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UFSP Sprache und Raum

Projects “SyNoDe”

Ongoing projects

  • Prototypes and Parts-of-Speech (ProPoS): A cross-linguistic, multi-methods approach to categorization with a focus on Adjectives, Marianne Hundt, Alexis Hervais-Adelman, Lena Jäger, Fernando Zuñiga (PIs), (SNSF, 01.08.2022-31.07.2026)
  • The Balkan sprachbund reconsidered. A multi-variate, historicist approach to the ‘prototypical’ case of a sprachbund, Olivier Winistörfer, (SNSF, 01.09.2021-31.01.2025)
  • DOM among Romanian migrants in Madrid, PhD project Senta Zeugin.
  • Rural sociolinguistics in the Canary Islands: linguistic innovation and diffusion (RurICan), Carlota de Benito Moreno (PI), (SNSF project, 01.10.2020-31.07.2024) Website

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Microvariation morphosyntaxique galloromane. Enjeux et défis

Das von Benjamin Massot und Elisabeth Stark herausgegebene Volume 41 der Zeitschrift Lingvisticæ Investigationes zum Thema "Microvariation morphosyntaxique galloromane: Enjeux et défis" ist erschienen: Lingvisticæ Investigationes, Volume 41, Issue 1, 2018


SyNoDe Poster

DiFuPaRo Poster NaP2019