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UFSP Sprache und Raum

Completed Projects

PhD, postdoctoral and further ECR projects (co-)funded by the URPP Language and Space

  • Landscape and language – Exploring approaches to extracting landscape perception, Manuel Bär (PhD project), funding until 31.08.2021
  • Spatiotemporal diffusion of morphological patterns in the Ancient Near East, Nour Efrat-Kowalsky (PhD project), funding until 31.12.2020
  • Travelling with Speakers Through Time and Space: Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Language Change, Nico Neureiter (PhD project), funding until 31.12.2021
  • Postdoc project Iris Hübscher, funding until 31.05.2021
  • A morphosyntactic atlas of varieties spoken in Gascony, Tania Paciaroni (Postdoc project), funding until 31.03.2021
  • Interactive discoveries: A video and eye-tracking based study of knowledge construction in science centres, Wolfgang Kesselheim (PI), (SNSF project, 01.07.2016-31.01.2021, project website)
  • PhD projects by Christina Brandenberger and Christoph Hottiger: A video and eye-tracking based study of knowledge construction in science centers.
  • Fellowship at Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) Bochum, Christa Dürscheid, 01.09.2020-31.01.2021
  • Clitics in Contact, Alice Idone (PhD project), funding until 31.12.2020
  • Rhythmic Accommodation in a Dialect Contact Situation. Acoustic and Perception Studies in Grison and Zurich German, Elisa Pellegrino (PI) (Postdoc project), funding until 31.12.2020
  • Corpus-based Study of the noun phrase in Torlak with the focus on post-positive article, Teodora Vuković (PhD project, SNSF, Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists, 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2020)
  • Code-mixing in Tuatschin (Rhaeto-Romance), Claudia Cathomas (PI) (Postdoc project) (till Jan 2020)
  • Development of accommodation in speech and language in early language acquisition, Omnia Ibrahim (PhD project, funding until Nov 2019)
  • Im Raum der Kunst: Voraussetzungen, Konfigurationen und Verfahren der interaktiven Bezugnahme auf zeitgenössische Installationskunst, Sandra Winiger (PhD project, financial support of dissertation project 1-7/2019)
  • Lingering in Public. Interactive Practices of Spatial Production on Urban Squares in Zurich, Antonia Steger (PhD project, funded by the URPP 10/12015 - 09/2019)
  • Interaction at markets in Istanbul and Zurich: a cross-cultural comparison of physical communication behavior and the utilization of spatial resources, Kenan Hochuli (PhD project, funded by the URPP 11/2014 - 10/2018, third party funded by scholarship Candoc Forschungskredit until 05/2019)
  • Pseudo-partitive constructions in Romance and Germanic, Larissa Binder (PhD project, funded until 8/2019)
  • Massively Multimodal Communication and Space, Nathalie Meyer (PhD project, funded by the URPP 2/2015-2/2019, now English department UZH)
  • Dialect contact and linguistic accommodation, Hanna Ruch (PI) (Postdoc project, funded by the URPP 10/2013-9/2018)
  • Partitives in Ibero-Romance: diachrony and language contact, David Gerards (PhD project, funded until 9/2018)
  • The impact of diachronic and diatopic interaction on morphology: a case study from Baltic, Florian Sommer (PhD project, funded by the URPP 4/2015-9/2018, now Department of Greek and Latin Philology UZH)
  • Partitives in Ibero-Romance: diachrony and language contact, David Gerards (PhD project, funded by the URPP 2/2015-7/2018, now University of Leipzig, Institute of Romance Studies)
  • GIS and Linguistic Spatial Data Science, Curdin Derungs, GIS group leader in the Language and Space Lab 1/2014-6/2018, now Hochschule Luzern
  • Syntax and syntax-semantics interface of nominal expressions in cross-linguistic perspective, Tabea Ihsane (Postdoc project funded by the URPP 6/2016-5/2018, afterwards SNSF project DiFuPaRo)
  • Public Valediction. Grief in Virtual Space, Karina Frick (Postdoc project funded by the URPP 9/2016-5/2018, now Hochschuldidaktik UZH)
  • Spatial Language in Alpine Narratives, Ekaterina Egorova (PhD project , funded by the URPP 7/2013-12/2017)
  • Neo-Aramaic dialects across Space and Time (description), Eleanor Coghill (postdoc researcher at the URPP Language and Space 2/2015-7/2016, now professor at the Department of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University)
  • Morphology and Language Contact, Francesco Gardani (postdoc researcher SNSF project Linguistic Morphology in Time and Space, co-funded by the URPP 2-10/2016)
  • Greetings within groups - interaction openings and social events, Anita Diensthuber (financial support of dissertation project 7-12/2016)
  • Discussing the sermon: Uses of the church interior during the "Alpha"-service, Serap Öndüc (PhD project, financial support from URPP: 5-12/2016, now at IDS Mannheim, pragmatics)
  • Modelling morphosyntactic area formation in Swiss German, Philipp Stöckle (Postdoc project, SNSF project SynMod, co-funded by the URPP 7-9/2016), now Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, ÖAW/Wien
  • Morpho-phonological studies on Calabrian dialects, Alice Idone (financial support of dissertation project 10/2015--9/2016, afterwards SNSF project The Zurich database of agreement, DAI)
  • Clitics in Northern Italian Dialects, Diego Pescarini (financial support by URPP 1-12/2015, now CNRS, section 34 (sciences du langage)
  • Approaching language variation in space: human judgements vs. corpus data, Uliana Petrunina (financial support of dissertation project 7/2014-8/2015, now at University of Tromsø)

  • They worked their hardest to investigate the construction's history: Superlative Object Constructions in Late Modern American English, Marianne Hundt (PI), (SNSF Scientific Exchanges, 01.06.2023 – 30.06.2023)
  • R. Purves, A. Majid (PIs), Language as a Window into Conceptualisations of Landscape: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective, Cogito foundation, 01.03.2022-28.02.2023.
