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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Workshops and Conferences 2024

Gebaut, gesprochen und geschrieben: Raum, Architektur und Sprache

Date: 09.09 - 14.09.2024
Location: Villa Garbald, Bergell (GR)
Organized by members of the research group Interactional Spaces


Interdisciplinary perspectives on landscapes in language, society and cognition (ILANSCO 2024)

Date: 09.09 - 11.09.2024
Location: University of Zurich
Organizers: Sara Racca, Cristiana Lucchetti, Philipp Striedl, Aleksej Tikhonov


Systems of Nominal Determination in Europe and Beyond

Date: 06.06 -07.06.2024
Location: University of Zurich
Organized by members of the research group SyNoDe