranacher, leader GISGroup in the Language and Space Lab
Invited Speakers: Marco Túlio Pacheco Coelho is a researcher at the Biocultural Diversity & Conservation lab at Colorado State University (USA) and at the Theoretical Ecology and Synthesis lab at Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil) where he uses methods of Biogeography, such as mechanistic simulation models, to investigate two fundamental facts about human diversity: why do humans speak so many languages and why are these languages so unevenly distributed across the globe.
More details can be found here
25. January 2019, University of Zurich
Workshop as part of the URPP research group "Systems of Nominal Determination in Contact (SyNoDe)", organized by Tabea Ihsane and Elisabeth Stark
More information about the PARTE network can be found here.
2. - 3. September 2019, University of Pavia
The second partitivity workshop will be organized in Pavia, by PARTE member Silvia Luraghi. The title of the workshop is “Partitive cases, pronouns and determiners: diachrony and variation”. The keynote speakers are Michael Daniel (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow) and Riho Grünthal (University of Helsinki). The workshop will take place in the Collegio Cardano. Most of the PARTE members were part of the scientific committee and/or will present their recent research at the workshop. The call for proposals was not limited to PARTE members, which has led to a very interesting mixed program. The workshop is sponsored by NWO and the University of Pavia.
19. September 2019, Faculty of science, University of Neuchâtel
Presented by Wolfgang Kesselheim and Christina Brandenberger, URPP Language and Space
27. September 2019, Universität Zürich
Der Workshop wurde im Rahmen der Übung "Linguistische Gesprächsforschung" von studentischen Arbeitsgruppen vorbereitet und von Heiko Hausendorf, David Koch und Alexandra Zoller organisiert.
3. - 5. October 2019, University of Zurich
The conference is part of the SNFS-funded research project "The Zurich database of agreement in Italo-Romance" and will feature presentations by its international consultants, Prof. Greville Corbett and Prof. Jürg Fleischer, intertwined with talks by further invited speakers, by project members and by other colleagues working on agreement, selected through a cfp and peer-reviewing.
Further contributions by
Diego Pescarini, Giuseppina Silvestri, Serena Romagnoli, Tania Paciaroni, Mario Wild, Alice Idone, Chiara Zanini, Balthasar Bickel, Sebastian Feddden, Elisabeth Stark, Paul Widmer, Elvira Glaser
25. Oktober 2019, Universität Zürich
Mit Hubert Knoblauch, Professor an der Technischen Universität Berlin
25. - 26. October 2019, University of Fribourg
Every day we encounter a large number of individuals. Some of these are, or become familiar to us, while others remain unknown, or at best superficially familiar. Distinguishing known from unknown people, becoming familiar with unfamiliar ones, or identifying specific individuals based on their faces are socially crucial tasks. We tend to think that these tasks are trivial; mostly we feel that faces are easy to remember, but names are easy to forget. However, there is ample evidence suggesting the contrary: face processing is difficult and error prone, especially when it comes to unfamiliar faces. Few of us, so-called Super-Recognizers, however, excel at this. Although their skills are currently not well understood, interest in their deployment in e.g. policing is rising. In this course, Dr. Meike Ramon offers an introduction into face processing research, with a focus on processing of facial identity. The goals are to provide an understanding of face processing skills with a focus on:
naturally occurring inter-individual differences, and factors that influence individual performance levels;
its neural basis;
differences between human and automatic face processing;
how to identify Super-Recognizers, and if they can make societies safer.
On the other hand, voices also contain information by which a speaker can be recognised. This individuality information is of high social relevance. Humans rely on being recognised and recognition failure is a social misconduct that can lead to high embarrassment. As such voices are a key part of our personality. But the individuality in voices can also be used in industrial individual recognition, e.g. in systems that allow access to specific users based on their voice or in forensic phonetics where the identity of a voice is disputed under legal circumstances. In this part of the course, Prof. Dr. Volker Dellwo will introduce the participants to the fascinating world of voice individuality as well as the social and technical applications related to it. At the end of the course you should understand:
why the acoustic signal of voices is individual;
how humans and machines recognise voices;
the effects of disabilities in recognising voices;
how voice recognition can be applied in legal contexts (forensic phonetics).
4. - 5. November 2019, University of Zurich
In the past few decades, there has been increasing evidence suggesting that the distribution of linguistic features among the world’s languages is influenced by information processing principles of the human mind and brain and that, conversely, cognition may be shaped by the specific linguistic experiences we are exposed to.
We invited contributions for 20-minute talks on the interface of linguistic diversity and language processing, encompassing production, comprehension, and acquisition. Specifically, we invite contributions presenting new evidence on:
whether and how grammars adapt to (cognitive and neurobiological) constraints on processing, learning, and external pressures
whether and how the different grammatical properties of linguistic systems might afford the application of different processing and learning strategies.
Organizers: Sebastian Sauppe, Balthasar Bickel, Sabine Stoll
Program committee: Balthasar Bickel, Nicholas Lester, Martin Meyer, Sebastian Sauppe, Sabine Stoll
4. - 5. November 2019, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
This was a Workshop of the SNSF-funded Project "Distribution and Function of 'Partitive Articles' in Romance (DiFuPaRo): a microvariation analysis". With:
Leonardo Maria Savoia (Università degli studi di Firenze)
Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin (LLF, CNRS – UMR 7110, Université Paris Diderot-
Paris 7)
Natascha Pomino (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
Claudine Fréchet (Université Catholique de Lyon)
Tabea Ihsane (Université de Genève, University of Zürich)
Maria Teresa Espinal (Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona)
Sonia Cyrino (UNICAMP)
Pavel Caha (Masaryk University of Brno)
Jan Davatz (University of Zürich)
Elisabeth Stark (University of Zürich)
Francesco Pinzin (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
Cecilia Poletto (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
11. - 12. November 2019, Universität Zürich
Dieser Workshop wurde von den UFSP Sprache und Raum FFGs Interaktionsräume und Raumreferenz organisiert.