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Since 01.10.2020, Ximena Gutierrez is employed as a PostDoc in the SNSF project "Non-randomness in Morphological Diversity: A Computational Approach Based on Multilingual Corpora". She already collaborated as a Swiss Government Excellence Scholar for one year. We are looking forward to further collaboration!
The project "UPgrading the SKIlls of Linguistics and Language Students - UPSKILLS" receives a grant of CHF 92'310 by Movetia.
Innosuisse has awarded a contribution to the preliminary study "Visitor Empowerment: Besucher aktivieren durch sprachwissenschaftlich optimierte Texte", which is being carried out by the Language and Space Lab's VideoGroup and the Technorama. The duration is six months. Congratulations!
URPP Language and Space Doctoral Student Nico Neureiter received an UZH Graduate Campus grant.
In 2019, the Universities of Zurich, Geneva and Belgrade offer a pilot programme "Revisiting research training in linguistics: theory, logic, method", funded by the Swiss agency Movetia: Exchange and Mobility.
For the academic year 2018-2019, Tanja Samardzic receives a teaching assignment at the University of Geneva.
Kenan Hochuli, doctoral student in the Language and Space Lab of the URPP Language and Space, gets a scholarship from the UZH Grants Office.
Language and Space Lab has been approved a new project "Revisiting research training in linguistics: theory, logic, method" (Nr 2018-CH-IP-0012) by Movetia, Exchange and mobility.