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URPP Language and Space (2013-2024)

Workshops 2014

Partitivity in Romance and Beyond

Date: 11.12–13.12.2014
Location: University of Zurich
Description: This workshop examined the geographical distribution, morphosyntactic properties, and motivations for partitive elements in Romance and Germanic varieties in contact. It aimed to map these elements in Switzerland and neighboring regions, exploring language-internal and contact-based factors in their development, leading to the establishment of an international "partitivity network."
Organizers: Elisabeth Stark and Giorgio Iemmolo, funded by the SNSF

Visualizing Linguistic Data

Date: 21.11.2014
Location: University of Zurich
Description: The workshop focused on state-of-the-art and innovative visualization techniques for linguistic data. It provided a broad overview of visualization approaches, a critical discussion of these methods, and hands-on practice with real data.
Invited Speakers: André Skupin (San Diego), Alfred Lameli (Marburg), Michael Cysouw (Marburg)
Organizers: Curdin Derungs, Elvira Glaser, Johannes Kabatek, and Philipp Stöckle


Alphagottesdienst als Sozialform. Ein interdisziplinärer Workshop zwischen Linguistik und Religionswissenschaft

Date: 20.10.2014
Location: University of Zurich
Description: The workshop included linguists from the Interactional Spaces research group as well as invited scholars, focusing on an interactional linguistic perspective on the workshop’s theme.
Organizers: Heiko Hausendorf and Reinhold Schmitt (IDS Mannheim)
Download here  the  Working Paper No. 3 for an in-depth look at the interactional linguistic perspective on the workshop’s theme:Arbeitspapier UFSP SpuR Nr. 3 (PDF, 5 MB).

Recht und Raum

Date: 03.04–04.04.2014
Location: University of Zurich
Description: A workshop with Alfons Bora (University of Bielefeld) and members of the Interactional Spaces research group. The first session, "Legal Spaces," took place on April 3, and the second session, "Institution and Architecture," on April 4.
Organizer: Heiko Hausendorf

Maps and Grammar

Date: 21.03.2014
Location: University of Zurich
Description: This workshop facilitated exchange between the Maps and Grammar project of the Meertens Institute (Amsterdam) and the SynMod project of the University of Zurich.
Organizers: Members of the SynMod research project

Lesepräsenz im virtuellen Raum

Date: 19.03.2014
Location: University of Zurich
Description: Workshop with Jörg Bergmann (University of Bielefeld) and members of the Interaction al Spaces research group.
Organizer: Heiko Hausendorf