  • Local Toponyms of The Canton of St. Gallen / Die Flurnamen des Kantons St. Gallen (TopSG), Elvira Glaser, Ross Purves (SNSF project, 01.02.2016–31.01.2019), Simone Berchtold, Ludwig Rübekeil, Ross Purves (SNSF project, 01.02.2019-31.01.2023)
  • Marie-Luis Merten, Barbara Sonnenhauser (PIs), «So-Reden und Anders-Reden». Mehrsprachigkeit im Alltag – Schüler*innen erzählen, dokumentieren, erforschen, (Partizipative Wissenschaftsakademie, 01.01.2022-31.12.2022)
  • Lernplattform Korpuslinguistik im Kontext der Germanistik (LeKoKo), Noah Bubenhofer, Daniel Knuchel (PI), UZH kompetitiver Lehrkredit, Prorektorat Lehre und Studium, 01.01.2021-30.06.2022
  • Evolution menschlicher Interaktionskonstellationen als Basis der Evolution von Sprache, Kenan Hochuli (PI), (SNSF Early Postdoc.Mobility, 01.01.2022-30.06.2023)
  • Distribution and Function of ‘Partitive articles’ in Romance (DiFuPaRo): a microvariation analysis, Elisabeth Stark (PI), (SNSF-DFG project funding, formula “Lead agency”, 01.06.2018 - 31.05.2022), co-applicant: Cecilia Poletto (DiFuPaRo Website)
  • Experimental Morphosyntax of Romance languages, Johannes Kabatek (PI), (SNSF project, 01.04.2019-31.03.2023)
  • Prepositions in English Argument Structure across Time and Space: A Corpus-based Evolutionary Construction Grammar Approach, Marianne Hundt (PI), (SNSF project, 01.09.2018-31.08.2022, PEAS website)
  • Bullinger-Digital. Digitalisierung des Briefwechsels von Heinrich Bullinger, Martin Volk, Peter Opitz, Tobias Hodel, Andreas Fischer (PIs), (UZH Foundation, 01.01.2021-31.12.2022)
  • Albanisch im Kontakt: Horizontaler Transfer und Identifizierung in der Mehrsprachigkeit, Barbara Sonnenhauser (PI), (SNSF D-A-CH project, 01.05.2019-31.07.2022, more information), together with Claudia Riehl (LMU München), co-applicant: Paul Widmer
  • Geschichten aus dem 'Kleinen Paris' Bulgariens. Eine Digitale Edition des Sbornik von Pop Punčo (1796), Ivan Šimko (PI), (Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung an der UZH, 09.2020-09.2022 more information)
  • Ill-bred sons, family and friends: tracing the multiple affiliations of Balkan Slavic, Barbara Sonnenhauser (PI) (SNSF project, 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2022, more information)
  • Science Dialogue: Wissenschaftskommunikation von Laien für Laien, Wolfgang Kesselheim (PI), Partizipative Wissenschaftsakademie, 01.10.2021-30.04.2022, project website
  • IdaRoE: Indirect direct articles in Romance and English, Marianne Hundt & Elisabeth Stark (PIs), (seed money for joint workshop and application with HU Berlin), 01.06.2021-31.12.2021
  • Neuere Sprachgeschichte Online - eine interaktive Lehr- und Lernumgebung, Noah Bubenhofer, Daniel Knuchel (PI), UZH Digitale Lehre und Forschung, 01.12.2020-31.07.2021
  • The evolution of architecture for interaction, Kenan Hochuli (PI), (Fellowhship DFG Center for Advanced Studies, University Tübingen, 04.2021 and 09.2021)
  • The prehistory of the Baltic preterit system- diachronic changes and morpho-semantics, Yoko Yamazaki (PI) (Swedish Research Council, 01.10.2018-30.09.2021)
  • (Dis-)entangling traditions on the Central Balkans: Performance and perception (TraCeBa), Barbara Sonnenhauser (PI), (ERA.Net-RUS project, 01.07.2018-30.06.2021, project website), co-PIs: Andrej Sobolev (Marburg), Biljana Sikimić (Belgrade)
  • Voice identity across speaking-styles in Persian: Factors affecting voice recognition by humans and machines - ZHAW Leading House South Asia and Iran, Call for Bridging Grants with South Asia and Iran 2019,  Volker Dellwo & Homa Asadi, 04.05.2020-30.04.2021.
