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Programm ISLE3 in Zürich online

Die Third Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English(ISLE3) findet in Zürich vom 24.-27. August 2014 statt und wird vom Englischen Seminar der UZH veranstaltet. Marianne Hundt, Gerold Schneider und Elena Seoane halten einen Vortrag zum Thema "Who is more active and involved? A corpus-based approach to voice in academic Englishes". Lena Zipp und André Huber präsentieren ein Poster zum Thema "Attitudes towards Varieties of English in Fiji".


Weiterführende Informationen

Third International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English

ISLE 3 takes place in Zurich, Switzerland, 24-27 August 2014. The special theme of the conference is "Building Bridges - inter- and intradisciplinary research"