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Romanisches Seminar
Zürichbergstrasse 8
CH - 8032 Zürich
+41 (0)44 634 36 03
Office: ZUG E 51a
Concertar una tutoría (Sprechstunde): si necesitas hablar conmigo y no estoy en mi despacho, mándame un email y encontraremos rápidamente un hueco.
Although the term sometimes sounds a bit outdated, I call myself a dialectologist, because my main interest as a linguist is on language variation and change. My research focusses on morphosyntactic variation and change in Spanish and other Ibero-Romance languages, including phenomena attested in social networks such as Twitter. Because I do empirical and quantitative research, I really care about corpora, fieldwork, data collection methods and statistics. I hold a PhD in Spanish Linguistics from the Autonomous University of Madrid, under the supervision of Inés Fernández-Ordóñez and Johannes Kabatek.
Aquí puede encontrar las instrucciones tanto para los exámenes orales como para la realización de trabajos escritos.
Instrucciones para el examen oral (PDF, 64 KB)
Here you will find links to some of the things I do (most of them in Spanish): my popular science blog, my Youtube channel where I talk about research methodology in Linguistics, the Youtube channel of the Ibero-Romance section of the University of Zurich, links to past conferences, R scripts and so on. Enjoy!
Semevadelalengua: mi blog de divulgación lingüística
Youtube: lingüística iberorrománica en Zúrich: divulgación y actividades