  • Visuelle Linguistik. Zur Genese, Funktion und Kategorisierung von Diagrammen in der Sprachwissenschaft, Noah Bubenhofer (PI), SNSF Open Access Funding, 01.10.2020-31.03.2021
  • Multi-modal speech sensing based on 2D and 3D optical and acoustic signals for identity recognition and authentication, Volker Dellwo & Julien Rey (ZHAW) (PI) (SNSF Spark, 01.02.2020-31.03.2021)
  • The development of verb-initial structures cross-linguistically: insights from Austroasiatic, Mathias Jenny (PI) (SNSF project, 01.02.2018 - 31.01.2021, project website)
  • Chatbot-Toolkit für problemorientiertes Lernen in der Linguistik, Kyoko Sugisaki (PI), (UZH Kompetitiver Lehrkredit, 01.01.-31.12.2020, more information)
  • Voice Theft: Chances and risks of digital voice technologies, Volker Dellwo & Sascha Frühholz (SNSF Digital lives, 01.12.2018-30.11.2020, project website)
  • Digitale Sprachressourcen. Empirische Analysen und Perspektiven, Christa Dürscheid (PI), (SNSF project, 01.10.2018 - 31.10.2020, project website)
  • The evolution of genres between standardization and variation: The case of picture post cards. Text and corpus driven studies of patterns of private everyday and tele communication. / Textsortenentwicklung zwischen Standardisierung und Variation: Das Beispiel der Ansichtskarte. Text- und korpuslinguistische Untersuchungen zur Musterhaftigkeit privater Fern- und Alltagsschriftlichkeit, Heiko Hausendorf (PI), (SNSF sinergia project, 01.04.2016–31.03.2020, project homepage), co-applicant: Joachim Scharloth
  • What’s up Switzerland? Language, Individuals and Ideologies in mobile messaging, Elisabeth Stark (PI) (SNSF Sinergia project, see also project website, 01.01.2016-29.02.2020), co-applicants: Christa Dürscheid, Federica Diémoz, Bruno Moretti, Crispin Thurlow, Beat Siebenhaar
  • Acquisition processes in maximally diverse languages: Min(d)ing the ambient language, Sabine Stoll (PI), (ERC consolidator grant, 01.09.2014–31.08.2019)
  • Internal and external causes of appearance and grammatical characteristics of the perfect tense 'to be + passive participle' (Postdoc-Bundesstipendium, 01.09.2018-31.08.2019)
  • AIS, reloaded, Michele Loporcaro (PI) (SNSF project, 01.10.2016–30.09.2019), co-applicants: Stephan Schmid, Diego Pescarini (SNSF)
  • The Diachrony of Agreement Systems: Welsh – Breton – German (and other Germanic languages) / Diachronie von Kongruenzsystemen: Kymrisch – Bretonisch – Deutsch (und weitere germanische Sprachen), Jürg Fleischer (PI), (DFG project, 01.07.2016–30.06.2019), co-PIs: Erich Poppe (Marburg), Paul Widmer (UZH) (UZH’s reseach database, DFG’s research database)
  • Linguistic morphology in time and space (LiMiTS), Balthasar Bickel (PI), (SNSF Sinergia project, 01.02.2016–30.04.2019), co-applicants: Mathias Jenny, Fernando Zuniga, Wolfgang Behr, Paul Widmer, Michele Loporcaro, Robert Weibel
  • Differential Object Marking (DOM) in Spanish: Emergence and tendencies of the current system, Johannes Kabatek (PI) (SNSF project, 01.04.2016-31.03.2019, DOM project page)
  • Die Flurnamen des Kantons St. Gallen (TopSG), Elvira Glaser (PI), (SNSF project, 01.02.16-31.01.19)
  • Die Siedlungsnamen des Kantons Zürich (TopZH), Elvira Glaser (PI), (SNSF project, 01.02.16-31.01.19)
  • The Zurich database of agreement in Italo-Romance, Michele Loporcaro (PI), (SNSF project, 01.10.15–30.09.18, project website)
  • Variantengrammatik des Standarddeutschen, Christa Dürscheid (PI), (SNSF project, 01.02.15-30.09.18, project website)
  • Place-based map generalization (PlaceGen), Robert Weibel, Ross Purves (PI), (SNSF project, 01.06.14-31.05.18, SNSF)
  • Citizen Linguistics, Marianne Hundt (PI), (SNSF Agora project, 01.03.16-31.05.18, project website)
  • Warp, Woof, Wen / Phoneme, Pattern, Pun: Structural Approaches to Early Chinese Texts, Wolfgang Behr, (SNSF Scientific Exchanges, 01.03.-31.05.18)
  • From Social Interaction to Symbols and Grammar: A Unified Model of Language Evolution and Language Change, Stefan Höfler and Andrew D. M. Smith (PIs) (The Cogito Foundation, project website)
  • Predicting the outcomes of dialect contact using agent-based modelling, Hanna Ruch, (SNSF Scientific Exchanges, 01.11.17-30.04.18)
  • Possession in Vedic Sanskrit: Functional domains and inventory of linguistic expressions, Paul Widmer (PI), (SNSF project, 01.05.15-30.04.18)
  • Öffentlichkeit als Interaktion, Antonia Steger, (Graduate Campus workshop contribution, 01.07.17-31.03.18)
  • The Greater Burma Zone – a transitional zone of languages and peoples, Mathias Jenny (PI) (SNSF project 01.03.14–28.02.18, UZH’s reseach databaseSNSF)
  • Variational Pragmatics: Communicative behavior in Germany and Switzerland, Christa Dürscheid, (Strategische Partnerschaft UZH-FUB, 01.01.17-31.01.18)
  • Regional Linguistic Data Initiative (ReLDI), Tanja Samardžić (PI) (funded by SNSF Scopes, 5/2015-6/2017), more information
  • Basic Natural Language Processing (description), Tanja Samardžić (PI) (funded by Hasler Foundation, 2016-2017)
  • Modelling morphosyntactic area formation in Swiss German (SynMod), Elvira Glaser & Robert Weibel (PI) (funded by SNSF, SynMod period 2/2013-1/2016, SynMod+ period 2/16-4/17), more information
  • International and interdisciplinary conference "Spatial Boundaries and Transitions in Language and Interaction: Perspectives from Linguistics and Geography", 23-28 April, 2017, funded by Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF)
  • Academic e-learning platforms as virtual spaces, Heiko Hausendorf (PI) (funded by SNSF, 4/12-12/16)
  • Case decay in the Balkan area, Max Wahlström (University of Helsinki) (Kone Foundation, visiting postdoc at Department of Comparative Linguistics from 01.03.- 31.12.16)
  • Large-scale Annotation and Alignment of Parallel Corpora for the investigation of Linguistic Variation (SPARCLING), Marianne Hundt, Martin Volk (PI) (SNSF project, SPARCLING project page)
  • Variation in space and time: clausal complementation in South Slavic, Barbara Sonnenhauser (PI), (SNSF international exploratory workshop, Zurich, March 17–19, 2016, more information)
  • How language shapes our sense of place, Ross Purves, Flurina Wartmann (PI), (Cogito Foundation, 2016, 15-129-R, link to report)
  • Looking for regularity and only finding chaos? Problems and challenges of morphosyntactic (micro)variation in Gallo-Romance dialectal studies, Elisabeth Stark (PI), (SNSF conference contribution, 01.09.-30.09.16)
  • Schrift und Bild in der mobilen Kommunikation, Christa Dürscheid (Alfred Krupp Senior Fellowship, 01.04.-30.09.18)
  • St. Galler Namenbuch: Die Siedlungsnamen des Kantons St. Gallen, Elvira Glaser (PI), (SNSF project, 01.08.12-31.08.16)
  • Schaffhauser Namenbuch: Die Orts- und Flurnamen des Kantons Schaffhausen, Elvira Glaser (PI), (SNSF project, 01.08.13-31.01.16)
  • Partitivity in Romance and Beyond: geographical distribution and grammatical correlations, Elisabeth Stark (PI), (SNSF International Exploratory Workshop funding, 01.12.14-28.02.15)
  • Mobile teaching (description), Heiko Hausendorf (PI) (funded by Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung UZH, 2013)
  • Areal dynamics as a cue to diachronic reconstruction (description), Michele Loporcaro (PI), (funded by Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin 2013/2014)
  • Does syntactic microvariation across Campidanese correlate with dialect sub-areas? (description), Michele Loporcaro (PI), (funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna)